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Other - Politics & Government - January 2007

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muslims were not responsible for the curicification of christ they were infact jews.
muslim never expelled them from middle east.
they had best time under muslim spain and ottoman empire.
who told them to wear jewish star woven dress in the history.
who is responsible for holocast,hitler,was he muslim?
palestine is not only promised land for jews,it is for muslims and christians too.Therefore they should be setteled in canada.

2007-01-13 07:42:46 · 19 answers · asked by sabtain_sdq 1

I had a parcel sent back to me on recorded delivery .Is this legally mine now????

2007-01-13 07:26:59 · 8 answers · asked by jamie h 1

Nevermind us never being attacked yet. (There is no evidence that terrorists have even attempted to attack us again anyway).
But the point is, there have been terrorist attacks in other countries since the war started. (Remember, for example, the 2005 London subway bombings?)
In Iraq, sectarian violence runs rampant. When our forces take one step forward, it's not 2 but rather 5 or so steps back.
I know I am being pessimistic, but I am also being a realist. Republicans who are optomistic about the war obviously have no idea how poor the conditions are.
The recruitment drive for Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, suicide and non-suicide bombers for the Shia and Sunnis, have risen to a phenomenal level.
It's sad to say, but we and our allies have no handle on what is going on anymore. Even if you don't want to label it as a civil war, it sure as hell might as well be one.
Mr. Bush, truth be told, has no clue what to do anymore.
Surges failed in the past. He is merely hoping for the best.

2007-01-13 07:17:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

"Hollywood liberals" is a common term.... why do you think artistic people have the tendency to be socialist, support helping the lower class and freedom from religious oppression...
on the other hand non-artistic people tend to support the upper class and limiting taxation to the upper class. Also, limiting personal freedoms, such as abortion, gay marriage, and drugs...

2007-01-13 06:29:07 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

if it had to include iran and syria to work? honest answers only please. no blame or distractions.

2007-01-13 06:24:42 · 10 answers · asked by J Q Public 6

Will the locals squeal for federal aid for the situation they chose to put themselves in any louder than Katrina victims in New Orleans? Only a total idiot is unaware of Frisco's proximity to the San Andreas Fault.

2007-01-13 06:07:21 · 14 answers · asked by Like, Uh, Ya Know? 3

2007-01-13 06:06:32 · 6 answers · asked by bejoy 1

"Carry the battle to them. Don't let them bring it to you. Put them on the defensive. And don't ever apologize for anything."

i came across this quote by truman on a site and i can't find where or when he actually said it.
does anyone know?

thanks in advance!

2007-01-13 05:59:06 · 3 answers · asked by rodchesterkings 2

Doesn't it hurt their conscience when they lie like that in order to defend Bush? Doesn't it hurt them to be the opposite of a realist all the time? Doesn't it feel bad to feel compelled to support such a failed president?

2007-01-13 05:53:35 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's ironic really, people are poor so they feel like they have to deal drugs or steal to get ahead, (and it might be true at $8 an hour), so then they are convicted of a felony which ensures that they will never get a job that requires a background check (anything over $8 an hour) "Do we first: create criminals, then punish them?"
should drug charges exclude people from earning a livable wage?

2007-01-13 05:51:37 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Based on the REALITY of family members being Presidents, and the HORROR of it, would you still vote for Hillary? I certainly wouldn't. Hell, I didn't vote for Bill Clinton, much less his wife.

2007-01-13 05:30:37 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I posted this same question a few days ago and I still have'nt gotten a good answer. I am a conservative, I'd like a lib to give me a good argument to make me want to be a lib.Serious answers only

2007-01-13 05:20:53 · 10 answers · asked by cheekydogg2 2

I know that person is limited to two terms in office, however does the regulation state two full terms or two consecutive full terms?

Is this regulation a constitutional amendment?

Please give source of answer if possible.


2007-01-13 05:16:45 · 20 answers · asked by drjhbmd 1

I think that it should not make a difference of your sexual preference to be drafted or allowed in, what do all of you think ?

2007-01-13 05:10:38 · 14 answers · asked by fivefootnuttinhuny 3

On the IRS Form 1040 (and alternative income tax forms), near the top of the first page, there is a line that reads:

"Presidential Election Campaign: Check here if you . . . want $3 to go to this fund."

In the instructions for the form (p. 18), this is explained further:
"This fund helps pay for Presidential election campaigns. The fund
reduces candidates’ dependence on large contributions from indviduals and groups and places candidates on an equal financial
footing in the general election. If you want $3 to go to this fund,
check the box. If you are filing a joint return, your spouse can also
have $3 go to the fund. If you check a box, your tax or refund will
not change."

On the one hand, I can see where this might be fair, to help level the playing field.

On the other hand, I hate the idea that presidential elections depend so much on money, rather than ideas; and my tax dollars may have better uses.

So which box do you check, and what's your reasoning?

