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Immigration - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Immigration

The way Bush and Ted Kennedy stick up for illegals it seems like they are the main employers of illegals in the country,many wealthy individuals in this country have been caught using illegals to save a few dollars,so why should politicians enforce laws against hiring illegals when they are the primary breakers of the laws.

2006-08-20 15:10:15 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

same American couples that wait in long lines(sometimes looking abroad)to adopt because they love children but cannot conceive? Let's see you have a mother who has-broken the law, showed immorality by trying use their child as a tool towards possible American citizenship (and all the perks), lacks any understanding of the consequences of their actions, and, seemingly has no ability to financially support their child. On the other hand, you have American citizens that love children so much that they go through enormous lengths just to have a child to raise- even if it isn't "theirs" and are in a much better position financially (and probably morally, maturity wise too). Would separating "anchor babies" and moms be the most inhumane thing ever like I'm sure many will tell me or would it actually be the most humane thing we could do for these children; in addition separating the mother (and deporting her)and "anchor baby" would discourage the whole scenario from reoccuring wouldn't it?

2006-08-20 14:51:49 · 17 answers · asked by porthuronbilliam 4

Why do people who are here ILLEGALLY demand rights? They should go through the whole immigration process like all the legal ones. Just because you made it here somehow doesn't mean you should be able to stay here. Oh and if you do, learn to speak the language!!

I'm not racist. I'm not even white.... I'm just an american whose parents came here legally and the RIGHT way!

2006-08-20 14:15:06 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

An ESL student of mine is got her US Citizenship recently and is being sworn in next month. I want to buy a little congratulations present - what should I get her?

2006-08-20 14:10:45 · 10 answers · asked by fffrrreeeddd 4

stating that you can legally shot any criminal fleeing the scene of a crime, does that mean that Texans can sit at the border and shot anyone crossing illegaly?

2006-08-20 13:59:16 · 17 answers · asked by Pureheaven 2

After all, they are breaking the law and we shoot prison inmates that break out of prison every single day. I'm not racist, and this is for all illegal immigrants (haitian, mexican, jamaican, cuban, etc) Tell me what do you think!

2006-08-20 13:35:40 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

LMAO what the sam hill does this mean? 2971 the wanna be racist is always writin it wat does that mean? I cannot understand that giberish. I am sure it is rude and crude and not somethin a lady wld say. It is always in immigration with stars and stripes forever with it.

2006-08-20 13:11:34 · 8 answers · asked by whynotbemebecauseiam 1

USCIS received my H1-B premium processing papers on 16th of Aug 2006. Due to some mistake on the part of the lawyers my file has reached the normal processing centre instead of the premium processing centre. I have put in my resignation at my current job and my last date is 25th Aug 2006.

What steps can I take to rectify this issue that the paper has reached at the wrong center?

And what happens if i dont get my receipt before my last day?

2006-08-20 12:58:24 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Based on a one-year in-depth study, a researcher estimates there are about 240,000 illegal immigrant sex offenders in the United States who have had an average of four victims each.

Deborah Schurman-Kauflin of the Violent Crimes Institute in Atlanta analyzed 1,500 cases from January 1999 through April 2006 that included serial rapes, serial murders, sexual homicides and child molestation committed by illegal immigrants.

She found that while the offenders were located in 36 states, most were in states with the highest numbers of illegal immigrants. California had the most offenders, followed by Texas, Arizona, New Jersey, New York and Florida.

2006-08-20 12:35:59 · 34 answers · asked by ibelieve 4

House keeper, janitoral, cook, diswasher, picking produce, cleaning bathroom, cleaning windows, ...come on !!!! white pride! Wich spot do you want to take instead of Juan, Francisco, Jose, Guadalupe,,,,answer ignorant pig!!!!!

2006-08-20 12:07:06 · 20 answers · asked by German R 3

If someone came over here from Iraq, Iran or Afganstan illegal, the government would be on their trail within an hour of finding out. The FBI would personally transport them back home. Why are Mexicans so special?

Even though the Bush adminstration is attempting to 'look at' the issue, it is so obvious that the immigration problem with illegal mexicans is out of control. We are so concerned about terrorism, are we devoting all our time to this and not other sensitive issues?

Whats going on here, in your opinion?

2006-08-20 12:04:08 · 23 answers · asked by PRETTYGIRL 2

If you read up about it, you'll find that most other countries base their immigration requirements on what is good for the host country, not what is good for the prospective immigrant .. they have points systems which spell out what qualities they are looking for, what jobs they can do, what they can contribute to the host society ... no other country I've ever heard of accepts immigrants on the basis that "they are poor and want a better life for themselves" ...

Why are we the only ones who are even contemplating giving amnesty to poorly educated law breakers who contribute zilch to our economy? Or who don't have any marketable skills?

