I'm 38 and am now 9 weeks pregnant and have spent the past 3 weeks being continually harrassed by my boyfriend (the baby's father) to have an abortion. Although this was an unplanned pregnancy (I was taking the pill without a missed day!), I am no spring chicken and my relationship with my boyfriend is rocky, I am resolute in my decision to see this pregnancy through. I've seen the baby on ultrasound and tears welled up in my eyes seeing what a dear little miracle is curled up in my womb. The thought of me, its mother, taking its life out of sheer selfishness, fear and justified by saying it's "not the right time" or "it's inconvenient" would haunt me forever. All my boyfriend cares about is the cost and how he already has to pay child maintenance for another child of his. There's been repreives where he has briefly been positive and changed his mind, it changes back to the same "you must do the right thing and not have it" Do you think he will change eventually? . .
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