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Politics - 23 August 2007

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After the U.S. and Australia left Vietnam, millions of people in the area were killed. And more than 5 million people were became fugees.

Also, because of decline in troop strength in Vietnam, Americans were under heavy attack before the fall of Saigon.

If America leaves Iraq, then at least over 1 million people will die and Iraq will become an terrorist run Islamic state. Al-Qaeda's goal is to be in charge of Iraq.

2007-08-23 08:42:04 · 19 answers · asked by a bush family member 7

That a lot of people in the U.S. are willing to tuck their tail between their legs and scurry out of Iraq. Does just giving up on somthing we have spent so much on, and letting terrorists take the victory sit fine with them. It doesnt matter If you believe "Bush Lied" (not even going to get into why thats a load of crap) We gave our word that we would rebuild Iraq, and I hope we see that through.

Many people talk about how the world has lost respect for the U.S. Do you really believe that quitting, surendering, whatever you want to call it, will build back that respect. Nobody respects a quiter.

2007-08-23 08:32:59 · 10 answers · asked by Conor H 2


2007-08-23 08:27:38 · 5 answers · asked by Darth Vader 6


Elvira Arellano, an illegal immigrant was holed up in a church for a year to avoid deportation (even though officials could have came in the church and arrested her.) She ANNOUNCED that she was going to LA to participate in an immigration rally where after she made a speech, she was promptly arrested and deported back to Mexico, leaving behind her young American-born son.

Here is what she said:

“They were in a hurry to deport me because they saw that I was threatening to mobilize and organize the people to fight for legalization. I have a fighting spirit and I’m going to continue fighting.”

Now people are fighting and DEMANDING that they be allowed to break the law?
No, I am not a racist who is against immigrants. I am against ILLEGAL immigration.


I am sure most of you have heard of her and her story. What are your thoughts on this?

2007-08-23 08:22:56 · 33 answers · asked by Still Beautifully Conservative 5

Louisiana Gov Blanco said they can't even come up with their share of the cost. Should our government spend so much money on New Orleans?


2007-08-23 08:22:21 · 24 answers · asked by Jasmine 5


This article says that in 1998, Clinton acknowledged that Iraq had WMDs. Can anyone accurately tell me why this has nothing to do with the current Iraq War? I can tell you right now that it doesn't, but many people claim it does, or that "Clinton agreed with Bush that Iraq had WMDs" or "See, Clinton lied too".

Can you tell me why these statements don't make sense? If you ask nicely, I will tell you.

2007-08-23 08:22:10 · 8 answers · asked by Take it from Toby 7

I tend to think that emotions run the decisions.We are emotionally guided creatures.Correct?

2007-08-23 08:21:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

If everyone in the Us stopped working except government workers what would happen? Do you think the too-wealthy polititians would finally listen to the working class of people and not the rich?

2007-08-23 08:21:21 · 5 answers · asked by Sandy B 5

I asked if Clinton accused Saddam of harbouring WMD's, why is only Bush the liar? NOT ONE RESPONSE. Usually they swarm, but never when they have to face facts. Read...

2007-08-23 08:11:54 · 40 answers · asked by Stereotypemebecauseyouknow 7

I must admit I love big fat women.

2007-08-23 08:11:18 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

War analogy strikes nerve in Vietnam By BEN STOCKING, Associated Press Writer
President Bush touched a nerve among Vietnamese when he invoked the Vietnam War in a speech warning that death and chaos will envelop Iraq if U.S. troops leave too quickly.
People in Vietnam, where opposition to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq is strong, said Thursday that Bush drew the wrong conclusions from the long, bloody Southeast Asian conflict.
"Doesn't he realize that if the U.S. had stayed in Vietnam longer, they would have killed more people?" said Vu Huy Trieu of Hanoi, a veteran of the communist forces that fought American troops in Vietnam. "Nobody regrets that the Vietnam War wasn't prolonged except Bush."
He said U.S. troops could never have prevailed here. "Does he think the U.S. could have won if they had stayed longer? No way," Trieu said.

2007-08-23 08:01:55 · 23 answers · asked by avail_skillz 7

Then is it considered legal for the US to just settle in any country it wants and bring it to democracy. Just only because its a world power. Is "being a world power" the only option thats qualifies a country to occupy another weak country. What if Iraq for example became a world power (i hope not) will it be considered quite natural if iraqi troops came to the US and settled there to make the US people turn to democracy. I think a lot of americans will scream and hate to think about it. So is being a world power something which qualifies a country to occupy another one or is Bush just playing around????

2007-08-23 07:56:22 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Isn't it amazing how they bash Bush all the time but even when Clinton got caught with his OVAL in Monica's OFFICE, the Clintonites still fell down and worshipped him and snarled at anyone who had anything critical to say about him.

They still love him even though his incompetence led to the precise planning of September 11, 2001. (Yes, spineless libs, CLINTON should get just as much blame as Bush for the attacks that could have been avoided if either President took the time to study the intelligence.)

