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Pregnancy - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

My daughter was sterilised in January. She was feeling unwell so went to see her GP. She is 6 weeks pregnant. Has this happened to anyone else as I have never heard of it before.

2007-10-12 04:41:31 · 8 answers · asked by eddief 4


We have life and health insurance at my work. Life is free and we automatically receive it. Health is not free and optional to purchase. I did not purchase the health insurance. Not long from now I will be going on maternity leave and I was wondering if this will be covered by my life policy. Or does this fall under the health plan? Also is there a lenght of time you have to be with the company? I've worked here for 13 months now.
Hope someone can help. I didn't want to ask work because they might just say "no you will not be paid for your time off" and escepially if they think I don't know any better.

2007-10-12 04:39:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Lets say you are at 2cm.......(for example, not in relation to real life)

Would it be possible to go down to 1cm or up to 3cm depending on the time of the day or do you stay dilated?

Just wondering

2007-10-12 04:33:50 · 7 answers · asked by CookFrNW 3

i got two ultrasonds already, but my bf didnot get to see any, i was just wondering if i will be receiving any more?

2007-10-12 04:10:15 · 5 answers · asked by ms attitude 2

I had an ultrasound with my 3rd pregnancy and they found an ovarian cyst and said they would want to do another ultrasound to see if it had decreased in size later, it got bigger. After the baby was born I had another ultrasound and they found that it had shrunk but another one had formed. They told me not to worry about it, but this is a horrible hospital (nearest one that my insurance covers otherwise a 1 1/2 drive to next one).

My baby is now 15 months and I have been having pains in my side and a tightness in my lower stomach.

Has anyone had ovarian cysts and is there anything you can do? Is there something to look for? I am 25 and have 3 kids and have never had any other reproductive problems (1 miscarriage). I got pregnant 3 times through birth control.

Help please!!

2007-10-12 03:43:28 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I went to the doctor and I found out that I was expecting on the 9th of October. My doctor had me come back in for another round of blood because she wanted to be positive. Apparently when I came in the first time, my level was at a six and it is supposed to be doubling every 72 hours, and when I went back the second time, it was negative. I started my period last night, and it was red, but this morning, it was brown, very light bleeding. I heard this is normal, so that doesn't worry me. But has anyone ever had this happen to them? Thanks!

2007-10-12 03:39:18 · 5 answers · asked by Pinklady 2

act. He did ejaculate, and some of the discharge fell on my jeans which i soon washed away.However as a precautionary measure i took a morning-after pill within 72 hrs. After about 2 or 3 days i did bleed which lasted for 3 days, which is also the duration of my menstrual cycle. I am awaiting my cycle this month. What are the chances of pregnancy?

2007-10-12 02:55:22 · 24 answers · asked by flowers_fresh 1

2007-10-12 02:54:29 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm in my 2nd trimester - the dr. said it is due to morning sickness (but i haven't had that in a month and even then i was hungry). I see food on tv and am hungry, but looking in the fridge the thought of food makes me feel sick.

2007-10-12 02:53:06 · 19 answers · asked by Morphed_Into_A_Buterfly 3

2007-10-12 02:40:35 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yesterday, I bought a car seat... well, my grandmother says to me, "I really hate to see you buy all of these things ahead of time." I just stared at her. Then she continued, "Like the crib, the car seat..."

Still, I was just confused. I said, "Well, I do have to have the car seat to bring the baby home from the hospital. I am 7 months and I am NOT waiting until the last minute." ....and trust me, her comment was no implication of a baby shower.

I told my mother about it and she said that when she had my sister, my grandmother told her to put her in a basket, instead of a bassinette! My mouth just dropped. I am so thankful my mother broke the cycle of bad motherhood!

I am just looking so forward to her "advice" once I have my son... anyone else with crazy experiences?

2007-10-12 02:28:29 · 20 answers · asked by Holy Macaroni! 6

i am 24 weeks prego and i am hearing my heartbeat in my ear. it is very loud and just kinda worries me, it never did this before. i am also consideredc anemic right now, don't know if that has anything to do with it...anyone had this happen??? its just very annoying...and i am also hoping that it has nothing to do with high blood pressure....thanks :)

2007-10-12 01:38:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been expirencing nausua and some stomach issues. I'm not sure if it's indigestion or what. But it is very uncomfortable and when I lay in my bed I need to turn a certain way to get comfortable. Could this be morning sickness or something else. I am getting over a cold at the moment, but would that make me feel like throwing up? Mature responses only please. Thank You!!!

