I have read pages and pages on the subject and could tell you all about each individual aspect - such as the unconscious mind, id, ego, superego and the Psychosexual stages, defence mechanisms etc. But I'm getting confused about how the theories evolved - ie what is the psychodynamic theory? Did his Psychoanalytic theories come later... eek! I know what I mean! Basically I have to discuss two major aspects of Freudian theory. I am going to write about his theory of consciousness and then about the structural model of personality. I thought I'd then go on to explain how conflict of the egos cause anxiety, which would lead on nicely to defence mechanisms - repression etc.
I've been sat here for two hours though and I can't get started! I understand individual aspects but not how they link - does that make sense!? Can't grasp what Psychodynamics is all about and how it relates - if it does!? Help please!
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