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Pregnancy & Parenting - 11 October 2006

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

stopped taking the pill in April my 1st period was April 22 - may 18
( 27 days) then may 19- June 17( 30 days) June 17-july 15 (28 days) July 16 - august 12 ( 28 days) august 13- sep 11( 30 days) then sep12 - today October 5 ( 24 days. And last month my cycle was only 24 days and my period only lasted 4 ½ days today is day 7 of my cycle. My period is never that short it always last 7 days even before I was on the pill.whats going o. when i first got it i thought it could be implantation bleeding but then there was a bit to much blood.like my period.when would i ovulate this month.

2006-10-11 15:03:13 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

2006-10-11 14:58:11 · 11 answers · asked by Noah A 1 in Newborn & Baby

I've had most of the symptoms of early pregnancy such as current headaches, naseau, dizziness, ect. but i haven't had a pregnancy test yet i was supposed to start my period today and i haven't im getting worried but is there any possible way to tell besides a pregnancy test? Because i live in a small town and i don't want it to get around that i bought one, plus i am still a high school student so that also complicates things. Plz answer if you have any advice.

2006-10-11 14:55:02 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My partner says he feels funny about it because there is someone else there. Has anyone else experienced this?

2006-10-11 14:53:33 · 26 answers · asked by Caroline 2 in Pregnancy

Suppose my name were Jamie and I had a daughter named Jamie. Would she be named Jamie Junior? Legally, not just a nickname.

2006-10-11 14:52:19 · 11 answers · asked by Ha Ha! 3 in Newborn & Baby

2006-10-11 14:48:53 · 5 answers · asked by asuare1950 1 in Newborn & Baby

2006-10-11 14:47:11 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I really dont feel well, and I have no idea what could be my problem. You know how it feels when you take too big of a bite of something, and it feels like it gets stuck in you throat? Well, that is how I feel EVERY time I swallow. It really hurts to eat, or drink, and the only thing that seems to make it feel the least bit better is if i eat a fruit popsicle. Does anyone of you know what this could be? PLEASE help me!!

2006-10-11 14:47:09 · 14 answers · asked by Bama â?¥ Chic 1 in Adolescent

I am 5'9 and 245 lbs. I hear all the time that being overweight can make it difficult to have babies. I guess I want some encouragement from other women who are in the same boat or from women who got pregnant easily regardless of their weight. My husband and I have been ttc for 6 months now.

2006-10-11 14:44:10 · 8 answers · asked by estephania2182 3 in Trying to Conceive

I got some pre-*** on my hand and washed it off with soap and water then i fingered my g/f. 5 days later she started mild bleeding and some cramping ...it was 7 days to early for her period. Today she should have got her period but didnt. Do you think she could be pregnant and why did she bleed that early? Could it be implantational bleeding?

2006-10-11 14:42:25 · 7 answers · asked by Lakers24 2 in Pregnancy

It seems like so many people sleep with their baby b/c "it's easier to nurse that way" I nursed and I didn't sleep with my baby. I know 2 different people who suffocated their baby by sleeping with them. That was enough to scare me away from it...not to mention the drs and specialists telling me how dangerous it is. So why is it that people continue to do it knowing that it's dangerous? How would you feel if your baby died of SIDS? Does anyone else know of this happening to someone they know?

2006-10-11 14:41:07 · 18 answers · asked by Jessica 4 in Newborn & Baby

can u tell if you are ovulating on your period

2006-10-11 14:40:09 · 6 answers · asked by ashambra s 1 in Pregnancy

Is there a certain age that you should wait until to give your baby foods or liquids that are cold?

2006-10-11 14:40:03 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

Okay we've been trying to get pregnant for 10 months....well today is my birthday and the family came over...well we got married last friday...and everyonees like when are yall going to have a baby....point is we are trying we've been trying...and its really a frusterating thing...i just took a test this morning and it was negative so i was already not happy about it to begin with...My questiong is what do you say when you really dont want to get in a long discussion about it? cause we are trying??> thanks!!!

