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Pregnancy - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I am a 19 (almost 20) year old newly wed. We got married almost a month ago. We both want children, but didn't quite plan on having a baby this soon. I am in my last year of college and will be almost 6 months pregnant when I graduate. We are just starting out and live in a 2 bedroom apartment and are doing alright financially, but had planned on me working full time immediately following my graduation which will not be possible anymore. We always said that we would like to have a house before a little one and that won't be for another year and a bit. My husband has always said that he would be thrilled if we has a baby and is looking forward to being a dad. We had a miscarriage a couple months ago and he was heartbroken after it happened. I think that experience warmed him up to the idea of kids. He did say after we graduate in a year he'd like to start trying, but how do I tell him that I am pregnant already? And our families who will think were crazy for having kids so soon?

2007-08-19 08:06:00 · 13 answers · asked by garfieldbaby1988 2

I am 17 weeks pregnant and this is my second pregnancy. At 16 weeks i started feeling movements, which were definate kicks or at least i was certain it was the baby. i had a scan at 4 days ago which showed the baby was fine and healthy, but the last couple of days I haven't really felt any movements that i'm sure of. i just wondered whether at this stage i should be feeling my baby move everyday or whther it's still to small and just luck when i feel something? any advice would be nice, lost twins at 25 weeks in the last pregnancy and not quite sure when i should be concerned. thanx

2007-08-19 08:03:28 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had a regular menstration period and had sex a few days after, it has now been 10 days and I can't wait until my next period, I have been having frequent trips to the bathroom, I'm tired all the time, back pain, I have been having cramping around my uterus, and now just started slight bleeding. Is there anyone who knows if I can find out before my next period?

2007-08-19 07:58:08 · 16 answers · asked by Danni 1

it hurts to walk,yesterday i spoted but it only came out on the tolite paper they said i am just dilating more.is there something i can do for the pain.i can barely walk she is so far down.i also have been getting this sharp pain from my vagina and around my pelviv and thigh.

2007-08-19 07:56:49 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok so I know I sound like a baby........but I am having the worlds worst case of morning sickness (maybe not the WORLDS worst, but I feel worse then Ive ever felt in my life.

This is my second child so I know the usual cures for morning sickness including toast, bland foods, ginger, blah blah ...............................

but this pregnancy is so much worse all I can do i cry. I am throwing up everything usually an hour after I eat it.

It is Sunday so I cant call my dr to prescribe anything until tomorrow and at this point i feel like crawling underneith my bed and just wilting away.

I am soooooooooo miserable. Any advice would be helpful.

2007-08-19 07:55:28 · 42 answers · asked by Lizzie A 3

Ok so I know I sound like a baby........but I am having the worlds worst case of morning sickness (maybe not the WORLDS worst, but I feel worse then Ive ever felt in my life.

This is my second child so I know the usual cures for morning sickness including toast, bland foods, ginger, blah blah ...............................

but this pregnancy is so much worse all I can do i cry. I am throwing up everything usually an hour after I eat it.

It is Sunday so I cant call my dr to prescribe anything until tomorrow and at this point i feel like crawling underneith my bed and just wilting away.

I am soooooooooo miserable. Any advice would be helpful.

2007-08-19 07:55:19 · 6 answers · asked by Lizzie A 3

I am 8 weeks & 5 days pregnant & earlier I went to the bathroom. Well after I wiped, I saw pinkish stuff on the toilet paper. It's not really blood, but everytime something happens I get so worried because this is my first pregnancy. Has anyone else had this happen before?

2007-08-19 07:53:19 · 3 answers · asked by nikki r 3

first of all, i do not have a urinary tract infection. Now, i am 35 weeks pregnant and no matter how much i empty my bladder i have the continuous urge to urinate! Does that just mean that the baby is directly on my bladder? also, if he is right on my bladder, is that a sign that labor is soon? I'm just curious cuz i've "had to pee" for 2 days straight and i'm ready for that to be over. Or is this the feeling that i have to look forward to until i deliver? ALSO, every time i have a BM i get really bad pain before and during. It's a cramping pain. Normal? And on to a different matter, since sex is supposed to get labor started, should i stop having sex until i'm 37 weeks and he's full term? Thanks. I'm just really curious and i thought of all these questions last night but didn't have the internet til this afternoon. Your answers are appreciated very much.

*(35 weeks preggo with my first baby)*

Also, when last checked my cervix was so thin that they could poke his head w/ fingers

2007-08-19 07:50:20 · 4 answers · asked by Xander and Marie's Mommy 4


My girlfriend took the morning after day pill 3 days after unprotected intercourse, and then had her period 2 weeks later. Does that mean the pills worked?

2007-08-19 07:46:22 · 9 answers · asked by Jay L 2

2007-08-19 07:45:21 · 4 answers · asked by Froggie Girl 2

for the past 3 days it seems like no matter what i eat i get sick to my stomach. what should i do? help

2007-08-19 07:33:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do I need to pack in my hospital bag and have ready for the big day?? Also when do I organize my birth plan? I'm thinking there might be aides online so I can start researching and deciding on my own now so I discuss it with my doctor. Anybody know a good source of either?

2007-08-19 07:23:11 · 8 answers · asked by pirouette_130 3

i started on the 19th and have had one every month but my boobs are getting bigger and i have pains in my stomach could i be pregnant?

2007-08-19 07:19:23 · 8 answers · asked by LoSt N CoNfUsEd 1

how do you determine the size of your baby?
Im only 5ft 1 and weigh 7 and half stone!!!!!!!!!!

Worried first time mummy!

