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Politics - 7 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Will the Senate Confirm Mulkasey (Sp?) Out of Pragmatism?

2007-11-07 07:00:38 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-07 06:55:13 · 62 answers · asked by hmm 6

They don't kick the people off who are say treasonist things like their country is behind 9/11 when they have no proof and their theories are alway being shot down because they are by crackpots.

They aren't a difference of opinon, these people are making unfounded accusations against the leaders of their country but their freedom of speech is protectd.

We have others on here with a different opinon, that ISN'T borderline treason and they get kicked off for no reason does that sound fair?

2007-11-07 06:51:17 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

World history has proven the earth has warmed and cooled many times, and still people think they can control it.

2007-11-07 06:49:27 · 13 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2

i wouldnt want to lose my ball or any of their fences. look at the projected GOP ticket for 08, come on now

2007-11-07 06:49:01 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Aren't thumbs up, or down sufficient enough to show your disagreement, or dislike of another user's answer? If you give a thumbs down, the answer you don't like is automatically hidden, so one doesn't have to see it, unless they wish to by clicking "show".
Isn't it abuse by reporters of a question, or answer, if they're merely reporting it to hurt an asker, or answerer?
Even more so, isn't it abuse by YA to remove a question or answer just because it was reported, WITHOUT having investigted the report FIRST?

I ask this in Politics, since most of you will understand the reasoning in asking this.

What say you all?

2007-11-07 06:34:28 · 23 answers · asked by xenypoo 7

Who's next? This is Wayne in eastern Virginia. Hi, Wayne. It's nice to have you with us on the EIB Network.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. How are you today?

RUSH: Good, sir. Thank you.

CALLER: Sorry I missed your blue funk, but I may add to it a little bit. The Blue Ridge Mountains stretch all the way from Maine to Georgia.

RUSH: Yup.

CALLER: They get their name, the Blue Ridge Mountains, because -- I'm a Ph.D. chemist -- and pine trees exude a compound called "pinene" that is all carbon and hydrogen.

RUSH: Wait. How do you spell that, pinene?

CALLER: P-i-n-e-n-e.

RUSH: Pinene, and it's all carbon and all hydrogen?

CALLER: Yes. It's also got a double bond which makes it reactive.

RUSH: So what's the point? We gotta cut down pine trees?

CALLER: That's right. The point is, every pine tree in the country should be cut down to reduce the carbon we put into the atmosphere.

RUSH: But then what would happen to the Blue Ridge range?

CALLER: It would disappear. You'd cut down all the pine trees.

RUSH: Well, we can't cut down trees. The environmentalists won't let us cut down trees, but they'll burn the next time a fire breaks out.

CALLER: (laughing) I know that. But they're just being so idiotic about the whole thing.

RUSH: So you are not a member of the "consensus" of scientists who believes in this man-made global warming hoax?

CALLER: No, I believe that there may be some climatic change going on, but I don't believe it's global warming, and I don't believe that we have enough data to predict what's going to happen in the next 50 years.

RUSH: Of course not. That's why they say 50 years, instead of next year. Because 50 years, "Oh, we can't afford to wait! We've got time to fix it: raise taxes, roll back your lifestyles, make some sacrifices, vote Democrat, and go socialist."

CALLER: That's right. I've done enough modeling, computer modeling to know that I can tweak the parameters on the model and make it say anything I want to.

RUSH: Well, of course. Exactly. The models do not factor in all the relevant data anyway, such as precipitation, because we can't even measure every drop of precipitation that happens on the planet every day. We simply don't have the ability. We don't have the systems. We don't have the equipment, and when you leave precipitation out of these models, it renders them worthless. You know, you, as someone who doesn't believe in the man-made aspect of the warming that is going on -- according to Algore, you, Wayne -- are an "outlier."

CALLER: Yes, I know. In scientific data, I would be called an outlier in statistics and just chopped off at the ankles.