2006-10-11 14:39:47 · 13 answers · asked by cutenwild1769 5 in Trying to Conceive

I am 37 weeks and tonight I stood up and it felt as if the baby was applying pressure down in my lower stomache and vagina. She is usually high, like right under my boobs I can feel ger butt, but I felt her butt right above my belly button instead of it being so high up. Does this mean that she dropped or is she just laying a different way now and I am being paranoid?
How did you know that your baby dropped...what did it feel like?
I would like to know, so I dont call my doctor and say she dropped if she didnt. Does this mean she will be coming soon?

2006-10-11 14:39:41 · 4 answers · asked by Vennessa 2 in Pregnancy

He does stand to urinate, but whenever he has to sit for a poop, he refuses to sit unless he can cover the seat with toilet paper.

What should I do?

2006-10-11 14:37:51 · 13 answers · asked by Bre the Baptist 1 in Parenting

he wakes up 3-4 times a night for a bottle... Instead of her waking him up in the morning 9-10 oclock she will make him a bottle to go back to sleep... He stays up till 2-3 in the morning most nights... He doesnt listen to anyone... Its driving me nuts cus we live together.... and I babysit him evernight why shes i schoool... Oh and makes me mad cus I have a baby due Oct.16 and she trys to tell me how to be a parent and how I should do things... She says I should not give my baby a pacifer cus its not cute...here son who is almost 3 with a bottle is not cute. How can I be polite about this situation? And help her parenting skills?


2006-10-11 14:36:59 · 13 answers · asked by Nataliya S 1 in Parenting

I am a surrogate mom and want to help others, I can answer questions to help you become a surrogate mom.

2006-10-11 14:36:51 · 1 answers · asked by crissymm5 4 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Our dr has switched her to Smiliac Isomil lactose free. Which has helped with her gas. Now we are having a problem with her not getting full off of it. Everyone tells me to put some rice cereal in her bottle but dr says we should wait till she at least 8 weeks. Is there anything that helps? has anyone started baby on this so early. She is not sleeping through the night because of this.

2006-10-11 14:35:29 · 14 answers · asked by Holly F 1 in Newborn & Baby

I have a 17 month old boy who is VERY difficult he constantly crys trows his food and sippy cups to the floor while hes in his high chair,bangs his head in the walls on the floor into our rock fireplace..is very mean to his sister as well as me head buts me will NOT let me love him and he rarely smiles he has a very good vocabulary and my husband and I dont fight around him and his sister who is just a year older treats him very well. Spankings dont even fase him time out is out of the question Im scared if hes this bad at a year and a half where will we be in a couple of years and this is weird but he has a LARGE obbsession of playing with his penis which really weirds me out this is out of my hands I need some serious advice!!!

2006-10-11 14:32:57 · 11 answers · asked by Ashley 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

Okay you get to tell your stories :) I like to read personal experiences.
1) How did you feel the day or days before you went into labor?
2) what were you thinking/feeling?
3) Did your water break or did the doc break it?
4) Were you dilated for a while or did it happen all the suddon
5) how did you feel once your baby was put into your arms for the first time?

These are the questions that I can think about right now but if you want to add anything else feel free :)

2006-10-11 14:31:33 · 7 answers · asked by ? 4 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

from age 1 to 2, how many inches did your child grow? and how much weight did he/she gain?

2006-10-11 14:27:12 · 5 answers · asked by plain little ol' me 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

Sounds weird, I know. But seriously, when I hear like a song from the 90's, it makes me sad. I was born in '91. Why does 90's music make me sad?

2006-10-11 14:26:33 · 12 answers · asked by CityChild 1 in Adolescent

if you breastfeed and co sleep with your baby, how old is your baby, how many times a night does he/she nurse, and how well does he/she eat during the day? my daughter can nurse up to 6 times a night, sometimes, but rarely 3 or less, is this normal????

2006-10-11 14:25:27 · 15 answers · asked by plain little ol' me 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

I asked this question earlier, but I wanted to see if anyone else has any experience with this. And I apologize if you've seen this question twice.
Has anyone been so convinced that they were not pregnant and felt crazy for thinking they were... and ended up being pregnant? I mean, having all of the symptoms, with negative pregnancy tests for weeks... and then finding out they were in fact pregnant?

2006-10-11 14:22:27 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

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