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Pregnancy - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

my husband is white and he has blue eyes and im brown and i have eyes that changes colour with what i wear, where i am... and what atmoshpere im in.... so basically i really don't know what colour they are.... like blue grayish greenish and hazel colour is surrounding my pupil... so its mix... so i was jus wondering what eyes/skin colour my baby would have.... btw... im 20 weeks... so like can u people guess.... like what eyes/skin colour my baby would have?????jus wondering.... so no weird answers plzz...

2007-03-14 03:45:19 · 6 answers · asked by R Lucky 1


I am only in my 5th week and getting a little nervous. This seems way to early! I can feel my pelvis area tightening up and getting harder but my stomach has gotten bigger! I have a round little belly that sticks out a bit. I haven't been eating more than usual, is this normal? I thought I wasn't supposed to be showing anything for awhile.

2007-03-14 03:44:48 · 9 answers · asked by Naketa 2

And how many times did you test before you finally got the +?

2007-03-14 03:40:25 · 16 answers · asked by Lotus 6

hi i was due on on monday (have been trying for 10 months to get pregnant.)but no sign of period but negative result on test.i dont feel like im going to get my period. would it be to soon to go to the doctors to see whats wrong as im only 3 days late and i dont want them thinking im wasting there time.thanks

2007-03-14 03:37:23 · 14 answers · asked by taki0515 1

What kind of juice is best during pregnancy? Which has more vitamins and minerals that are good for me and the baby?

2007-03-14 03:36:31 · 6 answers · asked by $Bl@Ck BuTtAfLy$ 3

I never took a pregnancy test. My period was 2 weeks late. Sunday, I noticed brown spotting. Monday, it was a little more pink. Yesterday, the spotting was a little bit heavier, and I kept passing what looked like tissue or blood clots in my urine. Today, the bleeding is a little heavier. I just don't feel right. It doesn't feel like my period at all. My lower stomach hurts but it's not like menstrual cramps. I thought I was pregnant because I had dizziness, fatigue, temperature changes, etc. I still don't think it's my period because of the way I feel. I don't have bloating. I don't have cramps. I don't have sore breasts. What's going on??? Am I having a miscarriage or is my period just being weird?

2007-03-14 03:29:52 · 6 answers · asked by Jennifer S 1

My fiance and I decided a couple of weeks ago that we want to try to have a baby. So on March 2nd, 4th, and 5th we attempted. Since then he had to go out of town for famliy reasons and on March 11th in the evening I noticed that i was spotting a pinkish color. My last period started on February the 16th and I am usually closer to a 45 day cycle. It's driving the both of us crazy not knowing and I shouldn't be expecting my period until around the 26th or so. I've never had anything happen like this before, if anything I'm more of the type of person to be late or to skip a month. Do u think this could be implantation? How long will I have to wait to find out if I'm pregnant? Thanks for your help!

2007-03-14 03:29:46 · 6 answers · asked by Tiffy 1

I'd perfer NOT to use Ann, Lynn, or Marie. Thanks for your help!

2007-03-14 03:27:25 · 16 answers · asked by pami41980 2

Okay besides me being stressed right now.. and having a ton on my mind * single and going be seeing the father now in less than 3 weeks and i havent seen/talked to him since i was 16 weeks * Well my stomache has been hard 24*7.. it has also been really hurting me a lot. Im not getting to much sleep. cause im tossing and turning and nothing is really helping. Ive also been having sucha a hard time breathing.. im not able to go for walks anymore or even go upstairs cause its so painful in my back, stomache and with breathing..

i just feel lowsy like my whole body is giving up on me in more ways than one.. :-/.. I have also always measure 2 cm's bigger than what i normally was.. but have always been on the right track for gaining weight..
**ALso i keep getting these pains in the vaginal area.. its really painful.. espec. when he moves

what do you think is happening..? normal not normal? something i should stress to my doctor? & i have also never had a stress test done before.. ?

2007-03-14 03:27:16 · 4 answers · asked by Jessica D 2

I am 36 weeks pregnant with my third child. The last week or so when the baby moves, I have this feeling of pressure in my groin area, it feels like a burning sensation. Has anybody had this feeling, or know what it is? Thanks!!!!

2007-03-14 03:26:31 · 5 answers · asked by peyton31602 4

I am 22 years old and I am very regular now I am 6 days late which never happens it either comes early comes or right on time. I took in to a count that Feb was a short month but my sister and me start the same time and she has finished hers' already, havent done anything different....no stress, no weight loss or weight gain been with the same guy for almost two years now....have been tired lately but it might have been due to the time change, I have no other signs of pregnancy just a missed period. I will take a pregnancy test this weekend so I dont get a false negative. Please let me know your thoughts...thanx!

2007-03-14 03:25:33 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a few weeks pregnant and I have been trying to flatten my mid section prior to knowing that I was pregnant. I am afraid that being pregnant will only make it worse. Being fat is one of my worst nightmares.

2007-03-14 03:20:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Every morning when i wake up i have this undescribeable feeling in my stomach. I know my body and previous to this i have never woke up nor go through most of the day with this feeling. People say you will get sore breast, dark areolas, headaches etc. Not every woman is the same so could it be possible that i am pregnant without all the common signs of pregnancy

2007-03-14 03:18:30 · 12 answers · asked by janetgoins19 1

I am 37 weeks pregnant and my Dr. told me at my last check up that because I am petite it is more likely that I will go early because the baby will not get too big before delivery.

My mother went early with both my sister and myself.

Does any of that matter? Is it common or uncommon to go early with your first child?

