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Politics - 19 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

why doesn't hat concept apply to gun control?

2007-06-19 07:52:38 · 13 answers · asked by fireburn 1

Why are wealthy people made out to be evil while lazy people are referred to as the poor innocent people (I am referring to people that live off govenment programs when they are capable of working.)

2007-06-19 07:50:08 · 31 answers · asked by Pro-American 3

Sad to say most people are increasingly slow and lazy to find the truth until it smacks them in the face.
I don't think I trust most American voters, they usually just trust the options mainstream gives them instead of researching for themselves.
Or they will vote for Hillary because she doesn't have a penis, or Obama because he is black because they think that is going to change things.

All the candidates seem to be bought and paid for and I don't know how I can live in this country if things continue this way.

When you have someone who actually speaks differently, intellegently and honestly people call him a nutjob!!


2007-06-19 07:44:08 · 20 answers · asked by Beauty&Brains 4

They are killing each other in the Gaza Strip. Nothing Israel has done. Could it be that these people just enjoy bloodshed, mayhem, and the killing of the innocent. Does it make it OK if they are doing it for Allah? What should we do about the situation in Gaza?

2007-06-19 07:42:35 · 11 answers · asked by mbush40 6

2007-06-19 07:42:32 · 9 answers · asked by Dylan B 2

2007-06-19 07:39:47 · 23 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6

* Shut down all foreign military bases.
* Use aircraft carrier task forces to monitor hot spots.
* Use CIA agents to work with other countries to fight terrorism
* Use special forces to hunt down and kill terrorists quietly.
* Cut off ALL foreign aid / use private donations instead.
* Flat tax so that everybody pays an equal share
* English is the national language. LEARN IT.
* Enforce CURRENT immigration laws. Deport all illegals.
* Change the law so that being born here doesn't = citizenship
* Build the border fence congress signed off on last October
* Legalize drugs and save taxpayers over $65 billion a year
(doing drugs is a personal choice like drinking or smoking)
* Limit welfare to 5 years & make it conditional on job training
* Privatize social security (I can save for my own retirement)
* Congressional term limits.

2007-06-19 07:23:51 · 30 answers · asked by ? 3

a. Between Al Sharpton and a camera
b. Between John Edwards and a mirror
c. Between Giuliani and a chance to invoke 9/11 to get into the White House.

2007-06-19 07:23:29 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

The US may be a "shithole" to socialist, but they seem to prefer this shithole over all the others they could be living in. Says a lot.

2007-06-19 07:23:11 · 5 answers · asked by fireburn 1

2007-06-19 07:16:18 · 1 answers · asked by geyamala 7

2007-06-19 07:12:11 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you said FOX NEWS you are 100% correct, Fox new is Unfair and Unbalnced and very biased

2007-06-19 07:07:36 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

It seems like 80 percent of the people on this site are stooges for the Republican Party. Some people should turn off the cable news propaganda and pick up a book. Maybe read something by the founding fathers of the United States. I'm sure they're rolling over in their graves right now.

2007-06-19 06:58:17 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or would he join the Whigs? WWJD and why?

2007-06-19 06:44:11 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Has anyone noticed recently that facism is taking a sharp turn from red into green? Are liberals (and other americans) so easily duped into giving up their freedom? How much freedom should we give up in the name of green.
Drive a low gas mileage car that will have you dead in any collision over 20 miles per hour. Isn't it your right to drive a car you feel safe in.. isn't that freedom?

2007-06-19 06:41:54 · 9 answers · asked by kent j 3

Sometimes it is dificult for me to understand how killing women and children in Baghdad is good for America and our "just a piece of paper."

2007-06-19 06:40:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you have to buy drink or food before being able to use the toilets in a public house?

2007-06-19 06:38:10 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why can't people get over the fact that Rush was addicted to prescription drugs? It happens to a lot of people unfortunately, and it was 4 years ago!!! What's the reason for this?

2007-06-19 06:36:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-19 06:36:36 · 42 answers · asked by Frank Dileo 3

Ron Paul is one of the few candidates that is not a memeber of the CFR. Check out what Ronald Reagan said about Ron Paul.


2007-06-19 06:27:58 · 12 answers · asked by KickThemAllOut.com 2


2007-06-19 06:25:41 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Abhu Gahrib, Iraq and Gitmo Cuba are far more worser than hitlers concentration camps, Even in the main land US Ghettos and Native American Reservations are concentration camps

2007-06-19 06:25:36 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Seriously...makes you wonder. Who stands to benefit from that? And not just the US...I'm talking world wide. Seems what started between them and the middle east has spread like cancer into the rest of the world.

Why does the media keep propagating such things and just trying to spread fear and animosity too?

Makes you really wonder what's goign on in this world.

2007-06-19 06:22:51 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I somewhat remember one of my best teachers being an Independent and one of the worst and most uninformative being a liberal.

2007-06-19 06:18:59 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous

After all, the high ratings really just indicate that people like what they see and hear on FOX, regardless of the veracity (or lack thereof) of the reporting. In fact, early on during the war in Iraq, the University of Maryland conducted a study whose results showed that people who relied on FOX for their coverage of the war tended to be more misinformed than those who relied on other news sources (CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, BBC, etc.).

2007-06-19 05:57:27 · 26 answers · asked by tangerine 7

The definition of Conservative is that they like tradition and want to keep things the same. Liberals have strived forward; challenged dogma, and won. Every time had Liberals And Conservatives. Here are many Battles:

Liberals: Scientists in Old England
Conservatives: Clergy in Old England
Results: Although England dispised them, scientists proved the earth is round and revolves around the sun.

Liberals: USA
Conservatives: England
Results: I think we all know.

Liberals: North
Conservatives: South
Results: North won, slaves freed

Liberals: Charles Darwin
Conservatives: Religious Leaders
Results: We are monkeys, not gods.

Liberals: Idealists
Conservatives: Racists
Results: There is still Racism, but generally, The Idealists won.

Liberals: Democrats
Conservatives: Republicans
Results: Undecided, but why could GOP win? Republicans believe gay marriage and abortion are wrong cuz of "GOD" With this record, why can they win?!

2007-06-19 05:56:46 · 13 answers · asked by SHADOW 1

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