I am attempting to join the Army Rangers and I will serve in war if I have to, whether it be in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Iran, I will serve. I am sick of my fellow Americans being so soft and peace-loving, and complaining about every war we get into. They have to face reality and realize we will never see world peace, but we can get closer to it by fighting terrorists and defending America.
We should start the draft back up, and draft every man and woman 18 years old to 35 years old and throw any draft dodgers into jail for life if it is peace time or hang them if it is a time of war for running away from their country; and this time they will have nowher to hide as Canada will no longer accept draft dodgers.
I intentionally never married and never had kids just so I could serve in the military and go to war without worrying about a bunch of jokes crying over my dead body if I died for this country,
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