Yes. Selfishness=conservatism. According to Bush flushing trillions of tax payer dollars down the toilet in Iraq while giving his buddies no-bid contracts is conservatism
2007-06-08 09:57:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
socialism |ËsÅ sh ÉËlizÉm| noun a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. • policy or practice based on this theory. • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism.
Ah, nope. Since socialism appears to be a system wherein money and/or goods are TAKEN from the masses, then it cannot follow that donating time or money voluntarily is socialism.
Think back over your history lessons, remember how families and communities used to work together and help each other? That is the natural way we socialize.
It is contrary to human nature to stand by or even invite personal violation. Taking something that belongs to someone else is a violation.
2007-06-08 19:39:31
answer #2
answered by Moneta_Lucina 4
anytime someone wants to help another person, it is called charity. but anytime someone wants to obligate all fellow citizens to help a person or group of people, it is called socialism.
when people only want to help themselves, it is called greed. but when people want to provide the means for everyone to live a better life, it is called conservatism.
2007-06-08 19:06:12
answer #3
answered by WJ 7
We as a society must choose to do things for the common good. Without there is anarchy. It is true for any society or it will collapse. Conservatives don't want to admit this.
They forget the reason for the rise of socialism, communism and strong unions was the abuse of the poor by the wealthy. Socialism will never flourish in a society where all the members are prosperous. Let capitalism get out of control...and then bam, socialist revolution. The best way to avoid socialism is to allow a little bit of it. Middle of the road. Otherwise you will get a lot of socialism. Why can't conservatives understand?
2007-06-08 17:08:02
answer #4
answered by beren 7
This is a great question, I agree with you 100%, and you got a few really great answers already, so I will just take my two points. *sm*
Should we just take what we NEED and leave the rest?
If we would live more simply, could more people simply live?
What is love worth to you?
Success is being able to truly understand the question "What would love do now?"
Success is understanding that we are all one, and that both separation and scarcity are only illusions. (Conversations with God/Neale Donald Walsch)
2007-06-08 19:33:21
answer #5
answered by LadyZania 7
I am all for you helping people, or anyone else for that matter. We help several people in our extended family with MONEY, we pay some bills, help pay other bills that are all necessities. I voluntarily do this because they are in need.
That said, the people I help are not using coercion to take my money.
If you want to help please do so, but do not try to steal MY money to satisfy YOUR compassion.
Stealing is stealing, regardless of the reason or need for the money.
2007-06-08 18:26:24
answer #6
answered by rmagedon 6
Socialism is state endorsed theft of private property.
Governments run by Socialists are responsible for the greatest evils and mass murders ever committed in human history. The Nazis and Soviet Union were Socialist governments who acted for the good of the people.
To reply to the person above me here, if poor people are so compassionate why is crime always higher in poor neighborhoods? Charities exist because of the compassion of the rich. The rich in the United States donate more money to charities by their own free will than any other nation on earth.
If you want to help the poor then get rich and donate your own money but heck its easier for you to whine and then try to use government to steal from them than to actually do the work yourself.
2007-06-08 17:14:03
answer #7
answered by Seano 4
No it is not. Helping other persons is very important. I do it regularly in my line of work without pay (pro bono).
The problem with socialists is that they want to redistribute the wealth. That takes away incentive to work and fosters dependence on the government. Watch Dr. Zhivago, as it accurately depicts Russia under Stalin. Horrible! And, check out N. Korea. Everyone is equal - no food, no health care, no education....... It just does NOT work.
2007-06-08 17:01:05
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Taking away money from the super rich and spreading it around is unAmerican and wrong. Jesus wanted all the wealthy people in the world to make it off the backs of the little guys and give as little to them as possible. And why give any at all if that person is not helping you to make more, more, more....capitalism is starting to look like it will turn out just like communist Russia (USSR); The middle class becomes the poor, the poor become even poorer forced to live in Govt. housing, and the rich....well the American CEO makes 430% more than their average paid worker the middle class will be the ones making ONLY 250-1 million a yr. Compared to other countries whose CEO's make only 10 - 175% more than their average worker. Ahhhhhh, the American dream to become one of those Super Rich. What we don't realize is the "chance" of ever doing that is very slim. You basically have to be born into it, marry into the right family, know them very well, or be a mistress/gigilo to.
Soooo if any of you super rich wives who aren't satisfied at home need "anything" just pick up the phone and give me a ring *clicks tongue*. I can show you what some forbidden liberal love is all about!
Lord I apologize for being rude, crude, and socially unacceptable, but please "forgive those who know not what they do".
2007-06-08 17:12:33
answer #9
answered by Dirty Mutt 3
Come on Josh, you know that isn't true. It's when someone reaches into somebody elses pocket to help somebody else. If you want to help somebody that is admirable. When you want somebody else to pay for this help, that is wrong. Use your own money, don't expect anybody else to foot the bill. When somebody only wants only to help themselves it is selfishness. May I suggest you read the dictionary. It may be of some help.
2007-06-08 17:15:14
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
If a government want to take money from someone else who works their tail off for it and give it to another person, YES that is Socialism!!!!!
The government has NO RIGHT to take someones money at a higher rate in order to give it to someone else.
It is not THEIR money to give away.
... assuming of course that is what you meant by "help another person".
2007-06-08 17:00:36
answer #11
answered by Apryll 2