It has now been seven years since he has vacated the office and they still defend that scum to the death. When will lliberals admit that Slick Willie was not the perfect President they all think he is and that voting his semi-feminine husband into office will only worsten our problems in the US rather than improve them.

2007-08-23 07:28:22 · 30 answers · asked by Frank Dileo 3

Should we spare Africa's feelings by not telling them about the global economy?


2007-08-23 07:27:51 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Reciently I heard it put this way... "Republicans want to be your daddy, they want to tell you what to do, who to be, and how to act... Democrats want to be your mommy, they want to feed you, care for you, make sure you feel good about yourself... Libertarians want to treat you like an adult." Interesting way to put it... what do you think?

2007-08-23 07:23:58 · 10 answers · asked by Schaufel 3

The US troops.....

2007-08-23 07:18:23 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do they not see the consequences to follow?

2007-08-23 07:04:13 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-08-23 07:00:38 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

If he truly believes in martyrdom why does he flee and hide?

Not only is he an evil terror plotter, he is not even a real Jihadist - - he is just a sissy wimp who hides in a cave rather than sacrificing his life for his cause, while he tells his followers to do just that. He is a chicken!

2007-08-23 06:58:13 · 8 answers · asked by truthisback 3

Check this out:


Apparently, Jerry Falwell would disagree.

2007-08-23 06:56:51 · 1 answers · asked by tangerine 7

Does it re-write the history regarding Muhammad and re-translate "kill unbelievers" to mean "fight the inner struggle against temptation?"

I KNOW there are people who claim to be Muslim and worship in mosques who are non-violent and even friendly, some of whom denounce the terrorists.

But how can this be reconciled with the wellspring of their religion?

Yes, Christianity, primarily before the Reformation, was violent too - - - but JESUS wasn't. The origin of that faith is non-violent. Jesus may or may not have been God but he wasn't violent in the least, and never spoke in favor of violence. Muhammad killed tens of thousands of people, in most cases in unprovoked raids. And his Koran clearly says to kill the unbelievers - it says how to kill them and what the reward from Allah will be.

How can "moderate Islam" - however one defines it - be reconciled with origins that are anything but moderate?

2007-08-23 06:53:56 · 15 answers · asked by truthisback 3

2007-08-23 06:47:06 · 35 answers · asked by Y2J 1

What's your political party?
This is just a poll

2007-08-23 06:39:14 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

How in the world is it that people are seen as champions of the environment and heroes to the world when they espouse their views about man's involvement in Global Warming. . . . . . . . YET , . . . Those who warn about the threats and dangers of Radical Islamists are seen as 'fear-mongers' ? . . . . . . Especially when we have countless examples of what the Radical Islamists have already done. . . . AND. . . . . Countless clips from their own mouths of what they plan on doing next ?

No matter what you believe about man's involvement in Global Warming . . . . it's still debatable .
Yet there is no doubt whatsoever about what Radical Islamists have in mind for the world . . . . it's not debatable. . . there is no question. . . . . . they have told us many times from their mouths. .. not a theory from the mouths of scientists .

Double Standard ?

2007-08-23 06:34:21 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Terrorism is the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes. Now, how can you have a war on a tactic? I don't disagree that it's wrong to use terror, but how can we win a war on something that's so widespread and has been around forever? When did terrorism begin? as far as I know it began whenever people started to argue. Who are the terrorists? Anyone and everyone. How do we know who will use that tactic and when? We DON'T. Maybe we should have a war on war as well to just square it all off. How about a war on air strikes, and offensives? Oh, I know! A war on business strategies, I think those are getting out of control and hurting Americans too. Do you know how many people die from McDonald's ads?

War on terrorism can't be won because you can't fight something has no definite place, person, or time. I don't understand, how does the babbling monkey continue deceiving American people into believing in an impossible enemy?

Please tell me I'm wrong

2007-08-23 06:33:05 · 18 answers · asked by Natasha 3

Its clear the primary support the communist dominos in Asia gets is USA buying vietnamese, chinese and N korean goods as fast as they can be produced.

2007-08-23 06:31:04 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

apparently the Michael Vick case is more important....

2007-08-23 06:22:33 · 9 answers · asked by death_by_stereo 3

These people see it as a problem that we are winning.


2007-08-23 06:18:13 · 8 answers · asked by Chainsaw 6

He has the most solid career out of any, and there is absolutely nothing strange about him. Why do people continue to think he's a cultist, and call him an un-christian? He belongs to THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS. as in JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth! They read the Bible, they believe in God, Jesus Christ, they have the 2nd to best world relief effort, and the President of the mormons has been given the Presidential Medal of Freedom from The United States Government, the highest award a civilian can get! They established the state of Utah, they settled and built the first buildings in San Bernadino, and for Pete's sake they had a Battalion in the U.S. Army and they hold the record for the longest march in Army history from Illinois to San Diego! What is everyone's problem?!!

2007-08-23 06:15:50 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

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