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Politics - 23 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

everyone always talk about religious extremists, and in the US its already a social crime to belong any of the Abrahamic religions. but how come no one ever talks about the secular extremists? they teach that the government should be the parent, and that the family should be done away with. they think organized religion should be banned. some of them encourage irresponsible sexual behavior in order to undermine religious ethics among the youth (using condoms is one thing, but encouraging someone to have "free sex" is another. would you want your 16 year old daughter to have already been boinked by 50 guys who treat her as a piece of meat, even if she didn't get sick?) Ive also seen film footage of radical secularists encouraging youth to experiment with drugs. again, legalizing marijuana is one thing, but encouraging the youth to indiscriminately experiment with drugs is another.

2007-08-23 04:08:00 · 2 answers · asked by blank 1

2007-08-23 04:05:40 · 18 answers · asked by Liberal City 6

Libs say that no one can make that connection but it's okay for libs to do so? You know, the "... a quagmire like Vietnam..." in reference to Iraq?

***When I say libs I mean SOME not ALL***

2007-08-23 04:01:30 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

What's your opinion as to how it's being presented ?

I've watched Parts 1 and 2 to learn and to see if it would contain bias . It most certainly is biased but I wonder how many people noticed ?

Part 1 was about Jews. . . Part 2 was about Muslims(very biased on Amampour's behalf). . . Part 3 is about Christians and that one is on tonight .

2007-08-23 03:54:23 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Thank you for answering my question, but some of the answer where a little predictable, such as "Because the democrats promise them handouts and welfare, and their votes are being bought."
"Take a look at each party today. The Republican politicians are significantly whiter (and more male) than the Democratic politicians. That has more power than does history."
I'd like to ask why don't we get past these issues(monthly checks) and stereotypes(significantly whiter) and really think about it and ask Why do most Black people vote for Democrats? I mean is it because they help you more or what or do you feel more grateful to them? I'd really like too know.
Thank you.

2007-08-23 03:49:55 · 17 answers · asked by Kurt 1

It seems their eyes are closed to the fact that CNN and MSNBC lean to the left and they are not at all 'balanced' news. Yet the only news channel they gripe about is Fox News.

I think they have been trained to think that liberal news IS the real news and anything else is wrong.


2007-08-23 03:35:44 · 30 answers · asked by SEXIEST AVATAR™ is HERE. 6

I have been seeing many questions stating that Bush has broken Constitutional law and needs to be impeached. Their have been many court battles over certain things, but why does the Bush Administration keep winning these arguments.

First of all, are you all constitutional scholars? If you are, can you please explain to me what specific passage in the constitution he broke, how he broke it, and what it really means.

Secondly, the supreme court has broken the constitution many times. Can someone please send me the passage in the United States Constitution where the word abortion is permitted? I can't remember seeing that one when I read the constitution.

2007-08-23 03:35:32 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-23 03:28:51 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Read this post


2007-08-23 03:27:47 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Example: Man in Military stationed overseas with wife and they have a Child who automatically is a citizen of America.

2007-08-23 03:26:59 · 17 answers · asked by ♥ Mel 7

London (England), the Daily Telegraph (newspaper) provided a summary of the most recent cancer survival rates by country in an article published Tuesday, August 21st, 2007


Liberals -- please tell me how your proposed US national health care program is going to avoid disasters such at the one the Telegraph describes.

[Cons: you may omit the sarcastic remarks -- the data speak for themselves.]


2007-08-23 03:20:23 · 3 answers · asked by Spock (rhp) 7

If so, then why the flap about not agreeing with the President's policies and handling of the war?

2007-08-23 03:15:48 · 12 answers · asked by El Duderino 4


Is this a show down between a Farting Moose and the polar Bear? which will we choose?

2007-08-23 03:07:12 · 6 answers · asked by Antiliber 6

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

2007-08-23 02:57:42 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have never done bad things in the past becuz everything we did was to protect our freedoms.
Why do you lie and say we were ever wrong?
I was lisening to Hannity the other day and he is wright about you.
Thats' very unamerican and unpatriotic.

2007-08-23 02:54:52 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

Rudy sued gun manufacturers while he was Mayor of New York, because their products were used by criminals in commission of crimes. Why not sue the makers of ammunition? Without bullets guns are useless. Thousands of people die in auto accidents each year, why not outlaw cars and trucks?
New York City is also a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants.
Why is Giuliani hiding from his ultra-liberal record?

