As a moderate, who Under Bush, feels like a true Liberal, I am sick of those wingnuts who think Liberals are not patriotic - So I ask: Why the blind faith in a miserable leader?
Surely some just don't watch or read much. I guess they just listen to Rush or Hannity or the like and repeat their factual and logical errors without blinking.
Our middle class is declining.
Poverty is increasing.
We are hated in the world.
Our military is weaker then ever. Even weaker then the GOP tried to make you think it was under Clinton.
No leadership from Bush at all.
Instead he has squandered our wealth on his bogus war. A war only a lemming could think he didn't lie to create.
What is the end result of this, a nation severly weakened, economically, morally, socially.
Of course Bush and the top 5% are doing great, but for the rest of us, the future is not so good, soley because of Bush's mismanagement.
Since it is Bush who is destroying US, why do Bush supporters Hate US?
19 answers
asked by
Politics & Government
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Don't forget Bush let Osama go in Tora Bora (still no serious military effort there), and no Clinton never had Osama. Duh!
04:31:42 ·
update #1
Because they're religious fanatics, the kind who are never satisfied with the level of piety. Because they want to bring ruin to America to punish it for its sins ( = sex). Becasue it might hasten the End of the World, so they can get out of a world they can't stand living in, and move on to the Endless Sunday Picnic in the Sky.
2007-01-13 04:20:42
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
you actually have a skewed view of usa and Republicans. I pay my taxes and help the troops and want the conflict to end on some type of extreme with safe practices for all the Iraqui's who worked with the troops. Rush actually critices the Republican social gathering continuously. I comprehend that what he says is extreme, as is O'Reilly, yet that is why they have the classes. they deliver about interior the target audience which brings extra money to the networks because they could fee extra for promotion spots. That guy in Oklahoma city actually wasn't operating from any rational foundation - Republican, Democrat, or American. He replaced into placed to lack of life by technique of letal injection in a state that commonly votes Republican and has a Republican governor immediately.
2016-11-23 16:00:57
answer #2
answered by ? 4
You should also look at what is going good in the US right now.
There are a lot of good things.
I am no Bush supporter, but the same way you accuse the extreme right wing of stating everything from their perspective, you are doing the same by only focusing on and amplifying the bad.
To make our government responsible we should ALL look at what is going right and wrong and what steps we really need to take to make things better, not just different.
The are only differences between the two parties, neither is better than the other. Neither really represents the people, they are out for:
Themselves and re-election First
their party 2nd.
and the people last.
Again, that is the same on BOTH sides of the isle.
Lets stop kidding ourselves.
2007-01-13 04:25:55
answer #3
answered by C 7
Your QUESTION is totally untrue. ALL REPUBLICANS DO NOT HATE AMERICA. WHY did you even post such a question? I am an independednt yet vote republican. I love this country and understand that we have some issues but we always have had them.
During the Eisenhouer, Kennedy, Nixon years we also had issues and cant blame the president for them all. The media does not like Bush, will not purposely report facts or most anything positive.
2007-01-13 04:30:43
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I agree with some of what you said. The rest of which is merely your own 'wingust' bias and exaggeration, that you yourself are so very much against. :D
Give in Pal, youre not a moderate anymore. Accept it, youve become a full blown liberal. Not that theres anything wrong with it....
And since Bush is destroying the United States, why do people support him?
Well, um, I'm pretty sure less than 30% of people support him, for one. I'm in that 30% :D
And secondly, of those who support this maddening choas we call an administration, we support it, so to us, it's not 'destroying the US'. And there for, we are not haters of the US, but merely people who happen to disagree with you and your beliefs. I'm sure if liberals like you had your way, we'd all be silenced from having an opinion at all, thats not yours.
In conclusion, your question itself, is ambiguous and without format. Next time ask a real question, using your brain, not your emotions.
2007-01-13 04:28:01
answer #5
answered by Clark W Griswold 4
It's not about the ideals of the Republican party anymore. To the Republicans, it's about having the power to force their beliefs on others, and to enrich themselves and their friends. There's no longer any interest on the part of the GOP in the common good. It's all about themselves and their wealthy buddies.
2007-01-13 05:16:51
answer #6
answered by some_guy_times_50 4
After Hitler came into power and fell, all the powerful counties promised that they would do ANYTHING to prevent another Hitler from rising, George Bush's America was the only one to keep that promise. In doing that as in any war a decline is inevitable.
Republicans love old America, they way the founding fathers saw it. Liberals want change and the way liberal change is taking the world is much worse than anything G W could ever do. A moral decline, a biblical decline...the world is looking gross
2007-01-13 04:28:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Not hate but...there is that pesky disloyal democratic minority.
Unemployment and interest rates the lowest in what, 16 years...the libs HATE THAT!
Minority home ownership at the highest levels in history! Libs Hate That! What is to become of the ghetto housing they designed? Who can they first oppress than pander to?
Stock market is the highest ever...Without the phoney dot com junk that faded in the '90's.
Yours is not a question, but a group of untrue statements with a question mark at the end.
I'm not sure what you should get first...A life or an Education.
2007-01-13 04:38:03
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You are so ignorant of the facts!
Everyone knows liberals hate America and, obviously, you hate America.
2007-01-15 03:30:25
answer #9
answered by Terence C 3
who is it who keeps threatening to leave when they don't win in elections? it's not republicans.
i love this country, it is MY country. and IMO the president is doing (part of) his job, which is to keep us safe. sure he could do other things as well, like close our borders. but i agree with the war effort. and i am not a lemming. it would appear that there are things that the libs and dems among us just will not admit.
tell me, will you admit there was a terrorist problem, when the sword is at your neck? or will you still be bleating about how the president is the one who started the trouble?
2007-01-13 04:37:11
answer #10
answered by political junkie 4