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Politics - 22 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Doesn't it make sense that people who don't support the war are indirectly not supporting the troops. All of the politics going on about the war (Ex. Should we be there or not? Are we winning the war? Should we pull out?) surely aren't doing anything to motivate the troops. The way I look at it, I think that people should support the war effort, whether they agree with the war or not so the troops can get the job done and come home.

I've used this letter in other various responses to questions and another question I asked earlier and I'm going to use it again. It's a very important letter and I think that if more people would read it they might be able to understand how the troops in Iraq really feel about whats going on.

Here's the link to the website with the letter:

2007-10-22 16:06:22 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Should National Security Supercede conflicting claims of individual Rights? In other words, Do you feel that when you walk into the airport. and security checks you head to toe. Taking the shoes off even is violating your individual rights. Is it a necessity to maintain nation security in such a far level that often you become discriminated against or even detained for simply saying the wrong words? I feel It is necessary to national security to check every person. But my question is are they going to far?

2007-10-22 16:04:31 · 6 answers · asked by ? 2

Does Dubai have a no-extradition treaty?

2007-10-22 15:50:28 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

military enlistment oath says you are sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution. It also says you will "obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice."

But it says to uphold and defend the Constitution first. The President is to be obeyed as long as his orders are legal and do not subvert the constitution. and so....
since the prez holds dear to his heart that the "Constitution is just a piece of paper" and since he has basically stepped all over it, despite his being commander in chief (lower case on purpose) is there any regulation/law that says that another high ranking member of government who BELIEVES in the Constitution cannot take over the reigns of the MILITARY.

2007-10-22 15:48:57 · 9 answers · asked by rare2findd 6

and taxpayers paying for it. Not deporting undocumented immigrants will cost an estimated $2.5 trillion (congressional testimony). That will require the U.S. government to raise taxes on the middle class.

Undocumented immigrants make the unwanted babies so they can say "Don't deport us. We have children." Also, the use them to petition the U.S. government to stay here permanently. 300,000 unwanted babies are born in America each year by people who don't beong here. Many of the babies grow up to be criminals because they are unwanted from birth.

Mexxican undocumented immigrants have larger families than if they would have stayed in Mexico. That contributes to an increased level of CO2.
"Among Mexxican immigrants in the United States, for example, fertility averages 3.5 children per woman compared to 2.4 children per women in Mexico."

2007-10-22 15:46:02 · 14 answers · asked by a bush family member 7

"I don't do hypotheticals."-Everyone running for U.S. president

2007-10-22 15:44:03 · 16 answers · asked by BEN JEE 2


September 29, 1915
Refugee Tells of the Fate of Those in Turkish Hands
Speaking yesterday, his remarks being based on the authenticated data in his possession, Professor Dutton said he does not believe anything had happened in many centuries so terrible as is the studied and systematized effort on the part of a political coterie in Turkey - the Young Turks, led by Enver Pasha - to exterminate a whole race of people. The whole plan involves the wiping out of the Armenians.
Only a day or two ago, added Professor Dutton, a young girl who left Turkey on Aug 18 called here to see him. She told of the fate of the 100 girls who were attending a mission school in Anatolia. These girls, who were of course Armenians, were divided into groups and those that were the best looking in the opinion of the Turkish officers were taken over by those officers. Those considered not quite so good looking were given over to the soldiers, while those still less attractive were put up for sale to the highest bidders.
Several Americans who have been in Turkey for many years have arrived here within the last few days. They all testify to the truthfulness of the reports that have come out of Turkey concerning the treatment of the Armenians, but in every instance they beg that their names be not used for fear that what they have said will find its way back to Turkey and friends or relatives they left behind will be punished by the Turks in retaliation.
Copies of two letters, in which the writers tell of the fate that is being meted out to the Armenians, were given to The Times yesterday by a man in close touch with Armenian conditions.
In one of these letters the writer among other things says:
In Urtab, Tukh, and about twenty other Armenian villages on the lake the entire population was found to have been massacred by the Turks - not a single living soul was found in these villages, which were now given over to howling dogs, while large numbers of corpses have been washed ashore from the lake and the rivers.
These corpses, which were ascertained to be all of males, were terribly mutilated, but nothing was discovered as to the whereabouts of women and children. By sunset of July 20 the Armenians captured the heights of Kerkur. When they reached the summit the town of Bitlis presented to their disappointed gaze a sheet of flames, and they knew that the worst had happened. Some female refugees, who managed to escape the Turkish cordon, have since related the story of fiendish massacres in the town and the wholesale deportation of women and children.
To a well known minister of the Armenian Church there came out of Turkey, by some mysterious underground route, a letter which is described as of "undoubted trustworthiness" Excerpts from their letter follow:
Armenia without the Armenians - such is the plan of the Ottoman Government, which has already begun to install Moslem families in the homes and property of the Armenians. Needless to say, the deported are not allowed by the Government to take any of their belongings with them, and as there is moreover, no means of transport owing to the exigencies of the military, they are forced to cover on foot the two or three months' journey to that corner of the desert region which is destined to be their sepulchre.

