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Politics - 14 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Since history repeats itself, does the world have another Hitler in the making?

2007-08-14 06:45:52 · 33 answers · asked by Naturescent 4

Isn't fear the true enemy of freedom?

2007-08-14 06:45:18 · 17 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

its time for manufacturers to bring our jobs back to us and ensure products are safe - what do you think?
and yes i know these countries are poor but so are we! as more and more jobs go overseas more and more americans are losing their livlihood, their homes, their lives.

2007-08-14 06:37:45 · 21 answers · asked by itsjustyouandmebabe 2

There is specifically much criticism surrounding his administration during the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Others criticize his lack preparedness before the attacks by allegedly ignoring the ongoing threat to New York City from Islamist terrorists in the preceding years. His handling of Ground Zero air quality issue is also questioned for downplaying the health effects of the air afterwards.

It is also mentioned that his recovery effort of the aftermath of Ground Zero, asserting that Giuliani rushed to conclude the recovery effort once gold and silver had been recovered from World Trade Center vaults. It has been alleged that Guiliani never read 9/11 Commission's Report and that he didn't attend any meetings of the Iraq Study Group after being appointed to it in early 2006.In the wake of 9/11, there has been debate as to whether or not Giuliani profited from the tragedy. Before September 11th, Giuliani was estimated to be worth a little less than $2 million, now its 30 times that amount

2007-08-14 06:37:37 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Israel locked the doors to the pilots' cabins 20 years before 9/11 without 1 hi-jacking attempt.

Richard Clarke, Bill Clinton's terrorism expert, was kept by Bush. He recommended that the cabins be locked, as did the Clinton's transition team. No action was taken.

After his inauguration in January, no cabinet meetings on terroism were held until 1 week before 9/11. Clarke was not invited! During that period, the CIA had 52 hi-jacking threats.

Before 9/11, Bush was an asterisk. After 9/11, he was King George and could kick the U.N.'s WMD inspectors out of Iraq before they could certify that there were none. Then he could send an army into Iraq and set up bases between Syria and Iran and squeeze Iran between Iraq and Afghanistan. King of the hill!

It's hard to believe that smart guys like Karl Rove and Paul Wolfowitz didn't recommend clearing brush at the ranch all summer instead of ordering the FAA to lock the damned doors! The reward was too great and so easy to do.

2007-08-14 06:34:28 · 3 answers · asked by marvinsussman@sbcglobal.net 6


2007-08-14 06:31:25 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

is that like adding fuel to a fire?

2007-08-14 06:24:20 · 14 answers · asked by ballerb j 1

Would they rather he just sleep with everyone he comes in contact with have lots of kids and don't claim responsibility for them like liberals do?

2007-08-14 06:22:33 · 37 answers · asked by Frank Dileo 3

It is being reported that the Kyoto Protocol encourages the cutting down forest. Since you cannot collect the global warming carbon tax credits for not planting trees, it is actually encouraging people to cut down the rain forest.

Say it aint so Joe! What's a global warmist going to do?


2007-08-14 06:22:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

All you have to do is read the Old Testament. When Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) are prevalent in a society, there is little concept of true benevolence left because the depiction of Divinity is also violent and brutal.

2007-08-14 06:22:09 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Past,and present are/were apart of the illuminati.Besides Bush,and Kerry

2007-08-14 06:21:37 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-14 06:17:40 · 23 answers · asked by Tom M 1

and why do we sell all those weapons to other countries..some even to both sides of a conflict, and why do we get involved in so many wars?

2007-08-14 06:17:34 · 15 answers · asked by ron j 1

Or is everyone currently participating in the politics section so misinformed about the others stance on issues that they can not coherently argue an opposing position?

You could all prove me wrong, but how many can refrain from monosyllabic jabs when they are confronted with other opinions?

2007-08-14 06:17:05 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

During the Monica Lewinski scandal?

2007-08-14 06:08:44 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Every boady know about Iraq whats going on people live in death any time any things to be happend in the Iraq so tell me without angry why the america wants to established the demoractice system in the world without Iraq.

2007-08-14 06:08:24 · 17 answers · asked by Madhav P 1

You can include anything, morals, ethics, politics or her looks define her in any way you like....3 words only please.

2007-08-14 06:08:20 · 29 answers · asked by anthony p 3

Is he a great american? or an example of what america should not be?

2007-08-14 06:07:05 · 6 answers · asked by me 3

Can we get some examples, not just opinions, of "liberal biased media"? Remember, just because they report acurately on something that is not going your way, i.e. Iraq, doesn't make them "liberal".