2007-03-14 03:12:23 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am looking for advice on how to minimize the pooch that is left after a C-section! It has been nearly 2 years since my c-section and the scar is quite dark and I have a tiny pooch. Will I ever get back my flat tummy that I had prior to my pregnancy?

2007-03-14 03:10:59 · 9 answers · asked by sassychick 2

Hi, I am 14 weeks and 4 days pregnant... the problem is I stil dont feel pregnant one bit. I had abit of nausea from weeks 7 to 10 but it has completely gone away now. I have had my 12 week scan where I saw my baby and its heart beating but I still feel worried as my body hasnt really made any changes as yet. Yes i seem to be getting a little fatter but I think this is from all the food I am eating. I am also always hungry also some smells still make me feel sick. Other than these things I dont feel pregnant at all. Does anyone else feel like this and when will I start to feel pregnant. Thanx

2007-03-14 03:08:58 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I havent had a period since Jan 16-20, it is now March 14th and I still havent gotten it, I took a pregnancy test and it said negative, I have some symptoms, but why would I get a negative result? Is this normal? If Im not pregnant, what is it?

I have regular periods, I have had a previous abortion (could that affect this) in 2005. I have had a yeast infection and thrush but no positive test. Please help.


2007-03-14 03:00:36 · 14 answers · asked by Wana 2

I am 18 weeks pregnant, starting to grow but not enough to justify maternity wear, is it a bad thing to keep wearing my ordinary jeans even tho they are getting tight??

2007-03-14 02:52:39 · 17 answers · asked by angel_wings295 1

I started my period in December of 06 around the 25th. Then in Jan. I started on the 8th & Feb. on the 7th. I still have not started my period this month, and yes I have been highly stressed about several things in my life. I've taken four pregnancy test this month, yes four. And all of them have come out negative.

Three of them were taken at a Women's Health Clinic.

I can always feel when I'm ovulating and I have all my regular sypmtoms of PMS. Emotionally sensitive, Breat Swollen, a little cramping here and there.

I just want to know if increase sexual activity can push back your period? Because before last month I was basically at no sexual activity and within the past 3 weeks I've been having sex about twice a day. Can having a lot of sex push back your period?

2007-03-14 02:50:51 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm only a day late.. but I've been like clockwork for at least 5 months. I say 5 but I was like clockwork for the year before that too, but a slightly different cycle length....

(btw, i'm 24 and have one son, but was hoping to wait a bit longer)

should i test? should I wait?

more or less i really just want to settle any worry... i should have started yesterday, but didn't and still have no signs of it today... help!

2007-03-14 02:47:20 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have no one to throw me a baby shower. I always throw everyone a baby shower but no one to do it for me. It will cost me like 300 dollars should i just buy the baby something with that money and not throw a shower? any suggestions or ideas.

2007-03-14 02:40:20 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't know if i'm opregnant yet but everytime i eat i get stomach aches and i feel so bloated. anyone experienced this?

2007-03-14 02:32:51 · 10 answers · asked by Jamaican Princess 2

I had a root canal not long ago and I was on Tylox for a few days. Now, I have A LOT of pregnancy symptoms and my husband and I have been ttc but I didn't think that we had the timing down this last ovulation cycle. Now, I'm concerned since I have so many signs of pregnancy. Should I be concerned about the Tylox that I took? What should I do now? Should I wait and take a HPT or call my doctor and let him know what the concern is?

2007-03-14 02:23:47 · 12 answers · asked by Rhonda 2

I am sitting in my cubicle at my computer and my heart is pounding. I took my pulse and it's at 120 beats per minute...

I am 29 weeks pregnant.

This has happened to me before. My heart will race like this but it hasn't really since I've been pregnant. Is this because my body is working harder to get blood to the baby?? Should I be worried? Should I be going to the hospital??

2007-03-14 02:17:18 · 13 answers · asked by LittleRoo 4

Someone told me something about what this drug contains, and I have yet to find the truth. Do doctors know what Pitocin is made out of?

2007-03-14 02:13:19 · 2 answers · asked by jane 3

HAs anyboby out there taken antidepressants for PPD ( post partum depression), and if so how long did you have to take them? Do you have to take them 4 life? I do not want to rely on medication forever , just to feel like myself and enjoy my family. Any examples, suggestions, or comments.

2007-03-14 02:09:25 · 8 answers · asked by doubletree 2

I'm 38.5 weeks pregnant. I lost my mucus plug in my 36th week. I went to the Dr. yesterday and I was 3 cm 60%. He also stripped my membranes. I didn't spot or bleed all day yesterday or even throughout the night. At 8 this morning I went to the bathroom and noticed a nickel size brown/red clot in the toilet. I went on a nd fixed breakfast. 20 minutes later I went to check again and my pantyliner was filled with brown discharge and tiny pink clots. Does this mean labor is starting or will start soon? Should I call the Doc just to let them know? What do I do now? I really don't think the "blood" was from my exam b/c it's been 16 hours before this show.

2007-03-14 02:06:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just read a question about men's rights and abortion. I just thought about something out of the blue and wanted people's opinions. Okay, they have contracts for nearly everything out there, why not pregnancy contracts? Say you're dating a guy and he says he wants no children. You both sign a contract stating that if by chance you do get pregnant, he is not to pay child support. Another scenario; say he doesn't agree with abortion but you do. If you both sign a contract saying that if you become pregnant, he takes on all responsibility during the pregnancy for you and then will take care of the child after is born. It's just a thought though. I just wonder if people will push for something like this in the future.

2007-03-14 02:06:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

hi, im now 38 weeks pregnant, and the only thing im worried about at the moment is if my waters break while im asleep, how will i know??? will i wake up if it happens??? Hope someone can help.


2007-03-14 02:04:27 · 13 answers · asked by ema 1

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