Situation A) A man approaches me on the street and says that based on my appearance I'm obviously well to do and will I please give him all the money in my wallet? He knows I have more in the bank, and he's hungry, and his wife is sick. I tell him no, so he pulls a gun and takes it by force.
Situation B) The government tells me that I'm obviously well to do, and they want a percentage of my income, but they'll let me keep some of it in the bank for myself. They want to give it to people that are hungry, or sick. They obviously need it. I tell them no, and they threaten to come take it by force and throw me in prison.
Is there any difference between the two situations above? Either way my property is being forcibly taken because somebody else decides that they NEED it more than I do, and I can do nothing to stop them. Is that right, or just?
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