2007-10-22 15:43:01 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-22 15:39:38 · 27 answers · asked by Alex D 2

This question is for opinion only, I would like for anyone to be able to give any answer to relate the greatest achievement of each of these presidents and why you think so. Change is coming in the near future and it would be great to think that we will be able to build upon the best of what has been done so far, even if we DID NOT OR DO NOT LIKE THE PAST OR PRESENT PRESIDENT!! This future is up to all of us, so I want to know where we look back to for the future.

2007-10-22 15:33:18 · 24 answers · asked by selms01 3

2007-10-22 15:28:08 · 10 answers · asked by Kanesha H 1

2007-10-22 15:26:56 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous


Strange things happen when you start treating countries equally.

Just imagine... Iran might wish to invade the US, or at least send inspectors, on the suspicion that nuclear technology, nuclear weapons and all sorts of other WMDs are "allegedly" present in the US.

Also, Iran might be concerned about the human rights situation in the US; no other country has a higher percentage of its own people locked up in jail. Not to mention Guantanamo, or habeus corpus, or honest elections, or.... the list goes on.

What will the Government do... let them have their Military Base ?

2007-10-22 15:23:13 · 7 answers · asked by B 3

" “The Law of the Sea Treaty is one of the defining issues of our time. Are we in favor of increasing the power and authority of the United Nations and its subsidiaries at the expense of American sovereignty and vital interests? Or are we opposed to world government, particularly the one envisioned by LOST, charged with implementing a hopelessly outdated and counterproductive socialist and redistributionist agenda from the 1970s? Republicans – starting with their presidential candidates – should stand with Ronald Reagan in rejecting the Law of the Sea Treaty, its threat to our sovereignty and its socialist agenda.”

Gov. Huckabee noted that two of President Reagan’s closest associates – his National Security Advisor, William P. Clark, and his Attorney General Edwin Meese – yesterday published an op.ed. article in the Wall Street Journal making clear the basis of President Reagan’s rejection of the Law of the Sea Treaty."


2007-10-22 15:22:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-22 15:22:14 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

whenever they are trying to prove his greatness as a President. What is the point they are trying to make? Are they trying to claim that Clinton was the actual CAUSE of that economic boom??? This is completely ludicrous!

Actually, if it weren't for the dotcom boom, "Clinton's" economy would have been in the dumps! This was proven during the last year of his Presidency. So, liberals...what is your point, exactly?

2007-10-22 15:20:28 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

3,000 30,000 300,000 3,000,000 do you think they all had a part in this attack?

2007-10-22 15:17:44 · 22 answers · asked by ben j 3

I believe we were told that the reason the U.S. Troops, British troops, and others is for the freedom of the Iraqi people and to stabilize their government. So much of their Oil is sold. We buy so much Oil, why not have Iraq pay the costs of war or leave it in chaos if they do not want to pay for the war.
How many current politicians, (Republicans and Democrats), does it take to change a light bulb? Answer: ZER0, NONE, because they will leave us all in the dark and let our children and grandchildren deal with it later, after we all are retired or dead.

2007-10-22 15:15:10 · 10 answers · asked by OceanBlue0910 2


2007-10-22 15:14:01 · 4 answers · asked by Chainsaw 6

2007-10-22 15:04:42 · 17 answers · asked by 13th 1

Let's start the bidding!!

2007-10-22 14:58:53 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I do respect the guy and all but I'm sorry he isn't the best. It has to be Franklin Del Roosevelt. He ended World War 2. He was the only president to serve for 3 terms of office. And I think he was under the most pressure under any president. So FDR is the best president ever in my opinion.

2007-10-22 14:51:17 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Like does anybody have any actual figures cause i've heard so many differnt ones, Does anybody REALLY know?

2007-10-22 14:48:47 · 8 answers · asked by the d 6

Homos, feminazis, or liberals?

2007-10-22 14:46:28 · 19 answers · asked by libs are traitors 1

when he's a godless pervert?

The guy even admits he's an atheist. I cannot believe he's even on the air. All over the place, atheists and homos and pushing their anti-christian homo agenda.

2007-10-22 14:39:55 · 20 answers · asked by libs are traitors 1

the US media says hes bad, why? anyone have strong facts?

Is there proof he wants to hurt America?

2007-10-22 14:39:05 · 8 answers · asked by Jetglam 1

I saw her on the news tonight and I was impressed on how she has been able to cover up the devil horns on her head. Is it a new hairdo? Do they not appear on TV (kind of like vampires having no reflection?) For a second, I thought one popped out, but it was just the light reflecting off her giant smile.

I know that she is an evil demon queen, but I am having a hard time getting a picture of the horns. Help.

2007-10-22 14:36:45 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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