How about instead of sending soldiers, let us send teachers, instead of war, knowledge? How about sending moderate Muslim teachers, who do not agree with violence, to these countries? These kids of the Islamic extremists are being taught at school that blowing yourself up is ok. I have no problem with Islam but I do have a problem when radicals misinterpret the religion and use it to kill. Instead of waging war on them, we need to reach out to the next generation of kids. They are seeing people, who they think are doing the right thing, being killed by us. They are seeing us destroy their homes and country. On top of this they are being told to hate us. This problem will never end if we fight it with war because once those kids become adults, they will never change their opinions. Let us show them that we are peaceful and worth listening to. Then let us show them that we are not trying to convert them. Let them practice Islam but teach them violence is not ok. What do you think?
20 answers
asked by
Lindsey G