RUSH: Now, you know, but I want to make sure everybody else knows. Outlier is spelled o-u-t-l-i-e-r, and it's not that you're lying. It means that you are on the fringes.

CALLER: That's right.

RUSH: You're way outside the "mainstream of accepted science" on this bogus hoax.

CALLER: That's right -- and in science, outliers are ignored.

RUSH: In fact, they are totally ignored.


RUSH: That's why they're called outliers. All right, thanks, Wayne. I appreciate that. Well, so what? We're going to have to cut down every pine tree to eliminate... Well, that's sacrifice. Sacrifice. Bye-bye Christmas trees! Cut down all the pine trees. A Christmas tree is a relative of the pine tree. By the way, the Brits, some stupid government agency in the UK has warned Santa Claus to lose weight because he's setting a bad example for British kids. I kid you not. I have that and more coming up on the program in the stacks of stuff.

2007-11-07 06:33:52 · 8 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2

It has come to my attention that the NEO-CON boogeymen have been trolling this forum.

Also with the recent removals of many top posters has me wondering if the Neo-Con Boogeymen are actually Social Progressives?

I am independent so don't blame me.

2007-11-07 06:31:41 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

This question stems from something my father told me about when Bill Clinton was either running for his first term or had just won it and was being asked questions from the audience. An aging hippie stood up to the microphone and uttered the question "So will you be like our Father?"

It's like democrats want government to be the daddy they never had or should have had to love and take care of them. They want 'daddy' to pay for them to go to the doctor, go to college, pay for their groceries, and then take any money they do earn because they're too child-like to make their own decisions with it.

If I wanted that I'd find the nearest trailer park and find a controlling and abusive husband.

I know this is normally referred to as a "Nanny state" where people want the government to take care of them from the cradle to the grave, but I think its more like wanting a father figure.

2007-11-07 06:29:49 · 19 answers · asked by TJ815 4

Do you think you should pay more or less in taxes? If the government needs more money, should they just increase taxes to raise it, even if it is just a select group of people that have to pay more, or should they look for frivolous spendings and/or obsolete programs to cut first? And finally, if you were wealthy (or if you are), would you voluntarily pay more in taxes?

2007-11-07 06:25:04 · 16 answers · asked by Mutt 7

would you prefer to live in if you had the choice? If you would prefer to remain in a capitalist country, while disliking capitalism - Why?

2007-11-07 06:22:44 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-07 06:19:26 · 29 answers · asked by Scott 1

In reality, both parties are very corrupt, and they are ruled by special interest groups. Granted, libs say the bushies are ruled by oil lobby and republicans say dems are ruled by whatever else, but the point is they are both corrupt. In reality, if you look at the behind the scenes actions of both Democrat and Republican presidents, they are very much the same. Bush has continued many of Clinton's actions on the war on terror, Clinton authorized many bombing strikes on terrorist areas, but we say Bush is the only one who wages unexplained war. I believe that the two party system is really more for the voters, because once in power, they all seem to do basically the same things! It is very effective for controlling people to use the divide and conquer stratedgy. Rather than uniting and DEMANDING a cleansing of our government, we are sitting here and arguing over who's worse, when we know BOTH are doing wrong. Another example is racism. Both poor whites and poor blacks are getting

2007-11-07 06:18:00 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

According to Rudy Giuliani only Ambassadors, State Department and Law Enforcement officials have that kind of experience.


So, does Giuliani have foreign policy experience because he was an attorney?

Hillary Rodham Clinton, John Edwards, Joe Biden , Barack Obama, Mitt Romney and Fred D. Thompson all have law degrees.

2007-11-07 06:13:10 · 14 answers · asked by Global warming ain't cool 6

Why is Joe Taxpayer paying for the 535 members of congress to work out in exclusive gyms inside the congressional building? Can't they afford to join a gym just like everyone else?


