No, global warming is not caused by flushing the toilet. Drought may be a consequence of Global warming but it is definitely not a cause. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas. If there was drought, there would be less water in the air which should decrease global warming . . .
2007-06-12 03:07:27
answer #1
answered by gerafalop 7
Some Simple Facts:
Yes, there is Global Warming. It has happened before and it will happen again. Example: Middle ages, the global warming was obviously caused by man then also.
The Ice caps have melted, on average, an insignificant amount, causing the sea level to rise an insignificant amount. I have heard claims that 40% of the ice caps are already gone. If that were true, the sea level would have risen 3 feet. Serious misinformation.
Man contributes only minimally to global warming. I have heard claims that 90% of Climate scientists say man outright caused the global warming. That is an outright lie. The figure is more like 10%. Maybe 90% percent believe that Man CONTRIBUTES BUT NOT CAUSES global warming. Misinformation.
Global warming is a political tool used to divert attention from Big Oils raping of America. It is the latest in a line of intentional distractions by politicians. As others have said the “flavor of the month”. What has your politician done about Big Oil. Probably nothing or misinformation.
Global warming is real but used by Alarmists by horrific exaggerations and careful misinformation. These Alarmists spout various facts and figures with little or no truth while denouncing anything that contradicts their views. I often think their actions remind me of psycho sports fans who freak out if you dare to say anything is wrong with their team.
There is good in the global warming debate. It will reduce pollution and increase energy efficiency. I don’t need lies and misinformation to get me to believe that.
2007-06-12 10:48:13
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
During water shortages people are advised to flush less. Climate change is already leading to drought in many areas. You can expect that the government will promote energy-saving and pollution-reducing strategies whether it's Republican ruled or Democratic. You can also expect that the cost of water, electricity, and natural gas will go so high that you will be happy to conserve.
2007-06-10 05:21:09
answer #3
answered by Anonymous