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Science & Mathematics - 19 August 2007

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Agriculture · Alternative · Astronomy & Space · Biology · Botany · Chemistry · Earth Sciences & Geology · Engineering · Geography · Mathematics · Medicine · Other - Science · Physics · Weather · Zoology

Does anyone have anythoughts on how to prove or disprove this? Tryin to get some practice in before school starts.

Let {ai } be a sequence of real numbers. If this sequence converges, then it converges
to a unique limit.


2007-08-19 16:10:45 · 6 answers · asked by mobaxus 2 in Mathematics

I'm really rusty on my basic math skills how would I graph the following equation? Thank you in advance for all your help!

y = 7 - 6x - x^2

2007-08-19 16:10:13 · 2 answers · asked by Hola Lola! 2 in Mathematics

2007-08-19 16:08:45 · 3 answers · asked by JAMES 4 in Chemistry

Can anyone describe State Iowa's seasonal temperatures?..Does it snow in the winter?..Is it more colder than warmer in Iowa??


2007-08-19 15:59:34 · 3 answers · asked by Alinn 2 in Weather


Imagine if you had a black hole the size of an inch. How much do you think it will suck in, how strong do you think its gravitational pull will be, and do you think if it will grow? Just a random question but it seems really weird to think about. Thanks for offering ideas for our brains to ponder on.

2007-08-19 15:54:22 · 8 answers · asked by alec234tar 2 in Astronomy & Space

I need something of this nature for a science project. I was thinking of maybe heat releasing pellets. I need it to work safely on any type of material.

2007-08-19 15:53:13 · 4 answers · asked by robbinorama 3 in Botany

I have had this pain for almost a year now on the right upper side of my stomach around my liver area, it's like a burning sensation, it burns for about 10 minutes especially when I wake up early in the mornings. I went to a specialist and I did an MRI and nothing showed. Has anyone else had this problem before if you had it, can you tell me what were you diagnosed with?

2007-08-19 15:52:55 · 9 answers · asked by John 2 in Medicine

2007-08-19 15:49:51 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

I swear we've had more rain in the last 2-3 weeks than we've ever had. But I can't find acual rainfall amounts (for my ZIP, county, or region).

2007-08-19 15:49:10 · 2 answers · asked by LazrD 1 in Weather

What gases or vapors found inside a house or building (besides steam or smoke) have color and shape, and could float as an indoor cloud, fog, or visible indoor air mass?

Could static electricity somehow create such a phenomenon?
Have you heard of airborne dust in a room ever forming a floating cloud?

Any answer, thought, or idea as to the cause is appreciated.

Science, and/or science fiction possiblites welcome.

2007-08-19 15:48:37 · 3 answers · asked by AngeloElectro 6 in Physics

I remember a few years ago the weather channel was informative but now it's like any other ultra-cencored, bias, 3rd-grade-reading-level "news" station...Has it been acquired by a corporation in the last few years???and if so does that corporation have any interest in defense industries?

2007-08-19 15:47:25 · 1 answers · asked by T-monster 3 in Weather

2007-08-19 15:40:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weather

Here's the deal. On one hand I hear that evolution is only a theory (not fact) that has absolutely no evidence to support it. I hear that it is just as much a faith and religion as any other crazy creation myth. On the other hand, I hear that almost all (if not all) evidence against evolution and for biblical creationism is either a gross misunderstanding, or a gross misinterpretation of existing facts. I also hear that evolution is virtually uncontested in the science world, and that no scientist disagrees with it.

My question is how can I, not a scientist and not connected with the scientific world in anyway, be sure who's telling the truth? I don't doubt that people on both sides say thy are telling the truth (or atleast think they are), but obviously someone is lying. How can I discover the truth?

I will also be posting this question in the Religion & Spirituality board. I think the responeces should be interesting.

2007-08-19 15:39:36 · 16 answers · asked by Martin S 2 in Biology

find all real or imaginary soulutions to this equation. use the method of your choice.