2007-01-13 04:59:31 · 6 answers · asked by HiwM 3

How can liberals not see that abortion is murder. I hear them say that a fetus is not alive. How could the fetus not be alive. It is a living being, how about if I were to murder a baby cow or some other animal I'm sure libs everywhere would be crying for peta to save the day. How about if I were to cut down a sapling, I'm sure libs would not be able to handle that. They seem to hate babies, I know libs will deny it, but after 50,000,000 dead babies there is no mistake who the killers really are.Liberalism should be outlawed it will only lead to the destruction of the U.S., or is that what they want. I know these godless libs would be singing a different song if terrorists were here in the U.S. fighting in the streets. Also remember libs, if it were not for the U.S. military, they would not be able to bash George Bush, you libs should thank the military, that you spit on, for your freedoms.The 1960's are over.

2007-01-13 04:49:28 · 13 answers · asked by cheekydogg2 2

as an average person how do i get involved - if i wanted to?

2007-01-13 04:35:43 · 8 answers · asked by ? 5

For me personally, there are TWO main things and it is very difficult to place a value greater on either one of them. So, in no particular order:

1) The way the country has been divided by the so-called "Great Uniter."

2) The threat of life and limb against our children.

The reason neither is valued above the other is because divided, our children have no chance anyway.

And what I find inexcusable about everything regarding Bush is the fact that intelligent people are being branded as tin foil hat wearing retarded traitors and there is no solid ground to stand on. That causes me a lot of personal grief and pain. I have no country any longer. Bush has ruined what America is all about.

What are your thoughts?

2007-01-13 04:31:04 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you believe parents would become physically violent with weapons against law enforcement?

2007-01-13 04:20:03 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

As a moderate, who Under Bush, feels like a true Liberal, I am sick of those wingnuts who think Liberals are not patriotic - So I ask: Why the blind faith in a miserable leader?

Surely some just don't watch or read much. I guess they just listen to Rush or Hannity or the like and repeat their factual and logical errors without blinking.

Our middle class is declining.
Poverty is increasing.
We are hated in the world.
Our military is weaker then ever. Even weaker then the GOP tried to make you think it was under Clinton.

No leadership from Bush at all.

Instead he has squandered our wealth on his bogus war. A war only a lemming could think he didn't lie to create.

What is the end result of this, a nation severly weakened, economically, morally, socially.

Of course Bush and the top 5% are doing great, but for the rest of us, the future is not so good, soley because of Bush's mismanagement.

Since it is Bush who is destroying US, why do Bush supporters Hate US?

2007-01-13 04:16:17 · 19 answers · asked by Jimbo 2

I am in the Army and I am subject to random drug testing. I am just wondering if the President of the United States and memebers of Congress are equally subject to it.

2007-01-13 03:58:03 · 15 answers · asked by Damn Good Dawg 3

I do as the Scots have the SNP and the Welsh have plaed cymru. The English have No political party acting on their behalf

2007-01-13 03:48:34 · 20 answers · asked by Sir Sidney Snot 6

They, now, know any govt of Iraquians will be just as bad as Saddam...same ideals of a dictatorship and lack of order. Theoretically, what would happen if USA just installed their own govt with all the benefits that USA get...ie social security, free cheap TVs and repaired homes, USA magazines, cheap fastfoods, supermarkets, pretty up their places of worship for them.

Would the people be disarmed by user friendly goods and services or fight to be back with their old regime?...even if USA didnt say they couldnt have their God...just like all other immigrants to USA? How many would really resist honey if they only have had vinegar right now and for a very long time...even if it also meant the lands goodies (ie oil) also went to provide that and USA? England took over many countries until it was time to let go...so given the instability....perhaps Iraq needs the same until they get with globalisation and the needs of the planet?

If there are any theorists out there?

2007-01-13 03:47:15 · 15 answers · asked by Scully 4

Need to write a speech for 3-5 minutes on it. Any ideas i could hit upon?

2007-01-13 03:42:34 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, now the ones who are about to answer this question, can also answer: "Democracy exists in the world". does it? :-)

2007-01-13 03:39:18 · 3 answers · asked by unknown u 3

It's sad but true; the country is totally polarized, and the rifts between left and right are only getting wider. Classical liberalism is no longer the beacon of the Democratic party, and many Democratic politicians are actively embracing Socialism (while still incorrectly referring to themselves as "liberals.")

Socialism is completely incompatible with the American Constitution, and all tenets of American Democracy. If this course is maintained violence is inevitable. Would it be easier to just admit it and divide the country now? Maybe East and West? (North and South has already been done.)

2007-01-13 03:32:08 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does it make you mad that they spend days upon days talking about the "Duke Rape Case"...OJ's Book...some celebrity’s latest adoption...and blah blah blah....

Why don't they talk about important stuff...like the implementation of a national ID card that was attached to a bill that was to allocate more money for our troops…or any of the latest and greatest crap that our government is doing?

I get so mad sometimes when I watch the news at the amount of trivial crap that they talk about. Is Angelina’s latest adoption really newsworthy?

2007-01-13 03:25:16 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

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