These babies were inncent, unborn babies who had NO SAY in their right to life process.
Do liberals consider the infanticide of 48,589,993 babies a civil rights victory?
HONESTLY, I support a woman's right to get a tatoo, body piercing, nose ring, and hair coloring. It's their right too.
However, I don't support letting any women have the right to kill her baby.
Why don't the babies get a say in their right to life process?
Where's the liberal's so called "tolerance" for the unborn, innocent babies with no say in their right to life process?
Why don't they care about the baby's civil rights?
Why do they disregard them as trash that's allowed to be disposed with no worry or care?
This just proves my theory that Liberalism really is a mental disorder.
By the way, I feel plenty of sorrow for any woman who has had an abortion.
Remember, God loves and forgives you. (Don't forget!)
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