2007-08-19 15:36:21 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

I can think of ways it would explain some things, but what do you think?

2007-08-19 15:36:09 · 3 answers · asked by Incognito 7 in Physics

have you ever seen a ufo

2007-08-19 15:36:07 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

is it possible for there to be a hurricane that big? if so, would it be able to come inward, like towards the other states as opposed to just the states on the coast? (i live in california)

2007-08-19 15:34:49 · 21 answers · asked by Darunik 3 in Weather

languages did these words originally come from??

notorious, brouge
volcano, madonna
tapioca, caste
mammoth, vodka
plaid, galore

just wondering

2007-08-19 15:33:49 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Earth Sciences & Geology


find all real or imaginary soulutions to this equation. use the method of your choice.

2007-08-19 15:33:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

Me = 5.97 x 10^24kg
Mm = 7.34 x 10^22kg

F = G*Me*Mm/r^2
F = 6.67x10^-11(5.97 x 10^24)(7.34 x 10^22kg)/(3.84x10^9)^2
F = 1.98x10^18N

F = Mm*a
1.98x10^18N = 7.34 x 10^22(a)
a = 2.7x10^5m/s^2

v2^2 = v1^2 - 2ad
v2^2 = 0 - 2(-2.7x10^5)(3.6x10^9)
v2^2 = 1.94x10^15
v2 = 4.41x10^7m/s

a = v2 - v1 / t
2.7x10^5 = 4.41x10^7 / t
t = 163sec

SO, if Earth and Moon were completely still and if the moon wasn't orbiting the Earth, the Moon would hit Earth in 163 sec which is just under 3 min. But i don't know if I was correct in my calculations to make Earth a point reference.

Now the question, is the Moon's orbit around the Earth (constant free-fall) preventing the Moon from hitting Earth??

2007-08-19 15:31:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

a. 16inches
b. 26.6 centimeters
c. 1.1 feet
d. 0.4 meters
How would you show work on these.

I think its A, B, D then C.
Cause the smallest measure is inches then cm then meters then feet.
Am I right?
If not then show me.

2007-08-19 15:31:24 · 7 answers · asked by valerie h 2 in Mathematics

or at what level

2007-08-19 15:26:43 · 4 answers · asked by Mr. Ree 5 in Engineering

Okay, i have this OVERWELMING fear of tornadoes, when ever the red bar goes on the channel saying there's a severe thunderstorm watch i panic. I live in Ontario. I've never seen a tornado, but once, when i was swimming when i was like 5, there was apparently an f1 in my city. Im really scared and i want to know the chances of one hitting in eastern/southern ontario?? I hate this fear!!!When ever i see a dark cloud coming i get scarred :( .

2007-08-19 15:24:31 · 7 answers · asked by Leah 2 in Weather

Can a planet be made to have the characteristics of earth?
Using advance sciences.

2007-08-19 15:23:36 · 9 answers · asked by Harry W 3 in Astronomy & Space

-How does fireflies create light?
-If I kill it, will there be something like light bulb there?
-If there something like light bulb, can I use batteries to power it?

2007-08-19 15:20:06 · 3 answers · asked by SV650s 4 in Physics

1.How fast does life travel?
2.What is the distance of Astromocial Unit?
3.What is the distance between the earth & the sun?
4.How long does it take sunlight to reach the earth?

If,you don't know the answer! Don't bother by answering the damn question!

2007-08-19 15:16:03 · 16 answers · asked by Blessed__ 6 in Astronomy & Space

bacteria splits every 20min for 3 days how many are there by the end of 3 day?

2007-08-19 15:13:36 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

I need to obtain a single fraction, here is the expression:

(2x / x^2 - 6x +9) - (1 / x + 1) - (8 / 2^(2) - 2x -3)

I dont need the answer, but how to start this problem. Thank You.

2007-08-19 15:07:56 · 3 answers · asked by Dan 3 in Mathematics

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