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Pregnancy - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I know, I know... 'Go to the Dr. They can tell you for sure...' My problem with that is that right now, I don't have medical insurance, and a Dr's appointment is going to cost me almost $500.00 that I DON'T have because my mom just had surgery. I've taken 3 pregnancy tests and they've come back negative, but I also think it's been a little too soon for that. Here's my signs/symptoms: I'm nauseous SOMETIMES... especially when someone is talking to me about something that a month ago wouldn't have made me feel nauseous, I have backpains, also could be explained from my torn ligaments back at the end of July... I'm eating like CRAZY, I'm getting stretch marks on my boobs from them growing so rapidly (I went from an A cup to a B cup in 2 weeks!) I'm a LOT more tired than usual... being awake for more than 8 hours really puts a strain on me... and I've been having these weird pains in my hips mainly when I walk for long periods... I honestly don't know whether I am or not, but I think I am.

2006-09-18 22:07:19 · 13 answers · asked by abercrombie2177 2

My last " regula" period was July 22 but three days ago I came on but it isn't like a period....What do you think

2006-09-18 21:26:55 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

with this preganancy or my other two. I have been throwing up this morning, could this be related to preganacy

2006-09-18 20:19:51 · 13 answers · asked by Anne S 1

my husband and i did not find out the sex ahead of time with our first child and it was so exciting in the delivery room when the doctor announced "it's a boy!". after our son was born, we recieved a lot of clothes and other stuff for boys. now that i'm pregnant again, we are tossing around the idea of finding out this time just so that if we are having a girl, we can get girl stuff. so my dilema is this:
don't find out and be just as excited in the delivery as i was with my first OR find out ahead of time for convienance pursposes.

2006-09-18 19:26:10 · 19 answers · asked by Peanuts 3

My due date is today but im sick of waiting, im miserable, I cant get comfortable EVER. I cant walk very far cuz my ankles get swollen too fast and hurt. I get leg cramps very easy, basically and cant wait any longer. I just want to know if theres a way i can make myself go into labor but nothing that will hurt my baby, you know like an excercise move or sometihing...

2006-09-18 19:22:12 · 28 answers · asked by LILMAMAZ 1

I am 38 weeks pregnant and my baby gets the hiccups anywhere from 4-8 times a day! I know it has to be frustrating for him cause it irritates me almost as bad a when I have them myself! the constant bouncing is quite irritating... anyone ever experienced this? is there anything I can do to relieve them?

2006-09-18 19:15:52 · 11 answers · asked by mommy of 3 boys 3

No lectures please just looking for a simple answer!!
Ok well i think im pregnant, I have breast tenderness and generally they have grown a cup size in the past month. so here's my Q. For ne one that has been pregnant or are preg. It feels like there's needle poking a my boobs, particulary around and on the nipple area, is this normal???

2006-09-18 19:00:17 · 9 answers · asked by single mom of 2 2

2006-09-18 18:54:58 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

For the last couple weeks I've just wanted to sleep all the time. My breast hurt and are extremly sensitive. I'm nauseous. But I had a period last week and I took a pregnancy test which came back negative.

2006-09-18 18:49:35 · 15 answers · asked by brdergrl 2


can you feel your baby kicking and moving?

2006-09-18 18:42:29 · 15 answers · asked by sticksandstones 2

I just noticed that all the kicking i'm feeling right now is already showing on the outside. I don't remember it happening so early with my last pregnancy, i'm only 23 weeks along! Is this strange?

2006-09-18 18:30:54 · 14 answers · asked by Ask me anything! 2

2006-09-18 18:25:50 · 6 answers · asked by simmi w 1

I have had three kids and am forty weeks preggo with my fourth. I had to be induced for labor with my first three at 42 weeks and it looks as though I'll have to be induced AGAIN. I am already dilated to three centimeters and 25% effaced and it has been like that for two weeks...do you think my body just is incapable of spontaneous natural labor? Please help!!!

2006-09-18 18:19:10 · 7 answers · asked by BooBadly 3

My daughter just found out she is expecting. She has had some problems with cramping and spoting. went too the Dr. and she was told since her blood type is O- that if the baby's blood is the opposite this could be why she is having some of these problems she was put on bed rest and they gave her a shot for the baby said this would help I was wondering if any one else ever had this problem cause of their blood type or heard of this

2006-09-18 18:09:20 · 6 answers · asked by Ozark American 2

Somebody just told me this and I find it disturbing, is it true?

2006-09-18 17:59:59 · 28 answers · asked by sobefobik 4

Ok, I'm 16 and about 4 months ago I thought I was pregnant. Then about every month since then I thought I was But I kept getting my period. Now, my mom doesn't know I'm sexually active so this could be a problem. But she also told me that women can get their period while they're pregnant!!! Is this possible or is this just a mom trying to get a daughter to confess to something they know about??? I'm really scared because me and my boyfriend (who would be the baby's dad) are fighting right now. I don't know what to do and I'm completely scared. Can I really be pregnant and still have my period??? The past four months it's been irregular too... Shorter and lighter but never the same!!! Help me PLEASE!!!!

