both Petraeus and the Swift Boat Vets are seen by much of the country as highly decorated soldiers, and who are associated with the view that America's military is honorable?
It seems to me that both, with its "Betray Us" ad, and Kerry, with his many horrific accusations against US soldiers and his throwing away his medals (as well as his comment about US troops "terrorizing" women and children and his "botched joke") are both associated in much of the public's mind with the opinion that America's military is somehow evil, dishonorable (in the sense of lying) or in the wrong.
For better or worse (I think for better), the general public seems very much to want to believe the best about our military, not the worst. And anyone with a contrary view will have an uphill battle to say the least.
Are politicians who don't come out and agree with MoveOn, but don't condemn them either, trying to have it both ways?
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American citizen and taxpayer