2007-08-19 07:18:01 · 10 answers · asked by Prettyinpink 2

Here's what i have so far.
For me: Nightgown(with buttons down the front for easy breastfeeding), comfy slippers, couple of changes of undies, shamp/cond., soap, hair ties and bobby pins, nipple lotion, going home outfit.
For the daddy: razor, soap, extra underwear, socks and shirt, snacks and water.
For baby's arrival: couple of different outfits(sizes preemie, 0-3 mon. & 3-6 mon. just in case), mittens, caps, socks, booties, recieving blankets, easy swaddler, hypo allergenic wet wipes, and i haven't gotten them yet but i'm still gonna put in diapers.
For memories: handprint molding kit, camera and several extra batteries.

OK, now what am i missing? i know so far i've been pretty thorough but i just KNOW i'm missing something. lol.

2007-08-19 07:12:51 · 18 answers · asked by Xander and Marie's Mommy 4

He's just so inconsiderate about everything. The past 3 months it's like he just stop caring about me. He says he's going to do something and never does. He keeps letting me down and my heart is broken. i would never put up with this but i been trying to make this work for my unborn daughter. I can't handle this! but when we are good it's feels so good. i continuly keep telling him how i feel and all i get from him is "ok".

2007-08-19 06:07:06 · 12 answers · asked by newmomma 2

and get pregnant and keep taking the pills for that month cause you think it would be ok will the baby have birthdefects. I miss 2 light blue pills of my second week but i took them as soon as I rember but had sex so I dont know if I might be pregnat will the baby be ok.

2007-08-19 05:33:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm just curious about knowing if anyone who had a natural childbirth prepared for it beforehand by taking classes or if they just "winged it." I'm kind of wishing that I would have taken a class at this point...maybe I'm just afraid of the unknown.

2007-08-19 05:03:36 · 18 answers · asked by brekkal 2

While sleeping side ways, i can feel that my baby, in fact her head is also on my left side. By sleeping on my left side, i can feel something there. But could this harm her? By crashing her head or making her head of out shape later? Please help.

2007-08-19 04:57:31 · 8 answers · asked by Bun#2 in the oven 2

im now 46 days from the first day of my last period. my breast have not yet start hurting..which they normally do a week before. constipated and my lower gum bled while brushing my teeth. While on a vacation I was just crying for two days straight about how my boobs arent big enough and girls with larger breast look more motherly. my fiance thinks that it might be my body telling me that..like a sign i might be. but im getting a test tmm. but what were your early signs

2007-08-19 04:11:37 · 5 answers · asked by Katiegirl 1

after my sister did her pregnancy test she said 'i could tell i was pregnant by the coulour of my wee' does anyone understand that... i have asked her waht she ment but she cant remember saying it.

2007-08-19 04:11:23 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

just wondering if anyone is due on christmas eve or around

2007-08-19 02:31:10 · 10 answers · asked by kritta2185 2

2007-08-19 00:40:36 · 21 answers · asked by Tammy848 2

I'll try to make it short. Facts are as follows :

*Last period : July 7th

*Unprotected sex (*** inside) : July 20th - Now (give or take a few days recently).

*Light spotting on the 27th of July, lasted 2 days, only when wiped (I thought implantation bleeding??)

*Went to the Emergency Room on the 29th (When spotting stopped) and they did a blood test and it came back negative, no infections, nothing. (But If Implantation had just occured the hormones wouldn't have been strong enough to detect anyways right?)

*Took a HPT on the 6th of August, day before missed period, negative....still too early??

*17th, light spotting, got heavier and darker accompanied by bad cramps (3 times worse than menstral cramps) and back pain - stopped a few hours ago. Blood was very dark, almost burgundy, not normal for me. Blood over this period of time was enough to possibly fill one pad - no clots at all. (possibly miscalculated and am now having implantation?? heavier than normal?)

2007-08-18 21:22:52 · 5 answers · asked by singing_angel_of_the_night 3

okay so last week i was in the hospital because i was having contractions, and i ended up 1cm dilated, 50% effaced. they stopped my contractions...3 days later i went home.

last night i started getting really bad menstrual like cramps and a tinnnnnny bit of spotting today. then tonight i started getting contractions every 5-7 mins apart, for at least 4 hours now.

so my question is.........because we a hour away from the hospital and its almost midnight, if i go to the hospital are they just going to stop my contractions again or do you think i'll be more dilated now? my baby is still breech, so if im more dilated will they do a emergency c-section?

2007-08-18 19:44:31 · 15 answers · asked by jenna 1

Just curious. Wondering if there's any possibilities that the baby doesn't show on ultrasound during entire pregnancy.

2007-08-18 18:36:39 · 17 answers · asked by silver 1

anybody within that time span of pregnancy and if so when did you concieve, and whens the baby due? im due on the 25th

2007-08-18 18:33:21 · 5 answers · asked by Susana P 1

I've read a lot of websites and most of them say that you start to feel it towards 16-20 weeks. Somtimes sooner if you're smaller. Now, I'm not a small girl by any means and I am almost positive I feel muscle like spasms in my lower abdomen and towards the right side of my lower belly. Am I the only one to be feeling these "kicks" so soon? By the way, this is my 2nd baby.

2007-08-18 18:30:16 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and my girlfriend have been together for a lil over three years now and have always used a condom. She began her most recent menstral cycle on a sunday, and by saturday morning her period was still ongoing. That saturday, we had unprotected sex for the first time and she is worried that she is pregnant. By saturday night, the bleeding had stopped. She first believed you couldnt get pregnant during you period until reading up on it. I never came inside of her but she is worried that she is pregnant. Her days between starts of her period this last time was 22 days. Anyone have any reason for her to hope shes not pregnant? Did it help that earlier that day i masterbated??? This just happened today. Also to add, in the state i live in she is not of age and i am by 4 months. Knowing her parents they would try and send me to jail, any suggestions?

2007-08-18 18:13:55 · 7 answers · asked by Johns8715 2

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