Remember, give some specific examples. General shouting and mud slinging make you liable to the dreaded "reporting".

2007-08-14 06:00:07 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have a look at this question:


I asked Y!A libs why they were so opposed to the statements of the President regarding justification for attacking Iraq. Strangely enough, the answers turned into a Bush Bashing frenzy.

Trouble was, the quotes were from Clinton, not Bush.

Most libs ran and hid. A few came back and tried to squirm out of it, claiming that what was true in '98 was a lie in '03. that being the case, one would think that the Clinton administration would have made a declaration of success in Iraq. That never came, and even in '02 and '03, Dems joined in near universal acknowledgment that Saddam was a threat and regime change was the policy.

So, why are the Y!A libs in the link above such hypocrities?

Does it point to a much greater trend, that Y!A Libs place party above principle...all the time, regardless of the issue?

2007-08-14 05:56:27 · 18 answers · asked by ? 6

The Treasury Department reported that federal revenues reached $2.12 trillion ($2,120,000,000,0000) for the first ten months of fiscal year 2007. In both current and inflation-adjusted dollars, that puts the federal government on course for the most revenue it’s ever collected in a year.

Indeed, it’s the most revenue any government in the history of the world has ever collected. And yet it’s not enough to satisfy the voracious appetites of the spenders in Congress and the administration. Spending was $2.27 trillion for the same ten months.

It seems that the deficit problem in Washington is not a result of insufficient tax revenue but rather the inexorable growth of spending on everything from earmarks to entitlements to war.

How can the democrats be clammoring for more taxes? When is enough enough?


2007-08-14 05:51:34 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are some things in life just too predictable?

Democrats In Congress Passed A Budget Resolution That Calls For $205 Billion In Additional Domestic Spending Over The Next Five Years – And Will Lead To The Largest Tax Increase In American History. If Congressional Democrats allow the tax relief we passed to expire:

Those with children would see their taxes raised by $500 per child;

The average family of four making $60,000 a year would see a tax increase of more than $1,800 a year;

Around 26 million small business owners would suffer a tax increase of more than $4,000 a year;

and 5 million low-income Americans who currently do not pay income taxes would be forced to once again pay income taxes.

2007-08-14 05:48:24 · 13 answers · asked by PNAC ~ Penelope 4

I met a man yesterday who is a self made multi-billionaire. Yes, I said BILLIONAIRE/ He started with nothing and his companies world wide now employ about 50,000 people. He is a genuinely good person. He gives generously to charity. What's the beef that some people have with this kind of wealth.

2007-08-14 05:40:50 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've seen lots of post here from both parties claiming the other party is either too lazy or unpatriotic to serve in the military. So here's a very informal and far-from-scientific poll.... What's your party affiliation (if independent, which way do you lean on the issues)? and Did you serve (or are you serving in the military)?

2007-08-14 05:40:06 · 9 answers · asked by Fretless 6

who makes over $200,00 annually should give everything over $200,000 to the government. I asked him how much he and his wife make annually and he said alittle over $100,000...something tells me that if he and his wife made over $200,000 annually he would feel anything over $300,000 should be given to the government....my question is...how many libs agree with him, and what do YOU consider rich??..

2007-08-14 05:37:55 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is not an attack on your beliefs, so please answer the quesion without attacking my beliefs. How is a family supposed to survive on $7.00 an hour without government assistance? 1 mom working 40 hours, 1 dad working 40 hours, and one child that is 3 years old? Please explain so I can better understand your position.

2007-08-14 05:37:52 · 13 answers · asked by Lisa M 5

I'm not disputing Fox's standing in the Nielsen's, just wondering how there could be a liberal media bias if the number one news organization in the country provides "fair and balanced" news.

2007-08-14 05:34:04 · 13 answers · asked by El Duderino 4

It was leather bound with gold leafed inserts of the papers. I thought I should send to President Bush at the White House with a note saying: "I think you might want to glance over this, it's kind of important." What do you think?

2007-08-14 05:31:53 · 5 answers · asked by Kevy 7

its been proven that raising taxes on cigarettes discourages smoking. liberals are all in favor of raising taxes on gasoline to encourage public transportation and car-pooling in an effort to curb demand. a chicago city alderman wants to raise taxes on bottled water to cover the water and sewer budget shortfall and to save the environment.

so, if liberals can use those arguments as proof that raising taxes discourages a certain activity, then do liberals want you unemployed?

2007-08-14 05:25:53 · 16 answers · asked by james_r_keene 2

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