As many of you know, there are several thousand people who die each year while waiting for an organ transplant. The main reason is because there are not enough people who sign organ donor cards. Here's the solution: We establish an organ donor lottery, where people who have signed cards and die and donate organs (suicide excluded) are entered into a lottery where their beneficaries could win a million dollars. There would not just be one winner each year, but 20 or 50 winners. So, the possibility that a person who has signed a card, died and donated an organ would win is quite high. The donor would would be doing the right thing - signing the donor card to help strangers as well as his family. Wealthy benefactors would be eager to finance the lottery in order to save thousands of lives. This is a win-win situation which would make heroes out of people who have signed the donor card, and this plan would save literally thousands of lives per year.
3 answers
asked by
The Oracle of Omigod