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Psychology - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

In the past few years, my best friend since childhood has started to go through personality changes which can last anywhere from 5 minutes to 5 hours. While she is generally extraordinarily intelligent, charming, and one of the most genuinely sweet people I know, during these phases she is the epitome of emotional coldness. She says she can't feel anything but scorn towards those closest to her, and acts purposefully to hurt them during these phases. They only come about once a month, and it is usually her boyfriend of 2 years who gets it the worst, even though she is otherwise adamant about how wonderful she thinks he is, and demonstrates it on a daily basis. She is never violent or excessively angry during the phase - just cold, derisive, and cruel. After she "snaps out of it" she apologises and cries, and returns to her sweet self until this happens again.

Has anyone heard of this or witnessed anything like it before??? Please help!

2006-12-24 09:25:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yesterday (there's a song there somewhere) I was on cloud nine and I saw one of its inhabitants...(like... there's no one quite like her round where I live), today I feel as though I'm in an empty room ...I feel lost.... I can feel all those miles we are apart. Can anyone empathise with this kind of feeling.

2006-12-24 09:11:08 · 13 answers · asked by ~☆ Petit ♥ Chou ☆~ 7

2006-12-24 09:08:48 · 11 answers · asked by rambo 1

Does anyone know a way to make me laugh? Or something I can do?

2006-12-24 09:04:38 · 21 answers · asked by cherry66 2

if we think everyone deserves the best that life can give us why do we feel the need to destroy people i feel this is so sad and i as a pearson fell hopeless

2006-12-24 09:01:14 · 10 answers · asked by stirling silver 3

if we think everyone deserves the best that life can give us why do we feel the need to destroy people i feel this is so sad and i as a pearson fell hopeless

2006-12-24 08:56:41 · 6 answers · asked by stirling silver 3

2006-12-24 08:56:11 · 10 answers · asked by narcissa 5

Sitting here listening to Queen's "I want it all" I got to thinking about that. We all just assume we can't have it all, because we are told we can't. So I wondered if there could be a world where there were lots of drive in theaters, hamburger joints, fast cars and cheap gas. Thomas wolfe said we can never go home again. What if he is wrong? Construct a world where all the things you love exist and you are truely happy. Fantasy you say, maybe, just maybe Autism. Sci Fi calls it parallel universes, religion calls it heaven. Really think about the old saying, a dogs life. Watch dogs for a while and then tell me they don't live better than us.

2006-12-24 08:55:22 · 3 answers · asked by vollenly 1

i had this dream repeatedly in different moments its scary but i wander what it means

2006-12-24 08:54:07 · 8 answers · asked by sue 1

I have had hundreds of jobs, but the few I've really liked didn't last long. I liked working in a hospital as a phlebotomist(blood drawer), but the politics of the job kicked me out. Then, I rode racehorses for a few months (I have 20+ years experience riding)and after falling off 2 times I'd had it. I went through 3 years of pre-nursing and once I was in the program, I dropped out just before mid-term of my first semester. My husband has a good prospect of a good paying job, paying enough so I wouldn't have to work and can't understand why taking care of the house, him, and my daughter is not enough for me. HELP!!!

2006-12-24 08:51:17 · 6 answers · asked by supermomchicky 1

2006-12-24 08:49:16 · 13 answers · asked by femme.fatale_x 1

if u are colored blind like......... lets say u can see every color but red. if someone was wearing a red shirt what would u see it as. would the shirt turn like gray or another color? i do not get it. plz help! thanks

2006-12-24 08:40:51 · 3 answers · asked by lilgoat 2

2006-12-24 07:56:30 · 29 answers · asked by area52 6

I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year. All the Best.

2006-12-24 07:42:25 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

In short, she told my cousins when they were younger (she never did it to me) that if they touched their penises too much, they would fall off and then they would become girls. My cousins were scared sh-itless. I thought it was sick. What do you think?

2006-12-24 07:39:31 · 9 answers · asked by fslcaptain737 4


I keep haveing the same nightmare every night for the past month. In the nightmare I'm walking around London but its empty and theres a lot of fog, there are no sounds and a weird smell, some times I come to a fence and have to clime it and then keep going, the fog in the dream is really thick I can only see about ten feet in front of me and the smell is really weird and I'm always wearing the same thing. One night I came across an old lady a she told me the one who betrayed me will return then she disapered, a few nights after that a weird wolf-like thing chased me the disapeared. What does all of this mean?

2006-12-24 07:20:32 · 8 answers · asked by [random name] 4

A friend says that 60% of people who join AA leave after several weeks, or less than a year anyway, mostly because they go back to drinking. Is this true? Does this figure include people who come to one meeting and don't even join because they are told they have to quit all alcohol?

Some people have found AA highly beneficial but are they typical? Does AA 'work' for more than a small minority of alcoholics? By what criteria or on what basis do you say yes or no?

Is there any scientific evidence on the worth of AA?

2006-12-24 07:13:34 · 20 answers · asked by MBK 7

The other day it was on until 7am in the morning. It is outof hand.

2006-12-24 07:11:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-24 07:11:17 · 12 answers · asked by bree 3

How often do people get in a cycle of addiction, rehab, re-addiction, rehab, etc?

2006-12-24 07:06:58 · 9 answers · asked by MBK 7

2006-12-24 06:58:54 · 9 answers · asked by babygirl143_dk 3

2006-12-24 06:54:59 · 18 answers · asked by Miss J 1

My partner he really tries his hardest to make me orgasm via oral it ok to start with but then I just can't cope and I have to say Please stop. We have tried several different ways and tips from book and the fact that i can't let go is begining to upset him (Which is the last thing I want to do). I get this sensation like I am going to pee and I shout stop I have told him my feeling even though It feel odd to. How can I get past this?

2006-12-24 06:51:57 · 20 answers · asked by Miss J 1

My grandma died about 1 month ago. Her daughter (my aunt) has been taking it very hard. She said she has woken up every night between 4 and 5:30am and she starts crying. BUT, she will talk about her death with family members. I think one of the main symptoms of PTSD is the reluctance to talk about the situation. So I don't think she has that.

But, from a psychological viewpoint, what could be the matter? Is that normal to wake up EVERY night at the SAME time? My grandma died around 5pm in the evening. So it's not like she keeps waking up at the time she died. I wonder if there is a significance to that time?

I am a Psych major, but I am having a problem helping her! Please help me! I would appreciate any input about your own personal experience with a family death, or any advice on if we need to get her some professional help.


2006-12-24 06:48:29 · 13 answers · asked by kelikristina 4

aND I dont think i am going to do it but they are getting stronger and stronger

2006-12-24 06:33:53 · 16 answers · asked by lifereject 1

If you are blind from birth, how do you dream? I mean you dont know what color is, you dont exactly have images you have seen in your head and you cant fabricate images because you dont know what anything looks like. So what do they dream?

2006-12-24 06:24:25 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 53 and I firmly belive in keeping busy.......My consern is whenever I hear oh the bumb is on welfare is peevs me .........I started working at 15 bagging groceries for Safeway after school and worked every day since.......until I started driving taxi night shift and did that until I was 35 and as a result of the stess had a nervios breakdown but so would you.....So am I wrong to get welfare?

2006-12-24 06:20:42 · 12 answers · asked by Alan B 1

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