2006-09-18 17:42:10 · 23 answers · asked by Cutie_wit_a_booty_08 2

I take my test next week to be sure...
I'm just interested in the different ways that people have told their significant other and/or their families that they were expecting...

2006-09-18 17:20:57 · 13 answers · asked by single mom of 2 2

I will be 7 wks on the 20th of this month and my stomach looks larger than usual for a 7thwk pregnacy, could I be further along? Also my stomach is itching and has been for 3-4 wks, what could this be attributed to? I don't think stretching of the stomach causes itching this early in pregnancy. could it be i'm having twins which would cause my stomach to stretch and itch sooner also looking bigger sooner?

2006-09-18 17:04:11 · 6 answers · asked by mama2be 1

2006-09-18 17:03:48 · 9 answers · asked by manglebaby1983@sbcglobal.net 1

I am 33 weeks along and I was just wondering if I will know for sure when I lose it, because I have already droped, so will it be coming soon...

2006-09-18 17:00:23 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

she brought a pregnancy test should she wait and take it after this period is over with

2006-09-18 16:56:02 · 7 answers · asked by mrs.howard 2

Yesterday I began to spot some brown discharge (along with cramping, not severe). Today it turned a pinkish color. I went to the dr, and there is a heartbeat 171 bpm, the crown rump length measures at 15.7. I am about 8 1/2 weeks pregnant.

2 years ago I had a miscarriage very similar to what I am experiencing. It began with brown, pink then I went to dr, saw a heartbeat, two days later began to misscary. I feel as if I am experiencing deja vu. Can anyone relate to this? Is this normal? And are my measurments and heartrate good for how far along I am?

2006-09-18 16:53:14 · 9 answers · asked by mrspfunk 2

I'm 21 years old and fairly mature but my fiance and I have been having alot of unprotected sex for the past month or so. Well for about two weeks I've been extremely tired all the time, my nipples were very sore for about a week but it went away, I felt nauseaous for about two weeks and I've just been an emotional mess lately. I took a pregnancy test a week ago that came back negative, but I think it may have been too early to get a positive result. If I have a period, it should come in about a week or two. Should I go ahead and buy another pregnancy test or should I wait a little longer? Also, if I go to the health department and ask for a blood test instead, how long will it take to get the results??? Thanks for any advice you guys can offer me...

2006-09-18 16:53:00 · 16 answers · asked by Jennifer 2

OK, I've been having some strange symptoms going on lately, and a lot of them are making me wonder if I could be pregnant. Would love to hear other people's experiences/opinions. Thanks! I missed 2 BC pills around the time I should have ovulated. My period was due on Sept. 18 (today). I started spotting around the 4th of Sept- spotted for about a week. I've been nauseated, had diarrhea, really sore breasts for almost a month. Also, I started spotting again last week and spotted for about 3 days. I've been having a lot of cramping and just "fluttery" feelings in my lower stomach. I've been having really strange cravings lately (to be specific, hashbrowns, fried ham, cheese, and cucumbers and vinegar...lol) I've been on a cleaning rampage lately (during my last pregnancy I craved the smell of cleaning products- I'd scrub the tubs, toilets, and floors at least once a day). Any experiences/advice would be greatly appreciated!!

2006-09-18 16:47:06 · 14 answers · asked by JustMyOpinion 5

then why is a symptom of pregnancy spotting??

2006-09-18 16:32:33 · 17 answers · asked by trapped 1

I am 39 weeks 5 days *due thursday*
I have been having horrible contractions for about 2 weeks Sometimes they are so bad I can not even move or they wake me up from a dead sleep.. It's almost unbearable.. I went to the hospital once in false labor. I lost my mucus plug already, some I lost sunday, the rest monday morning. I feel sick and exhausted.. I was in the doctor on thursday and they said I was only 70% effaced and barely 2 centimeters dilated..
The contractions are worse over the last couple days then they ever have been and are lower in my pelvis then before too..
How much more longer do you think I have?
Has anyone ever had full on contractions and haven't dialated? Do they let you just go on like that or do they induce?
I know I probably sound nuts but she is due in like 2 days and I can't take this anymore I am in so much pain..

2006-09-18 16:30:15 · 8 answers · asked by ashez 4

me and my husband have been trying to conceive and i had my last period at the end of august and i am not due for mine again until the very end of this month. i have had sex scince my last period. my period is very regular never is off beat but this past few days i had some brown coming out down there this never happens and i was wondring if mabey it could be old blood and i could be pregnant? mature answers please!

2006-09-18 16:29:29 · 13 answers · asked by brittany1121 2

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