Here's the deal. On one hand I hear that evolution is only a theory (not fact) that has absolutely no evidence to support it. I hear that it is just as much a faith and religion as any other crazy creation myth. On the other hand, I hear that almost all (if not all) evidence against evolution and for biblical creationism is either a gross misunderstanding, or a gross misinterpretation of existing facts. I also hear that evolution is virtually uncontested in the science world, and that no scientist disagrees with it.
My question is how can I, not a scientist and not connected with the scientific world in anyway, be sure who's telling the truth? I don't doubt that people on both sides say thy are telling the truth (or atleast think they are), but obviously someone is lying. How can I discover the truth?
I will also be posting this question in the Religion & Spirituality board. I think the responeces should be interesting.
16 answers
asked by
Martin S