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Politics - 22 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Hey, I voted for Bush twice. I am a capitalist, and have voted Republican since I was 18. (I am now 30).
Do you know that our freedoms are being taken away on a daily basis? Are you ok with this? We live in a f*cking safety nazi society, and every one of you who thinks 9/11 really happened the way Bush said it did, where is YOUR proof?
You think that the most resourceful, powerful government in the world is incapable of tricking you, especially the ones who are "on their side"? Extremely plausable.
Did you know, their are only 8 concealed weapons permits in San Francisco? What happened to the right to bear arms?
This is only the tip of the iceberg. Why are we so content with paying so many taxes? I mean, we are taxed out the a*s in almost every aspect of our lives. But, this is ok with you people? What sad little people you are. When things REALLY get bad, what are you going to do then? Where are we headed. All you Bush supporters seem to know it all. Please, enlighten me.

2007-10-22 11:48:07 · 24 answers · asked by Zay Bones 2

There is 2400 acres burning in Malibu and some 15,000 in Orange. I know there is money in Malibu but it should be about people and danger to them not homes.

2007-10-22 11:47:41 · 7 answers · asked by RJ W 2

I've come to a conclusion based on some of my recent reading.
I believe that in general, a lack of resources start wars and religion picks sides in those wars.
Do you agree or disagree on a large scale? (I am aware of examples where this is not the case, but I am talking not about specific conflicts but the majority of them.)

2007-10-22 11:47:22 · 5 answers · asked by Sal 5

and the 4.5 billion year history of the planet keep showing up on the Discovery, Science, History, Animal Planet, National Geographic, and Smithsonian Channels?

Libs can't be the only ones who enjoy these edutainment channels.

Do you think it is all one big tin foil hat liberal conspiracy?

2007-10-22 11:46:30 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm basically wondering whether people would rather live under an openly evil government (fascist germany), or a inwardly evil, outwardly good government (communist russia). The opinions stated are my own, I don't want a debate please just answer the very simple question, thanks.

2007-10-22 11:44:47 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Some are threatening to do so. Especially if Giuliani gets the Republican nomination.
Here's a Newsweek article on it :

2007-10-22 11:44:39 · 14 answers · asked by ? 6

or a conservative country like Saudi Arabia or Iraq where gays get lashed, tortured, mutilated, and even stoned to death?

2007-10-22 11:40:46 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

The earth naturally produces these same greenhouse gasses that "global warming alarmists" say is eating through our protective ozone layer and as a result... will melt all the ice in the world... causing massive flooding with super high temperatures that will then boil all of us in the water and fry those of us on higher ground. So... looking at nature, which follows the laws of science... if mother earth and her animals create tons of the gasses everyday... is she trying to commit suicide? Is Al Gore just trying to stop her from killing herself? I may have mis judged Al.... although.... he still hasn't come up with a way to stop natural greenhouse gasses though....

This is simply a common sense question. If greenhouse gasses have that much of an effect.... why does the earth produce so much of it and how has it survived for so long?

2007-10-22 11:37:08 · 10 answers · asked by That Guy 5

I'm 52 and have been watching politics since the 60's. Never in my life have I see so much hatred as I have now. I had always been told how it would eat at a person and make them do and say strange things, but this is the first time I have witnessed it and on such a large scale. Amazing.

2007-10-22 11:35:52 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Turkey is going to invade Northern Iraq, I have no doubt. It's their right when terrorists are attcking their soldiers.

Will they do a better job controlling terrorism than the US?

2007-10-22 11:34:50 · 8 answers · asked by Villain 6

Also, will this help drive the price of oil over $100 per barrel since OPEC sets the price of oil on the US dollar?

2007-10-22 11:34:27 · 8 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

Information Please The author of a new book about the Clinton White House years says she was stonewalled during her attempts to get information at the Clinton Presidential Library in Arkansas. Sally Bedell Smith — author of "For Love of Politics" — says her requests for memos and records dealing with Hillary Clinton's role as First Lady were denied. Newsweek reports the national archives says barely one-half of one percent of the 78 million pages of documents and 20 million e-mails stored at the library are open to the public.

2007-10-22 11:32:06 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you disagree you are not a smart person.

2007-10-22 11:22:58 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you are for the Yugoslav war and against Iraq, explain.

