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Adolescent - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

I know most of you have seen the show where adults pose as young teens and they set older pepohiles *preverts* up to see if they will come to the house and try to have sex with them then they get arrested. I tried contacting preverted justice but no one contacted me back. Anyways, I was wondering is there anything I can do to help out and get most of these men off the streets. Also what are your feelings about what the people at preverted justice do?

2007-01-30 18:33:39 · 7 answers · asked by Miss Carmel 1

this is scary as hell
Body: 1) New York City has 11 letters
2) Afghanistan has 11 letters.
3) Ramsin Yuseb (The terrorist who threatened to destroy the Twin
Towers in 1993) has 11 letters.
4) George W Bush has 11 letters.
This could be a mere coincidence, but this gets more interesting:

2007-01-30 18:26:59 · 18 answers · asked by Hannah 2

Really need 2 know!

2007-01-30 16:39:05 · 18 answers · asked by jane_butterfeild 1

im a single mom , 23 years old,

2007-01-30 16:10:57 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daughter is 16, and has become really troubled. She takes very low grades, she swears all the time, she doesn't respect her dad and I and now she decided seh's not going to college. I don't know what to do anymore!

2007-01-30 16:07:06 · 15 answers · asked by Allie 1

2007-01-30 16:01:54 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm a 29 year old mother of six I worked very hard to get my family where we are today. I'ts taken alot to make them all listen and do their chores and school work etc.... I just feel like parents gave up the fight and assume I'ts easier to let the kids win and do whatever they want what is going on?

2007-01-30 15:52:56 · 4 answers · asked by lovewhereilive 2

So my bf and I started having sex and I know I need to go to a gynecologist. I am just really nervous about it. I am not sure what happens and I have heard horror stories. I was wondering if i should go to a man or a woman. In either case I can think of negatives.

Also do they have to put my feet in stirrups. That just seems so demeaning. Can I keep my socks on?

2007-01-30 15:51:43 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is it, I hear people talking about it all the time

2007-01-30 15:40:07 · 9 answers · asked by Ch D 1

Hi fellow Yahoo! answers users! a few months ago i asked how to get a 6-pack, asap, and you all gave me great answers, and today i almost have my 6-pack :D well im like 5-6 pounds away from my six pack(abs) (i could feel them lol), anyway, is there a way to speed things up? such as diet ideas(not diet pills), really great exersices, food ideas, or times on when to eat food? and people i cant do any drastic surgery, im only 14 thanx, me

2007-01-30 14:39:06 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

here it goes, i go to a school, pre- school to 8 th grade but when i first started there there was no preschool, i ve been to since kindergarten. now i'm in 8thgrde and im going on to highschool. I actually going to miss the school, but my other classmated are made up of new kids, who seem to not even give a damn about the school. THey just want to leave. There all from public school and this is a private school. this school was cool, but they say stuff like the school sucks and all cause of uniforms, its boring. blah blah balh, and the ones who are complaing get bad grades.
the other kids there not complaining. but there is also this kid who been there since kinder too and he wants to leave, but he gets bad grades. my freind who been there since 2nd grade hates the school too. The people who are complaning ruining the school spirit for the 8th grade class. its making the class seem boring. The past 8th grade were coolWe all looked up to them but none looks up to us.

2007-01-30 14:23:01 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

About four mothes ago i donated blood and i had a little reaction to it i was a little dizzy and i was a little pale and then i got a letter in the mail saying that there was something wrong with my blood and i would have to wait a year to donate again, so there was a blood drive today and i was going to go with one of friends and i was going to ask the people there and see when i can donate again so i was at work and it would over by the time i got out of work so i had my friend go over there and talk to the people for me and he came back and said that i could donate and he told them how i got a letter in the mail saing that i had to wait a year and so he told the people my name and they said that they lost all there files and said that i can donate and they will start all over so then i called my mom and asked her if i could donate and she said no because what happend last time. In the frist place i was not going to ask and iam18 and i want to go should i just go next time or ask?

2007-01-30 13:56:51 · 13 answers · asked by Julianne B 2

see iam 12 and it's this boy name dar that i have been know for 3year.We then been thow lie and all.he want to have sex but i dont know because i dont think it's real and some time i do.
shouldi have sex with he or not

2007-01-30 13:52:22 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

I love her and I don't want my feelings to hurt our relationship.

2007-01-30 13:51:32 · 15 answers · asked by terriarendt 1

Wow I can't believe I'm going to say this, I hope I don't sound like a loser but, this guy is going to ask me out and I don't know what I would say back. I don't want to say the normal, yes or say a complicated answer and drag one and one and one.... What did you say when someone asked you out?
Ohh... he is going to ask me out to the valentines dance at my school in 2 weeks.
I also need comebacks to some mean boys that repeat what I'm saying like, I say be quiet and they repeat it, I'll say your a dumba*s and they'll repeat it. I need some comebacks for that too...... normally I'm really good at comebacks, like really good, but I don't have any for these situations
Yes I know this is a repeat but I accidently put it in the wrong catogory....

