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Pregnancy - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

she says she had a kid about 10 years ago that died shortly afterwards but she was so upset about it that she never did the paperwork on it at the hospital..now she wants the paperwork..

2007-02-01 08:44:44 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Let me list you these symptoms and you tell me what you think it is. Actually, a little background first:
My boyfriend and I have never had intercourse, but we got a little too close a few weeks ago, right after my period was over (we had underwear on thank you very much).
I'm supposed to be ovulating right now, and I believe that I am, but I think I'm thinking about it too much. I worked out too much a week ago and I started having stretching pains in my abdomen (which coulda just been from working out.) I have gas and a little bit of nauesa. I have had hard ovulations before, but I think the guilt from getting so close to my boyfriend is making me worry myself sick.
What should I do? I really don't think I could be pregnant!
I would be in about my 3rd week if I was technicllay pregnant. And I haven't had sore breasts or vomiting.

2007-02-01 08:43:09 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

If a woman is pregant and just found out about a thyroid problem, what are the risks of harmful effects on the child? How severe are the effects? And are there any treatments?

2007-02-01 08:36:59 · 3 answers · asked by happyfarah88 3

I realy need help I found out today that I'm pregnate and I need help because I have no Idea wat to do this was unexpected cuz I had him use a condom and I'm scaerd!!!!! my parents dont even know yet WAT DO I DO????

2007-02-01 08:29:50 · 18 answers · asked by Braiden E 1

I'm 19 years old and I just recently found out I was pregnant. I have taken 3 at home tests and they have all been positive. My last period started on December 31st, so according to that I should be 4 1/2 weeks today. The only thing is that I live at home with my parents and I am a full time college student. I am not sure how my parents are going to take this situation and I am putting off telling them for a week or so, but I am not sure if it is okay to wait to go to the doctor, is it? When should I start taking the prenatal vitaims?!?! help me please..

2007-02-01 08:16:55 · 28 answers · asked by Scared 1

i'm 33 weeks tiday and I went to the doctor today to do the stress test which took 10 mins and my doctor said everything looks good ,he said the baby is head down already and he wants to see me every week now.Is that normal i know i'm only 33 weeks and i still thought it was every two weeks.(i was in the hospital at 28 weeks because i had a kidney infection and i was having contractions. and today my blood pressure was alittle high. ) but i still don't get it help/... I just wanted to know what other women think

2007-02-01 08:11:38 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous


me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex. he said that he didnt *** but im a little worried about precum. wat are the chances that i could become pregnant because of this. it happened around jan 14 or 15 and i took a pregnancy test about two days ago. and it was negative. my period is due next week and breasts usually hurt a week or so before and they havent started hurting yet should i start getting worried

2007-02-01 08:09:43 · 15 answers · asked by lovinlover 2

hi i went to my midwifes on monday and they have said that my baby hasn't grown since the last time she saw me. If things stay the same till nxt mondday she is going to snd me for a scan at the hospital. Now i am worried anyone had this before.

2007-02-01 08:07:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi , i have been trying to get pregnant for almost a year now and i have been late for 2 months so i took a pregnancy test yesterday and it came positive i couldn't believe it so i took 3 more and they came positive too lol i just wanted to make sure it was real so ok today i have this brown discharge so i am getting worried , could this be a sign of miscarriage?

2007-02-01 08:03:05 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

How soon should I expect my new nephew? She is 3 cent dilated and 60% efaced.

2007-02-01 07:59:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am only 5 1/2 weeks pregnant and having a horrible time just getting out of bed in the morning and staying awake at work. My boss is such a jerk, he yells, hes demanding, he talks down to us girls and I have no patience left anymore with him. Hes stressing me out and I dread going in every morning. That on top of the pregnancy exhaustion is getting to me. I work 9-2 then pick up my 2 sons from school and take care of them, the house, laundry,the dinner, etc. My husband tries to help but his work hours are from 7am-9pm. Is it hard on the baby to stay in a job like this or should I just stick it out? I figure Ill probably quit in May anyways. Did you work while pregnant and what helped you throughout the day? thanks :)

2007-02-01 07:57:47 · 23 answers · asked by tulips♥77 5

I am two months pregnant and I feel hungry, but when I try to eat... I feel sick even at the thought of food. Once I sit down to eat and try I get full very fast and sick to my stomache. This is my second pregnancy and I didnt have this trouble with my first. Is there anything that I can do to help me gain a want for food?

2007-02-01 07:55:31 · 13 answers · asked by sheri916 1

2007-02-01 07:54:54 · 7 answers · asked by bugzy 1

nothing to worry about baby these are different cramps. upper cramping off and on threw up this morning. What OTC meds can I take for the cramping.