2007-10-22 11:22:31 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

- In Feb1993, the World Trade Center was bombed by Muslim fanatics, killing five people and injuring hundreds.
- In Oct1993, 18 American troops were killed in a firefight in Somalia. The body of one American was dragged through the streets of Mogadishu as the Somalian hordes cheered.
- In Nov 1995, five Americans were killed and 30 wounded by a car bomb in Saudi Arabia set by Muslim extremists.
- In June 1996, a U.S. Air Force complex in Saudi Arabia was bombed by Muslim extremists.
- In Nov 1997, Iraq refused to allow U.N. weapons inspections to do their jobs and threatened to shoot down a U.S. U-2 spy plane.
- In Aug 1998, U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by Muslim extremists.
- In Aug 20, Monica Lewinsky appeared for the 2nd time to testify before the grand jury. Clinton responded by bombing Afghanistan and Sudan, severely damaging a camel and an aspirin factory. A catastrophic failure.
- In Oct 2000, our warship, the USS Cole, was attacked by Muslims.

2007-10-22 11:14:56 · 26 answers · asked by Kingler 5


Liberals, don't you just hate it when the lies of your party are exposed?

2007-10-22 11:14:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would like a detailed answer not just "because". I have researched this but call me stupid, nothing seems clear enough to me.

2007-10-22 11:13:21 · 15 answers · asked by steffiekprice 2

More than gas, water, and cup-a-noodle? Who should Bush bomb to stop the high prices

2007-10-22 11:13:08 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Don't they know what is going on better than those of us who can only see through journalists? So what's their (or your) opionion of Iraq? We've got politicians on both who all rattle off. But do they truly know? Liberals may not like Patreas, but he does have authority, and he is more experienced. From what I hear, rising in the military isn't like running for president. And if another general proposes disaproval, he/she (I don't know how it works) shouldn't be labeled anti-american.

And please don't bash one side or the other. I hope to hear from those who are or have served.

2007-10-22 11:08:42 · 11 answers · asked by Mitchell 5

I see so many people in here who blindly accept what our government tells us about 9/11, when the fact that Bush in the very least knew about it, and let it happen, to get us into Iraq under the guise of terrorism. The proof is all over the place, but these idiots continue to watch Fox News' Hannity and Colmes, and O'reilly, who support our countries efforts in Iraq, and support Bush. This whole terrorism crap is really a well planned strategy by the administration, to eventually have us so scared of terrorism, that we are willing to give up every right under our constitution, in hopes that we will be protected by our government. But, don't ask any questions. Just believe whatever we tell you, and watch Fox News!

2007-10-22 11:05:44 · 22 answers · asked by Zay Bones 2

Lets face it the man has a very stressfull job to begin with but to deal with such disapproval from his country with poll ratings and protest he still manages to hold his head up and run the country greatly. Would you rather have a president who sees the polls and changes his policy's and beliefs or have a president with some back bone who stays strong on what he thinks is right?

2007-10-22 11:05:30 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

We sided with the Kurds in Northern Iraq, and even went in because Saddam was using mustard gas against them in the early 90's...........now we are going to let Turkey invade and kill them? Because we favor Turkey over Iraq? Who is the PKK and why are we not protecting the Kurds? Is it just me or is all of this FUBAR?

2007-10-22 11:03:54 · 4 answers · asked by lvillejj 4

If you answer yes do you remember the weekend of June 25-27, 1993? The Clinton administration struck Iraq with a volley of missiles on Baghdad. The strike killed a number of Iraqis (and a camel) but left Saddam in power and unscathed.

The Clinton administration DID NOT seek U.N. approval for the strike, and some U.N. Security Council members were quite annoyed. They were bothered that the Clinton team proceeded on its own evidence. According to Madeleine Albright, U.S. evidence alone was sufficient for U.S. unilateral action; U.N. approval was not necessary. Albright, Clinton, and Gore were adamant: the United States did not need U.N. approval to use force against Iraq.

2007-10-22 11:02:27 · 8 answers · asked by Kingler 5

They are on a chart, and this is the order from left-right with the more extreme viewpoints on each end.

1. Radical
2. Left Wing
3. Liberal
4. Progressive
5. Moderate
6. Middle of the Road
7. Conservative
8. Status Quo
9. Reactionary
10. Right Wing

2007-10-22 10:53:27 · 4 answers · asked by SignsofPoetry 2

I'll give them a safety when he had his prescription drug failing.

2007-10-22 10:51:28 · 16 answers · asked by Major Deek 2

I realize that its a lost cause. But I do support China. And the way I see it, America is so corrupt and decadent, that if I try to change things "inside the system", I'll either lose out to people more cruel than me, or become so evil myself that I won't stand for anything.

Better to be a man of good character fighting for a lost cause than a successful goon. Look at all of history's heroes with the exception of militrary men like Napoleon, none of them played inside the sytem even when thier cause seemed dire and hopeless.

2007-10-22 10:41:37 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-22 10:31:44 · 17 answers · asked by Stephanie 3

This harmless question was deleted earlier.....

what are your thought of steven cobert and his running for president?

2007-10-22 10:29:05 · 1 answers · asked by death_by_stereo 3

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