2007-01-30 13:39:33 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im a 24 year old stay at home mom and my son is a year old and im serious about going back to work getting my life back togther so i can support me and my son but i feel like my family is telling me that i made a miskate by having a baby. My grandmother told me if i want to work so bad why did i have a baby that really hurt me so much.. what do you think i should do?

2007-01-30 13:36:47 · 20 answers · asked by Kristine G 1

Ok my best friend Kayleigh is pregnant. And were only in 9th grade! she keeps coming to me crying for advice and i dont know what to say. ive never had a baby! does anybody have any idea what i should say to her? shes keeping the baby and is due in july. all i want is something to say to make her feel better.

2007-01-30 13:35:58 · 6 answers · asked by Tiffany loves Andy 1

i am a myspace addict. since january 28th i have had 28 visits. its only the 30th. i need someone to tell me how to stop getting on so much. if you are gonna say just dont do it; dont even answer my question. its easier said than done. and i read all of the bulletins...every single one. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!

2007-01-30 13:34:16 · 9 answers · asked by goldengurl706 2

2007-01-30 12:55:19 · 8 answers · asked by Guitar heroez 1

ok so im 14 and i was pg, i have been sick for almost a week and so 2day my gramma took me to da hospital cuz i had gotten sicker and they told me and my bf that our baby mostlikly would not live because she was so small and she was getting sick also, then she died earlier tonite.i didnt believe it and blocked it out of my head, and my bf kept tellin me it was ture i just kept tellin him that lying isnt good, but then the nurse told me that my baby was gone, i dont no how to react, i've had every bad thing imaginable happen to me, i've been raped,beaten by my parents,beaten at school, cutting problems, and now this? i dont wanna believe it but every time i look at my bf and see that sad look on his face i have to remember what happened. what do i do?

2007-01-30 12:48:58 · 17 answers · asked by koi 3

We do not live in the best neighborhood (we live in California)...I try to explain to him, in many ways that weirdos are out there & he needs to check in with me & be home at 5PM...no later...he thinks I am being unfair...am I ?

2007-01-30 12:43:22 · 17 answers · asked by east2west92 4

We are friends known each other for over a year. We know a good amount of stuff about each other. We are always joking around and touching each other. He will stroke my arm, hug me, tells me he loves me, joke around, poke me. Recently we were at the mall together and he had his arm around me. My friend Hailey and I were shopping with him. Hailey decided to go into another store so he followed me instead of her. He was tapping my butt with his bag and was smiling with me. we were holding hands for a while too. We wer talking about semi and he said he wasnt going with this girl anymore. He asked if I was going. I said yes and he said "Good". During all day band rehersal he pushed his way to sit with me next to me. He moved his seat during band to be by me. We talk so much. In the halls he comes up and touches me. Are we really good friends or does he want more?

2007-01-30 12:36:44 · 5 answers · asked by shiningstars 2

Isn't that kind of weird...if its by your parents

2007-01-30 12:12:28 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please give me ideas to create more structure in his life and make him realize that the future is whatever he does now to attain that dream.

2007-01-30 12:09:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 15 years old and i need help telling my mon that i'm sexually active any advice? Oh ya my Boyfriend is 19

2007-01-30 11:30:51 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I got too many problems. Too much, that they can't be counted.

Everywhere I go, I ruin everything. I ruin conversations, kill class, become a Hell magnet.

But there's more.

In the past two years, I had to deal with a cheating dad, a divorce, extreme expectations from my mom on my grades, and, more importantly, bullying.

Yes, ever since fourth grade, I have been bullied. On my appearance, on my weight, and on my social status, which is still, nerd.

I think God is punishing me for an unknown reason, yet He helps the others who were mean to me.

He is raining down gloom and depression in my soul; He creates people to make fun of me, and to make me feel bad.

I cannot believe why. What is going on? What is (are) my solution(s)?

2007-01-30 11:29:17 · 9 answers · asked by ZZ 4

well i normaly get A's and B's and some times C's but I have never got worse than that and this quarter I know im at least failing 1 class could be 2 my sisters got some bad grades and they didnt realy get in trouble but i feel like she expects more from me than she did from my sisters how should i explain to her that I got such a bad grade???? my report card will be here 2morrow or the day after that HELP

2007-01-30 10:49:53 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

The other day she freaked out because she saw that my arm had 8 cuts on the underside. She knew that I had done it to myself and she freaked out about it. She had me backed into a corner and then I started crying. I lost it. We talked for about two hours straight,and she thinks that i suffer from depression,even though I assured her that I was fine.
She wanted me to go to a doctor,but my father told her not to send me to one because it would do more harm than good.
I want her to stop worrying about me so much. This happened last night and she is still really upset.

2007-01-30 10:47:46 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

Before all u people start ur babbling about "ur killing an innocent life" Its not for me its for my best friend, and I don't care what u think, I have my opinion u have urs. so save it.
How much would and abortion cost here in the los angles area for like a 17 year old, like if I go to planned parenthood or if u guys know of any other places please let me know, Thanks

2007-01-30 10:36:04 · 20 answers · asked by Blahhh 4

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