2007-02-01 07:51:41 · 4 answers · asked by msellie 3

Recently an ex girlfriend of my hubbies contacted my mother in law and she gave my hubby this girls number. Now she is an ex from over fifteen years ago...they were 15/16ish. they have sorta stayed in contact since she moved away but her hubby didn't like it so she stopped talking to him. Well she is now divorced and calling him. I have met her and both me and my hubby agree that she more than likely still has feelings for him, he is a trucker and his run is to the city she lives in and then back every other week. He is there for almost two days, due to waiting for his load, and goes out for coffee with her at least once when he is there. We have talked and he told me that if she tried anything that he would stop seeing her and even talking with her. I believe him, and trust him, but i am still having a hard time dealing with the fact that she may even try something. I am not jealous i just don't like her, please, what can i do? No mean answers or rude ones please.

2007-02-01 07:51:14 · 6 answers · asked by b&g4me 4

I am pre-term and 35 weeks dialated to 4 cm. But no one I know wants to help me in painting the babys room. I dont want her to be here when we paint. Plus I doubt I will have time. Should I do it on my own? Should I wait? Its like dark blue and My hubby says leave it, but I am having a girl and its so dark in there! Help..

2007-02-01 07:48:04 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean, like how many out of every pregnancy turns out to be a miscarriage? I've had several acquaintances have them over the last couple years, and I hear about another one every other week, it seems. It scares me for my friends who are currently pregnant and for myself when my husband and I decide to start trying.

2007-02-01 07:46:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Roughly how big was everyone elses stomachs at 21 weeks of pregnancy had you put on loads of weight or just a little bit? This is mine :



2007-02-01 07:44:43 · 6 answers · asked by xmalteyx 3

I tested positive on my pregnancy test and am now five weeks pregnant. I have absolutely noooo signs, could I have miscarried and not known it? Haven't had any blood or anything unusual.

2007-02-01 07:40:09 · 34 answers · asked by cbewley2004 1

im 6 months pregnant i dont even know if you can go in2 labour that early but if so what shud i do?.. what wil hapen 2 my baby, iv had 2 other children and the pain is similar please help :(

2007-02-01 07:38:28 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

it was my first time with my g/f because usually we hadnt been able to fit right.. i hadnt planned on this time workin so i didnt have a condom.. i pulled out before but im not sure if i got some in her.. what can i do to make sure she doesnt get pregnant?

2007-02-01 07:35:24 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

is that weird?? is there anything wrong with drinking water with a little sea salt in it? (its organic) i only put a pinch in but i cant seem to get enough! what if i alternate with glasses of regular water? i am just getting over a cold, i didnt eat anything yesterday and had a fever of 101, i feel a little better today but wonder if the two could have anything to do with each other

2007-02-01 07:32:12 · 16 answers · asked by theburlaces 3

smokes marijuana on a weekends. She used to smoke it everyday before she found out she was pregnant, now has cut down. Would you say that this will affect the baby in any way?

2007-02-01 07:25:34 · 35 answers · asked by annabanana 2

i might be pregnant and the guy is overseas hwo shoudl i tell him now on the phone or email or wait til he comes home in dec when the baby is here?

2007-02-01 07:24:09 · 12 answers · asked by ladywetherell23 4

me and my hubby made a deal that we would name the baby if it was our like gender. I am 20 weeks pregnant and found out yesterday that the baby is a boy so he gets to initally pick the first idea on a name. today he came up with Matthew DeShaun. what do you think about it? (our last name is Woods) If you dont like it what suggestions do you have?

2007-02-01 07:20:39 · 33 answers · asked by Crystal Woods 2

Okay, So i am 9 weeks pregnant and working in a job i hate, my job i have now is basically temporary untill my husband gets transfered out of the military in june and we go back home. I was looking today online and i seen a job that i want to apply for back home where we are moving in june that makes 70/80k per yr. ( if i were to get the job i would move prior to june) Do you think i should apply for it? I am worried that they will not want me because i am pregnant. If i do go for a interview should i disclose that i am pregnant? What should i do? Have you went to a inteview while pregnant? This is a amazing oppurtunity for me and now that i am pregnant i cant take it =(....

2007-02-01 07:20:09 · 11 answers · asked by Bree 2

I knew somebody that got an abortion when she was like 3 months pregnant, and the doctor told her that if she would of kept the baby it probably would of been a boy, is this true that doctors can predict wat the gender it might be this far along?

2007-02-01 07:19:38 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

yesterday when i wiped there was a small dot of blood and it happend from about 10 am - 5 pm just after i went to the toilet not much just a tiney amount. im 5 weeks. i went to the doctor and got a blood test i have to get another one tomorrow 2 see if the hormone levals have gone up or down. there is nothing there this morning no pain and i didnt have to wear a pad could i have miscared or is it not likley ?

2007-02-01 07:19:03 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-01 07:18:16 · 18 answers · asked by 7780 1

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