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Other - Social Science - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Other - Social Science

2007-02-09 14:05:13 · 13 answers · asked by Dr. Mojo 3

why won't anyone just let teens have sex with other teens, and why does no one realize that sex itself is not a bad thing?

by the way, I am a teenager, so don't go accusing me of being some predator or something, I just don't want cops coming around for me loving my girlfriend if you know what I mean.

2007-02-09 12:46:20 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know this is a silly questions, but I remember people doing it ten years ago or more and I can not remember why? It was when you got a new pack, you took one and turned it upside down and i think that was the last one you smoked or something. I dont know.

2007-02-09 11:18:16 · 2 answers · asked by shyangel2380 1

she talks about her fiance and her 8 month old baby all the time.
she is getting married in july and she is always saying how much the dress cost. how she is having her hair done. ect...

she goes on about this stuff constantly even if we are talking about something else like college work she manages to bring it into the converstaion.

she never want to hear about anyone elses personal lives.

also when the tutor asks us if we have any questions and i have one she looks at me like i am stupid and always has a sarcastic answer for whatever i say.

one of the other women on the course has noticed it but no-one else has.

she really pisses me off so much. but everyone seems to like her.

it isnt bullying

what should i do?

2007-02-09 10:57:02 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Most if not all of the African-Americans that were forcibly re-located to the Americas lost their heritage. Any genealogical research a young African-American could do into their family history would get as far as when their forefathers were slaves and have to stop there.
At this point in our history that would be many generations going back over a hundred years, but there it would hit a dead end.

How many generations of living in a country are required to be considered a “native”?

In other nations “lost in antiquity” is as good as native is it not? Except for royalty, after a couple of hundred years, most family trees are either lost or are fictionalized anyway.

2007-02-09 06:27:33 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

What about the men? What makes women and children so special? Do we attach "innocence" to women and children? Is it our natural instinct to put women and children above men? Why aren't we even concerned with men?

2007-02-09 06:17:41 · 10 answers · asked by Jerry H 5

i'm feeling very very confused lately; i'm 17 and don't know what to do after high-school, and my parents have important jobs and i have to do something that's at least as important as that, can't let them down. But the thing i've always wanted was to find true love and have a big familty. As i grew up i realised that's almost impossible... i mean, i don't believe in love anymore. i tried to find happiness in religion, but ... i just can't feel it and i feel very guilty because i can't truely believe in God.

is this normal? has it happened to you? if so, did it turn out ok? is it gonna get even harder than this?

2007-02-09 06:11:48 · 28 answers · asked by Lyla 3

not a twin or clone
at any point in time, not just now

2007-02-09 06:08:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Count me as one

2007-02-09 05:59:55 · 8 answers · asked by chris m 5

How do you feel about nanaotechnolgy, what is your perception of it? Do you think this will lead to utopiean dream? or will the world get swallowed in grey goo? I'm intrested in the social aspects of how we as people will interact with the technology, rarther than tech specifics themselves. Why is it hyped up? Why are their protests about it? Will it be in the hands of the masses, or only those that can afford? What applications will we see, not just medical. Will we really all be alchemists or try to turn pencils into diamond? Will we see people embrace this technology, or will people fear it and turn away?

Be Open...

2007-02-09 05:41:01 · 3 answers · asked by andyb998 2

2007-02-09 04:25:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

it's for my youth service i'm doing

2007-02-09 04:07:05 · 2 answers · asked by redhead91 1

it has been said that rhe critical elements of competition are inovation,quality and speed to the market.In the light of technical advance, is this view still sufficient?

2007-02-09 03:24:43 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

like celebrities always says- just be your self and just follow your dreams- do they really applied that before they become celebrities. and does that applied to regular person?

2007-02-09 03:16:57 · 2 answers · asked by allseeneyes 1

many have described all that is missing from a socipath as the essence of a soul .
what do you think

2007-02-09 02:20:07 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous


Do people lie when they say "I don't remember doing that because I was drunk"?

Because I've been drunk before and there were urges to do stuff but I never did them because I knew I'd remember them.

2007-02-09 01:34:33 · 18 answers · asked by Butterfly 1

Do not go where the paths leads, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

2007-02-09 01:09:40 · 4 answers · asked by fact_hunt_1970 3

Have you ever started a new carrier and in general have you ever started from scratch?

2007-02-08 18:33:25 · 25 answers · asked by Bud#21 4

2007-02-08 15:49:07 · 23 answers · asked by caciansf 4

Its funny every time I go on Yahoo answers and see people complaining about it being “a white man’s world” and say they deserve more and better then what they have with out realizing white men worked hard and earned everything they got. Of course there are gonna be some angry people posting here trying to deny the truth but it is not a coincidence that the nicest and best countries to live in tend to be created and ran by white men. And lets be honest the majority of the most important inventions used today that everyone loves so much like Planes, cars, television, computers, phones, the internet, light bulbs, motion pictures, photography, assembly line, ect(I could go on for hours) was once again create by white males. What’s really annoying is when white males create a company and invention, they work hard to make it a success like Boeing, Microsoft, Dell, ect, and then non white males demand they hire them and give them high profile or executive jobs like they are owed something. Imagine white men making the same demands to a company owned by a bunch of minorities, imagine all the crying and whining they would be doing.

And before those who say that its cause of colonialism that white males are so successful, I would like to mention that Northern Africans, Arabs, and Mongolians colonized and oppressed white people before, yet we never made it an excuse for our short comings and we freed ourselves and worked hard to become a success.

And for those who say its because of slavery, I say the majority of countries have had slavery in its passed but obviously it had nothing to do with how successful it is now. Look at Brazil, Mexico, the Caribbean, the Middle East, Africa, ect. All had slavery yet none of these countries are extremely successful today.

So why do people think white men owe, have to give up, or have to share what they’ve created? And how many will tell the truth and admit white males have earned their success?

2007-02-08 14:53:41 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

How did it start?
How many times have you tried to quit it?
Do you think your mind has deterioted somewhat since being on Yahoo Answers?
What is the longest you have stayed on it in one 24 hour period?
How do you plan to stop?????

2007-02-08 14:41:27 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-08 14:39:20 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or will it level off? But then, that doesn't take into account the people who eventually marry (better late than never) or children given up for adoption. Also, statisticians are often dirty liars. And...what does that mean? Are illegitmacy rates higher in bigger cities with more people which happen to contribute the percentage more? Because where I come from way less than 4 out of ten children are illegitimate. All the same, this concerns me a bit. I just don't want our country to become like certain European countries which are basically Clockwork Orange come to life. We should learn from other people's mistakes.

2007-02-08 13:51:19 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

...why don't we just create a new economy, world and conditions where things like that don't happen? As long as things stay the same, won't we have to keep doing it over and over again?

2007-02-08 12:52:05 · 12 answers · asked by Source 4

Yesterday I asked him about what we're doing for Valentine's day, he said he forgot about it. Today I asked him again and he said "do you even want to do anything? it's just a Hallmark holiday"? We've dated/lived together for 2 years, this kind of makes me sad-but should it?

2007-02-08 11:47:30 · 6 answers · asked by PlasticTrees 2

Also, what is the most puzzling thing that you have come across in your life?

2007-02-08 11:40:03 · 3 answers · asked by litz 3

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