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Politics - 17 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Americans did caught Cheney & some Pigs at the Whore House acting like the Pigs in Animal Farm.

2007-07-17 08:40:09 · 3 answers · asked by Whitest_American 3

Isn't it time to leave Iraq and get back the way they came out from? We never, NEVER like you . Don't you know?

2007-07-17 08:36:07 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-07-17 08:33:50 · 30 answers · asked by Moore55 4

Liberal Conservative Labour libertarian etc

What ever you may feel you are

Do you have an idea what that party should stand for and is that different than the leader of that party seems to be going in ?

For instance "I am a conservative but I do not aprove of Bush "

"I am a Republican but I do not approve of Clinton/Barack" etc?

2007-07-17 08:28:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is that show bad for America? Does it cross the line into "emboldening our enemys " territory? should it be pulled? What do u think?

2007-07-17 08:26:57 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

LOL of course not.

2007-07-17 08:22:22 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Senator Kennedy attached the Hate-Crimes bill to the Defense Authorization Bill. Just wondered how many people agree with Senator Kennedy using the bill that would help fund our troops to get the Hate-Crimes bill passed. I hear they're trying to pass it this week.
The Defense Authorization Bill pays for our troops. Amongst other things it gives special compensations and bonuses, basic military pay, housing allowances, health care professional special pay, subsistance allowances, emergency leaves of absence etc. to our troops
The Hate Crimes Bill would extend special protection status to homosexuals, bisexuals, and transexuals. It would cause any crime against them (even speaking against them) to be prosecuted more severely than crimes against lets say an elderly person.

2007-07-17 08:20:12 · 16 answers · asked by Jessi J 2

I am not at all defending crude remarks of gays and minorities. I happen to be a minority as you can see, but why is it just great to make fun of groups like whites and Christians with no repercussions?

If you speak against Islam, you are hateful. If you say something bad about Christianity, you are voicing free speech. There is a double-standard at work here and it is getting us NO CLOSER to living in this world peacefully with each other.

Can't we all just RESPECT EACH OTHER???

2007-07-17 08:18:58 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

And will they take the blame?

2007-07-17 08:12:45 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who will get the blame for the carnage that would follow??...the President? or Congress?

2007-07-17 08:12:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean, the poor guy's just trying to do his job and all these people are saying how'd they'd like to see him dead and all that. How would you like to run this whole country and try to make good choices while having practically the whole nation saying how much they hate you and want to kill you? Sure, his jokes aren't funny, but that man is doing his damnest to keep this country going. We keep the troops in Iraq because we need to. Terrorists have said they want "Death to America." If we pull out, then they'll KILL US. They want nothing more than that, and President Bush is just trying to prevent that from happening. Don't forget that every soldier in the army joined because they wanted to. They were never forced. They joined because they felt the sole desire to protect their families and their country. Why can't people see that? How can we try and make them see that? People are so quick to judge when they don't even know what it's like to have someone tell you they hate you every day.

2007-07-17 08:08:46 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you take the time to analyze what the Democrats have done or trying to do there is only one conclusion. That being the destruction of America . Understanding that is there goal is easy Understanding why has got me a bit puzzled .......Note: I'm not bashing Democrats here I just want to know why

2007-07-17 08:02:51 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

why continue?

Beside the fact that the public hates the war, and the Democrates, plus even some of the Republicans are starting to doubt some of Bush's plans. We want the Dems. to impeach the President, but unless he does somthing unconstitonal, that is unlawful, or imoral we can't.

he had lied to the public about the reasons for going to Iraq and had passed the law for no gay rights, which in my opinion is unconstational, and he had set up a program that gave the gov. the power to spy on the American ppl. i mean thats ok right?

2007-07-17 07:53:46 · 20 answers · asked by ? 2


2007-07-17 07:53:24 · 6 answers · asked by xxxxx 2


2007-07-17 07:52:49 · 3 answers · asked by NAMELESS ID 1

I've got a number of thoughts on this.

first, people bag on America for policing the world, then they bag on us for not stopping genocide in Darfur, Rwanda, Somalia, etc.

We all hope there's never another Holocaust, however if we stop supporting Israel with Military supplies, there could be one in the very near future.

As soon as we make allies, we're "meddling".

Then again, is it a tragedy that Rome fell? If you were a Roman, yes. To most of us, it doesn't matter.

So how do we deal with this?

Please give logical thought and not rants.

2007-07-17 07:49:56 · 5 answers · asked by Ender 6

He is a man elected by the people twice and he has the backbone to say yes and no when its necessary.
something rare for those in power these days who generally take the easy way.

2007-07-17 07:46:36 · 12 answers · asked by Looking ahead 3

It makes no sense to me to take money from the people and redistribute it to the pet projects of corporations who own every politician running except one .
Ron Paul is not in anyones pocket and offers America a chance that seldom come around .
A chance to change the course of our future without a civil war .

2007-07-17 07:45:31 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Seriously do you think there will be any pressure put on him by... say... administration officials torturer in chief to make the report artificially positive? It's not like his boss's entire legacy rests on this September report....

Or is it?

2007-07-17 07:44:27 · 11 answers · asked by Dastardly 6

into Tibet abd the west. If its fine for one why not fine for all?
Don't people in Tibet ... deserve the benefits of modernization?

2007-07-17 07:42:14 · 5 answers · asked by Looking ahead 3

If we are attacked by al qaeda in a fashion similar to or worse than 9/11, are certain people going to think it would not have happened if we hadn't been in Iraq?

Can this question please be discussed civily/ without the drama? I doubt it, but I'm hoping. :)

2007-07-17 07:41:16 · 55 answers · asked by of 2

Granted Al Gore is the most visible public figure talking about global warming, and he has a history as a liberal politician. But forget Al Gore.

"Schwarzenegger, Sarkozy Talk Politics, Global Warming...Both pledged to work together on ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions."


Schwarzenegger is a Republican, Sarkozy is the recently elected conservative French president.

"My message, I think, is that the evidence is sufficient that we should move toward the most effective possible steps to reduce carbon loading in the atmosphere," Gingrich replied.


"We are convinced that the overwhelming scientific evidence indicated that climate change is taking place and human activities play a very large role,'' McCain said.


Since 2005 even Bush has said humans are causing global warming.

2007-07-17 07:38:38 · 21 answers · asked by Dana1981 7

wouldn't instead of using cots purchased by us the tax-payer, they bring a sleeping bag, or their own bedding.

2007-07-17 07:26:47 · 6 answers · asked by mbush40 6

being wasited upon a Queen who does nothing but spends their hard earned money, than about the internal affairs of America?

2007-07-17 07:22:44 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

What right do you have to gripe about people comming back "illegaly" to what was their land before it was stolen from them illegaly?

Why do you act like crossing over a man made line in the dirt (which doesn't belong to man in the firstplace) is so much worse than was done to the indians when america was stolen from them?

2007-07-17 07:21:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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