i am 19 weeks with my second, and too me i am pretty big already, but sooo many people have come to me and said you arent that big for being almost 5 months and today a lady asked me if i was sure the baby is growing, i have had plenty of ultrasounds because i have an incompitent cervix and i feel the baby moving and kicking but the doctor has never actually told me if the baby is good size or not. so now of course i am freaking out, i have a doctors appointment tomorrow and i can ask becuase it is my 20 week (a few days early) ultrasound, but now i am VERY nervous, i mean the lady that asked today was older and has had kids of her own and she said since it is my second and because i am so tiny (4 11 100 lbs) i should be showing ALOT more.
anyone else go through that and did everything turn out ok. or anyone have any advice, i'm scared now! :(
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puppy love