2007-11-07 05:59:40 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Has anyone read the book "American Theocracy" by Kevin Phillips? What are your thoughts about it? For those who haven't and nonetheless want to give their opinion, here is what he says:

1. That religion is dangerously intertwined with US foreign policy
2. That the US Army has become some sort of security service for oil wells and the ways through which it is transported all over the world.
3. That Bush thinks that God wanted him to become president.
4. That many people and politicians in the US believe the "war on terror" is part of the pre-Rapture-Armageddon setting.

2007-11-07 05:57:19 · 11 answers · asked by G 6

Nice catch phrase;however I cannot locate a single example of a corporation receiving welfare.Could someone/anyone provide me with a verifiable example?It may help me change my vote.

2007-11-07 05:55:40 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you did, thank you for execising your francise, NO MATTER how you voted, the rest of you 'merrikens who didn't, shaddup already complaining about the government.

2007-11-07 05:51:34 · 5 answers · asked by momatad 4

2007-11-07 05:49:19 · 6 answers · asked by realitycheck 3

Will the neocons tell the families of US dead and wounded service people who served in Iraq that their loved-one's sacrifice was in vain?


2007-11-07 05:48:32 · 6 answers · asked by spay&neuter-all-republicans 3

2007-11-07 05:47:41 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-07 05:44:00 · 10 answers · asked by realitycheck 3

Hillary says she will "undo the Bush tax cuts" and raise capital gains taxes as well. Translation: " I promise to increase taxes across the board."

Is that a good thing?

I predict I will get a lot of "we have to because...."

No we do not have to.

2007-11-07 05:35:56 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

The dictionary defines them both the same

Conservative - "disposed to preserve existing conditions", "tending to oppose change", "resistant to change"

Obstructionist - "a person who deliberately delays or prevents progress", "someone who systematically obstructs some action that others want to take"

2007-11-07 05:33:26 · 12 answers · asked by buffytou 6

If everything that America did she did as a truly upright nation, other nations would respect us and would follow our lead. Would I trust China under those conditions? The answer is yes I would. Yet, I would do everything with caution and full knowledge, trusting in God and his goodness.

Look at Bush's war and the error of his ways and look at the statement made by the Methodist Church.

Bush, Cheney, and Hilary are Methodist as am I. Giuliani is a Catholic and Obama is UCC. Ron Paul, if I remember correctly is a Baptist. Bush is a born-again Christian, a living son of God through Christ! People need to question him about Iraq and keep him accountable and honest.


2007-11-07 05:24:59 · 2 answers · asked by peacenegotiator 3

I just saw a question about immigration (illegals from Mexico vs. Canada) and while I did not agree with the questioner, a young lady's answer was something along the lines of "you are disgusting and I reported you". Since when did we report people for having a different view point? Last time I checked, we have freedom of speech! If someone isn't blatantly violating guidelines, don't report them! I found her comment more of a violation (insulting him) than his simple question which contained no curses, insults, or offensive language. I wonder when reporting people became a substitute for providing an intellegent, well thought out answer to a question that you don't agree with! If you can't handle opposing views, perhaps you should stick to the beauty section answering questions from 14 year olds like "Am I pretty enough to model?" Let's grow up, people!

2007-11-07 05:24:11 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm going to challenge the liberal Dems in this forum to actually list all of Bushs 'oil buddies', the same buddies many of you all seem to believe exist.

List their EXACT SPECIFIC names.
List their EXACT SPECIFIC companies.
List their EXACT SPECIFIC positions with those companies.
List their EXACT SPECIFIC contracts where it proves that theyre associated with the Executive branch of our federal government.
List their EXACT SPECIFIC contracts where it proves that theyre associated with President Bush in any regards.

And please, no conspiracy crap about off-shore accounts or secret panel rooms installed at the WH.

All Yahoo Answers eyes are watching this one ; )

2007-11-07 05:22:16 · 10 answers · asked by vinny_says_relax 7

fedest.com, questions and answers