And please don't give me the bullcrap about doing jobs Americans won't do, or the statue of Liberty again ... when they rephrase that poem to "give me your law breakers, thiefs, gangs, child molesters, etc." I might listen ...

2006-08-20 12:03:33 · 17 answers · asked by Sashie 6

the large majority of them come to work , pay taxes ( which by the way are not given back to them ) and are really honest and friendly .

2006-08-20 11:48:28 · 34 answers · asked by game over loves evanescence 6

everyone would be up in arms? I think so. Why havent I heard any complains yet about him being a home breed sexual molester from the U.S? Well, I think that for every one molester from Mexico there is here in America there's about 1000 of the home breed ones from here.

Please step up to the mic. and give us some words of wisdom here Brotha Man.

2006-08-20 11:46:38 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

and whine about everything? " Illegals are taking our jobs, illegals are better than us because they are harder working people so they should be deported, why are the latinas better looking than the fat american ones, etc. etc. etc."


STOP HR 4437!!!

2006-08-20 11:23:39 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

My former employer, whouse to ship in illegals from the boarder states got sued and lost .... They need to pay out a set amount of 690,000 divided amoung the people that were employed at the time. On a good note, most of these people were illegals and from the routine they worked , most had false I.D. and possibley are not in the country any more .... I'm hoping this means I get a larger piece of the pie .

The company got sued for forcing people ( mostly illegals) to work with out breaks, cutting break times short, and punch out a few minutes before the end of shift so they would lose their 40 hr a week bounace pay. Most of these did not apply to me since I was a electrician & mechanic.

This is not the firsttime this company has been sued for this, so I tend to wonder if the rules for hiring illegals needs to be tuffer. Breaking it down, if the number of people that are able to recive the money is 320, broke down that is just over 2k each .

2006-08-20 11:03:55 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've heard some of these Illegals who spout off about being proud of there country and all. I ask what does it say of a country that half the population wanna leave. Apparently Mexicans don't know how to manage there own country or are simply Unwilling to fix it. WHY? Nobody handed America what we have. Americans have made Great sacrafices to make America GREAT. Maybe Mexicans need to try the same approach in there country and half teh people wouldn't wanna leave.

2006-08-20 10:54:07 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do the illegal immagrants, while they are doing their stupid protests, carry the mexican flag and scream viva mexico or something like that? If they actually wanted to become real americans they would be filling out forms so they could gain citizenship, and waving the beautiful american flag!

My neigbor recently immigrated from mexico LEGALLY and he doesnt care about the protests and such, because the ones that are protesting are all ILLEGAL!!!!!

The solution:
next time there is a big protest, gather them all up and check if they have valid id's, ssn's, visa's ect. If not SHIP EM' OUT OF HERE!!

2006-08-20 10:52:33 · 16 answers · asked by somedude 2

I always hear 2years but one of my friends said it could be as short ars 6months. Does anyone know or have a weblink i could go to?

2006-08-20 10:39:07 · 10 answers · asked by tink 2

2006-08-20 10:38:16 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-08-20 10:37:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-08-20 10:36:16 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-08-20 10:33:17 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

if they were given the opportunity to come legally ???

i seen that some people think they would not like to be part of America and that they love to be illegal

why would anyone put his/her life in danger if he/she could come in a legal way ( many die for lack of water , many because of the cold , many are robbed and others raped ) ???

have u thought how difficult it must be to have to leave your familly and friends behind just because u were not able to make an honest living in your country ???

2006-08-20 10:30:39 · 21 answers · asked by game over loves evanescence 6

Reading last week about your answers here in Yahoo Q&A i was seeing that you guys hate the fact tha the Latino community have lots of kids (not all of them), but i was reading also that the American community is using the abortion as if they were drinking water.... i know that you USA citizens don't give a peanut about killing the embrion but in someway thats a murder also isn't it?? (i know that depends in your believes...and that's the problem in the USA the only God that is around is the $$$)..

2006-08-20 10:08:43 · 13 answers · asked by German R 3

Do you think that any immigrant,illegal or legal should be kicked out of the country if they break the law,even if its for a petty crime?

2006-08-20 10:07:35 · 28 answers · asked by mr_sister_uk 3

How many people who said they were sick of living in the UK could actually leave?

2006-08-20 09:52:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

When was the last time a Mexican flew a plane into a building.

2006-08-20 09:33:50 · 18 answers · asked by pumpmar 2

click on link and read the paragraph under photo

2006-08-20 09:26:58 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Whenever I come on here. There are tons of Americans that rat about the French. What's up with that. I lived in the U.S for 5 years and never heard anything.

2006-08-20 09:21:53 · 46 answers · asked by centreofclassicrock 4

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