2007-08-23 02:52:55 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous


The protests are sheilded not only from the media but from the presidents sight.
Whats the point in protest if the one you're protesting will never see it.
The ones that get past security are arrested.
Isn't this a direct violation of our constitutional rights?

2007-08-23 02:51:43 · 18 answers · asked by Enigma 6

He is doing the best job and has allot of people who now what they are doing behind him.
We now for certaine that Iraq had WMD and we are doing our best to finaly find it and defete terrorests but why do you want to be a domestic terrorest and say that we should withdraw?
We need to be there allot longer then we where in Veitnam and its going to take every single one of ours support and the media support in order to do it. We cant just talk bad about it ever we have to be on the same side.
Just like communism did terrorism will spread if we just cut and run.

2007-08-23 02:46:21 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

To all the American Patriots out there. Should we forget about all of this impeachment talk for Bush and Cheney? They have both lost all credibility anyway. There is only a small hardcore minority who still support them. Shoud we, as patriots, just hunker down and let him finish his term emasculated and irrelelvant? Let's all work together to make this great country something to be respected, not mocked, around the world. Sound good to you?

2007-08-23 02:44:42 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yes. Six years after WW I, Britain named a chunk of the Ottoman Empire "Iraq", but they could not make an Iraqui out of an Arab or a Kurd. To maintain order, they armed the minority Sunnis, who subjugted the majority Shi'ites and controlled (stole!) their oil.

By a stroke of dumb luck, a village idiot liberated them from Sadaam Hussein and now, after 75 years, they have their oil again. But now, the idiot is trying to convince the Shi'ites that they should give the Sunnis a lot of their oil and he can't understand why they refuse.

The idiot was never very smart about the oil business. He should have stuck with baseball. Even more ridiculous, the red state red-necked oil workers from Texas, Alaska, Oklahoma, and Louisiana just love the idiot. But, when 50% of all adults have below-average intelligence and are given the same voting rights as the above-average group, what can we expect?

It would be funny except that the idiot killed many thousands and we are still counting.

2007-08-23 02:38:40 · 6 answers · asked by marvinsussman@sbcglobal.net 6

2007-08-23 02:24:01 · 28 answers · asked by A True Gentleman 5

Nah, I didn't think so.

2007-08-23 02:23:26 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think he would have won the election over Kennedy in 1960? He narrowly lost due to the first televised debates and the mafia help to Kennedy.

2007-08-23 02:22:05 · 14 answers · asked by sirkusrock 3

Do you think the mentality of if youre not for Bush youre against America has in any way been helpful to this country?

I know this goes both ways but even his most ardent followers must admit this has been one of his most consitent tactics.
So... do you think this has been helpful at all?

2007-08-23 02:18:03 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Al-Qaeda in Iraq could not challenge American troops directly. Their solution has been to target innocent Iraqis instead, to slaughter innocent Muslim men, women and children by the hundreds.

Why wouldn’t this cause outrage around the world? It did – but al-Qaeda calculated that in much of the West, the outrage would be directed less at them than at Americans for "stirring up a hornet's nest." And, as they also expected, images of death and destruction, coupled with reports of soldiers killed by roadside bombs, soon would erode the will of many Americans to continue the fight

2007-08-23 02:15:13 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Isn't that a bit antiquated? We don't seem to need any incentive to populate this planet, but those who choose to have children are further exhausting our resources. Should we consider giving tax breaks to those who DON'T have children?

2007-08-23 02:12:24 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

In my mind, it seriously damages the credibility of the organization by making it look as if an animal cruelty case has something to do with race. It looks like THEY are trying to get special treatment for HIM because he is African-American in a kind of unsubtle exploitation of the media. The cynic in me looks at the timing (just before the sentencing) and the fact that it is a nonprofit organization which works on donations. ( I suspect an NFL football player can make big donations)

I always respected the fine work of the NAACPs founders and the voice they gave to the Civil Rights movement. This kind of apparent pandering makes me ill.

2007-08-23 02:07:24 · 13 answers · asked by Buffy Summers 6

My history books outline that Nixon and Kissinger spent several years seeking a treaty with the communist regime in North Vietnam over the "Vietnam Conflict". Fact is, Vietnam wanted independence, and, not a puppet government installed by the west.

2007-08-23 01:56:23 · 9 answers · asked by alphabetsoup2 5

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