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Politics - 12 November 2006

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now isn't that something?

2006-11-12 04:23:17 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

what does that tell us bout our current world?the powerfull rule with impunity and their victims voices are not heard.

2006-11-12 04:22:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think they shouldn't give me examples why

2006-11-12 04:22:18 · 7 answers · asked by Mohamed I 1

2006-11-12 04:17:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

"If the playing field was level--particularly in regards to access and political contributions--and if the Democrats were to make concessions on issues such as abortion and gay rights, there is absolutely no reason why the Democrats could not be a permanent majority."

Again, I'm not saying I agree with this; I just want to hear your opinions and reasoning about this.

2006-11-12 04:08:47 · 9 answers · asked by hotstepper2100 3

I live in a College town with a high percentage of Liberals. Last night at a coffee shop all the Liberal Buzzz was about pulling out of Badgag and staying in the Mideast. Because of the rising storm of Jihad.

2006-11-12 04:05:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Any current, or past effects this has had on the us.
I need GOOD websites (no wikipedia or history channel. Things like .org, .edu, .gov, etc), and any good book's I can get from a library too. I would also like some general info on this topic. Thanks.....and my email is open.

2006-11-12 03:57:48 · 5 answers · asked by term paper help 1

As efforts to stop global warming have to be global, should we not put full economic trade sanctions on the countries that do not comply with it, beginning with the richest non-complier (followed by the next richest and so on, once the first ones have begun to comply .... and taking into account that they canNOT all be fully sanctioned at once, or else they will form a counterblock which might win out in a new Cold War) ? Would we have the guts to collectively isolate the USA if they were the worst offenders?

2006-11-12 03:48:58 · 19 answers · asked by Wise Kai 3

This word seems to have come to life this election season, and I have never heard it before. So I ask, who coined the word? And do the people that use it actually know what they're saying, or are they jumping on the bandwagon to use the cool new word?

2006-11-12 03:44:19 · 9 answers · asked by Captain Moe 5

is doing just fine, even given some responsibility, while Monica has long been lost in the shuffle? I seriously want to know.

2006-11-12 03:42:31 · 7 answers · asked by I am Sunshine 6

They are committed to our total destruction while we play politics and word games, don't you think ??

2006-11-12 03:37:57 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

to even be considered to run on the ticket for the presidency/vice presidency?

2006-11-12 03:35:13 · 20 answers · asked by I am Sunshine 6

The conservative democrats won the elections for them.

2006-11-12 03:12:05 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-12 03:02:52 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

The people have spoken in waves,..We don't want it, isn't that how Democracy works?

2006-11-12 02:57:11 · 29 answers · asked by BAARAAACK 5

who attacks more? The Dems. or the Reps. and who are the most attacked people on here?

2006-11-12 02:54:02 · 15 answers · asked by kelly 2

Should we help everyone that asks - to the detriment of our own citizens?

Is isolationism working for the Chinese? They are BUILDING their economy while we are not.

I do not MIND helping other nations but we seem to just get kicked in the teeth every time we do. We are generous and giving - yet we have a bad reputation among other countries.

2006-11-12 02:51:15 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous


why did it take so long for montana's senator to be annouced?

2006-11-12 02:49:42 · 6 answers · asked by clueman000 1

Is the conservative view point the only view point in Democracy?

2006-11-12 02:31:02 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well, im sure you love her or hate her.
But she was honest,dignified,strong, cared about her country and didnt make compromise for the sake of votes,she could have stayed in power as long as she wanted if she was to stop pushing forward and just appease voters every whim.
But the personality that made britain strong again was also her downfall.
Dont we need her now more than ever?When all we have now is a egotistical tyrant that bends whichever the wind blows just to stay in power.We need a proper leader with the interests of our country in their heart.

2006-11-12 02:15:27 · 20 answers · asked by ? 3

"It is most embarrassing that the U.N Security Council, which should be the defender of nations' security and rights, threatens countries pursuing nuclear fuel under the law to provide fuel for peaceful purposes," Iran's leader Ahmadinejad told the UN.

Who is this moron kidding? I realize, especially after the recent Congressional elections in the U.S., that the world is loaded with idiots, but does he think after openly advocating "wiping Israel off the face of the Earth" that he should be allowed even a BB gun?

The worst part is, pacifist nations -- many much more directly threatened by a nuclear Iran than the U.S. -- just go about every day lah-de-dah. It was lah-de-dah that allowed bin Laden and his cohorts to prepare for 9/11. And does any civilized person really think such terrorist trash would not use a dirty bomb or worse without hesitation given the chance?

WHY don't civilized nations RAISE UP while they still can and CRUSH the barbarians who do not respect life?

2006-11-12 02:02:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous


I think GERMANY should just worry about it's own problems. We did not kill, rape, and torture our prisoners like Saddam did - why didn't they go after him before we invaded Iraq?

2006-11-12 02:00:31 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

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