2007-10-12 00:34:16 · 4 answers · asked by Bree C 1

I mean I am sure it is the last thing on your mind! But I am just curious

2007-10-12 00:30:02 · 28 answers · asked by lala 1

im 31 weeks pregnant and my midwife keeps suggesting it as i had a normal delivery with my first. just thought i'd ask what ppl thought about it. is there much mess? it would be better cuz then i wont have to worry about getting someone to look after my daughter at short notice.

2007-10-11 23:13:52 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i keep getting pins and needles in my wrist and hands and a "dead arm" every now and again....
i also get it in my legs too i thought the leg ones were to do with my SPD but tht cant really be the case for my hands can it?
just wondered if anything to worry about,i have a very hands on job and dont wanna finish too early and an active toddler...any ideas on the pins and needles grately recieved

2007-10-11 22:35:17 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

i think i had mine this morning although it was a little bit is it like a clump of bloodstained jelly with red dots in?

2007-10-11 22:09:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had sex with a girl I am very familiar with around mid-September. Because we're reasonable people, we used a condom and went about our merry way. After I ejaculated, I continued thrusting for perhaps 30 to 45 seconds to help her achieve orgasm. I checked afterwards and the condom did not break. A few days ago we realize she's late. At this point, it's less than a week. However, after doing some impromptu math, we realized that we had sex exactly during her normal ovulation. (Great timing, right?) So, here I am up at 5am in a panic. I'm a college student, obviously not ready for a child. What are my odds here, people? Give it to me straight.

Possible contributing factors (stress):
She recently got booted out of her apartment.
Obvious pressures of college.
Stress of not knowing what's going to happen with this.
Problems with an ex.

So, there you have it. Any help would be amazing for my mental health.

2007-10-11 21:52:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i dont know what to pack and when to pack... first prenancy pleace help

2007-10-11 19:31:11 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do you know when you are going to have a c section or a vaginal birth? Will the doctor be able to tell you in the duration of ur prenatal visits?

**scared to death of having a c section**

First time mom 2 b... 18 weeks 4 days

2007-10-11 19:28:42 · 18 answers · asked by Sasha b 3

I started to have some bleeding. I was wondering if this means that labor is soon? I've been having contractions all day. They really haven't been painful. Am I close to going into labor?

2007-10-11 18:32:48 · 7 answers · asked by ♥Mommy♥ 2

Hi all, I'm 23 weeks pregnant with my first baby and really wondering about how I should bring this little baby into the world. I really want to go natural (with epidural of course) but what if the time comes and I feel I can't do it or I get too scared to go on? Is there anything I can do in the mean time to make natural childbirth easier later on? I'm healthy young and not over weight. Please don't tell me natural is better or c section is better - I know the pros and cons of both, but has anyone ever gone natural or thought they could and when the time came they couldn't??

Thanx ladies!

2007-10-11 18:29:45 · 11 answers · asked by MOMMYtoJAKES 3

i'm 38 weeks and have been having for the last 2 days
tummy pain
feel like throwing up
alittle number 2s
braxton hicks
presher in my bowel and pubic bone
i went to the hospital yesterday they put the machine on me that checks for contractions but the doctor didn't check to see if anything was happening down there i think she should have but didn't. i got told to go home and have a penadol and that was it i can't have a normal birth i am book for a c-setion next week on the 18th this is my third child but can't remember what it is like only bits of it and it would be great if anyone could help me out thanks.

2007-10-11 18:00:21 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

How many years should I work before having a child? I'm 28 and will finally start working next year. Yes - it's unfortunately taken me that long to get through school. I would like to have kids at some point but I really want to get my foot in the door as far as my career.

2007-10-11 17:18:14 · 6 answers · asked by Carrie Ann 2

I went to the doctor yesterday she said I thined out 2/3rds and she felt the babies head. I felt her moving the head. Today I had a snotty looking discharge, followed by pains. 20-30 min. apart and The pains getting worse.

2007-10-11 16:54:46 · 12 answers · asked by amy c 1


im not sure when my period is supposed to come and im waiting to take a pregnancy test last month i got it from the 10-20 this month im not sure when so should i take a test tomorrow or wait? there is a good chance im pregnant and i really want another one(i have a son already)im really just hoping!! just real advice please

2007-10-11 15:27:30 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-11 15:25:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

can you help me with this topic

2007-10-11 15:17:42 · 10 answers · asked by brittany m 1

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