Disclaimer: I'm 16, not some creepy old lady.
My question is this? Why do teens feel like they have a right to privacy? You know, while they text about having sex with their boyfriends and getting abortions behind their parents' backs? It happens, I'm not even exaggerating.
Let's look at the facts: the parents pay for internet, computers, cell phones, phone plans, and the house (for the vast majority, so it is a fair generalization). Why do teens then think that they deserve to use the parents' money to do whatever they want? The parents have a right to know how their money is being spent, and if their child is in danger. Sorry, your friends are part of their lives too. Sorry, they have a duty and right to know if you're having sex with someone because it affects your physical and mental health. Sorry, they have a right to check your internet history and text messaging to make sure that their money is not being abused.
Why do teens think that all of that is wrong? Thoughts on this?
40 answers
asked by
Aegor R