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Social Science - 26 March 2007

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Anthropology · Dream Interpretation · Economics · Gender Studies · Other - Social Science · Psychology · Sociology

What do countries gain by reluctant to contact other cultures? Use examples to support your claims.

2007-03-26 15:37:03 · 2 answers · asked by mysteryperson 1 in Economics

Is it your marriage or your career. Your children or your faith or what is it?

2007-03-26 15:36:52 · 8 answers · asked by SheRa 3 in Psychology

I have a pillow and her name is Rosy, I think she can definitely sense she is ssssoft as sssoft can be. But people tell me I'm weird, What do you think?

2007-03-26 15:15:22 · 9 answers · asked by kdlfadjf 1 in Psychology

I think it is about time to elect a woman president, but I would hate to see Bill skulking around the Whitehouse looking for used chairs to steal or random women to grope while his wife is busy with affairs of state. Try to think of some names of women that are not widely known, but none the less represent woment who have a proven record of accomplishment in their respective fields.

2007-03-26 15:11:30 · 14 answers · asked by el cabo 2 in Gender Studies

my friend has a fear of going on roller coaster and were suppose to go on our end of the year trip soon...and were going to a park with a bunch of HUGE ones how can she get over this!! i tell her just to do it and don't hesitae b/c she will be even more scared!!! WHAT DO U THINK ?IF U HAVE TIPS/PERONAL EXPERINCES PLZZ HELP!!! NO NEGAVTIVE THOUGHTS PLZZ SHE IS TRYING TO GET OVA THE FEAR

2007-03-26 15:06:50 · 5 answers · asked by [♥[Megan]♥] 2 in Psychology

If someone asked Sigmund Freud, "what is human nature?" while he was alive, what would he have said?

2007-03-26 15:06:09 · 3 answers · asked by susie q 2 in Psychology

How can you keep excited over things in the same way they used to excite you the first time you did them?

2007-03-26 15:01:15 · 6 answers · asked by Robbie 1 in Psychology

Can I check off the homeless shelter volunteer tab on my online college application?

2007-03-26 14:55:34 · 6 answers · asked by meeeee 1 in Other - Social Science

And is it possible for someone who is say a size 8,10,12,14 to be a sex symbol? If Angelina Jolie was say a size 10 - would she still have been able to gain all her admirers and status?

2007-03-26 14:55:06 · 15 answers · asked by radiancia 6 in Gender Studies

2007-03-26 14:53:34 · 2 answers · asked by KOdy STOkes 2 in Psychology

2007-03-26 14:51:35 · 9 answers · asked by chikoo 2 in Psychology

2007-03-26 14:47:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

Why or why not?

2007-03-26 14:40:58 · 3 answers · asked by not yet 7 in Economics

i have this school assingment & i need to find a song about bigamists. if you know any songs about a man w/ 2 (or more) wives please tell me......please

2007-03-26 14:40:30 · 2 answers · asked by kiss_ozzy_acdc 1 in Psychology

I am extremely depressed because I do not like the work enviornment that I am in, but there is nothing right now that I can do about it. I have been searching diligently for another job but am not able to find one and because the economy is bad here in Michigan it is difficult for people to find jobs here. People here are already losing their jobs. Also, I don't like the work environment that I am in either. Mainly because of the people The people where I live are so arrogant and all they care about is apperances. If you don't appear to be what they think you look like, they'll try to make your life a living hell. This is the same way with my job. I tired of being critized for my apperance by society because I don't have the prettiest face or the nicest body This has really killed my self-esttem. Its hard to feel good about yourself when society is always critizing your appearance.I need so advice.Serious answers only please. No sarcasm.

2007-03-26 14:38:05 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

Please take some time out of your busy day to hate, ridicule, belittle, antagonize, spread rumors, and be just plain be evil toward someone today. Thank You.

2007-03-26 14:35:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

I've been reading about lucid dreaming for the last 30 mins or so and before i have never heard a thing about it-- can someone explain it in an easy way! Also, I have had dreams before when i am in a very scary situation/nightmare, and i know im dreaming, and SO badly want to wake up but can't-- it's really weird b.c i keep say "this is a dream wake up" but it's so hard to pull myself out of it-- can anyone offer an explanation about any of this? THANKS =)

2007-03-26 14:34:48 · 7 answers · asked by Sarah C- Equine Help 101 5 in Psychology

If they discovered a car which was running (assume it has several years worth of gas) but had no way to disassemble it, what would they conclude about the inner workings of the car and where it came from. Keep in mind that they have no counterpart to an internal combustion engine in their experience.

2007-03-26 14:33:15 · 7 answers · asked by Zefram 2 in Anthropology

mesocephalic, brachycephalic, dolichocephalic...how do you measure which one you have?

2007-03-26 14:31:30 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Anthropology

Hes always been curious to try my pantyhose. He has always complimented me and paid extra attention to how my legs look when I wear my sheers to the office for work or out for dinner etc. Part of me was unsure about letting him try at first. But I'm also thinking why not, if hes so curious, let him give it a try to experience how it feels. I'm really glad that hes confided in me with this, so Im leaning towards letting him do it as a reward in my own mind for being so open with me. Hes a wonderful husband and we have been married for about 9 years, and hes been really supportive of my feelings and career, etc. Just wondering what some of the other women out there think of letting him try or have similar expereinces.

2007-03-26 14:31:25 · 12 answers · asked by debbiebarns43 1 in Gender Studies

b4 this,i hd a dream that my bro was dead.now,it's my sis in law.but (weirdly) she went to her funeral with her husband and
she looks so hapy.i cry but others don't.my relationship with her
is quite well.

2007-03-26 14:22:32 · 6 answers · asked by rubikkiub 3 in Psychology

I can remember my sister's first day of school in September 1976. I can remember my first day of school in September 1977. But I remember nothing of Elvis' death in August 1977. In fact, until well into the 1980's, I assumed Elvis had died in the 60's, and I remember being surprised to learn he had died in 1977.

Isn't childhood memory development weird?

2007-03-26 14:19:52 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

1. Do you hate President Bush, don't he make you miserable?
2. Why did Jeni, Anna Nicole, and others killed themselves, they aren't happy being a millionaire?
3. Why would anyone take that many drugs, what is wrong
with Anna Nicole?
4. Why would Jeni shot himself in the face?
5. Why did that man grilled his dead Texas A&M ex girlfriend?
6. What is going on in this world?
7. Why can't people be happy?
8. And why people don't want other people to be happy?
9. I just wanna know why why why?
10. Are you miserable with your life? Tell me the truth, don't
be giving me no positive attitude, pretending your life is
just fine... Tell me, Are YOU MISERABLE?????

2007-03-26 14:16:59 · 6 answers · asked by Jagger Otto 7 in Psychology

Why do we get songs stuck in out heads, and repeat them all day long? It's kind of creepy once you think about it, we just get a certain phrase in our heads and just repeat it over and over..... Why does this happen, like what's the brain doing etc... Thanks =)

2007-03-26 14:16:50 · 5 answers · asked by Sarah C- Equine Help 101 5 in Psychology

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