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Immigration - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Immigration

hospitals should do what the Dallas hospital is planning to do??? "Parkland Memorial hospital, plans toBILL mexico,and other countries, to help cover the costs of health care for INDIGENTS" !!! (people who do NOTpay) "Last year,officials say Dallas county spent$76.5 MILLION,to treat people from OUTSIDE Dallas!!Of that,27 MILLION was NOT reimbursed! (remember,this is the cost for only ONE hospital!!) mexican officials are crying about it,terming it "an act of discrimination".

Maybe WE, should tell THEM,that INVADING our country,is an act of WAR!!!!

2006-07-10 07:46:24 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

If we quit allowing any immigrants to come to America for 10 years, a demand for our unemployed workers would rise, as would the wages they could earn. Though inflation may occur in whichever production these folks were hired, we would not have to pay them welfare, nor for the bureaucracy of the welfare programs. The end result would be that our taxes would fall. Also, we must realize that people do not have a Constitutional right to live at the expense of the government(s) where there is no job or where there is no realistic prospect of a job.

Who agrees?

2006-07-10 07:15:11 · 16 answers · asked by rlw 3

2006-07-10 07:14:50 · 2 answers · asked by Micheal H 1

In todays new:

Immigration worries blamed for shortage of migrant workers to pick oranges: http://www.sun-sentinel.com/business/local/sfl-fcitrus10jul10,0,463605.story?track=rss

Will Americans who need work fill this labor need?

2006-07-10 07:03:51 · 19 answers · asked by truly 6

2006-07-10 07:02:19 · 4 answers · asked by Carnut 1

O would they go against the Usa, if the american people needed refuge in Mexico would the mexicans allow them into their Land.I've seen in tv lots of countries burning american flags is it mostly true that the only people that love america are the ones living in it.

2006-07-10 06:57:10 · 17 answers · asked by brendamelissamisty 1

Click on the following link....can this organization have a religious event on a university campus? This is a celebration to honor the Gods of the Mexican Ancestors?

Where is the ACLU? We must stop this! If Christians cannot celebrate Christian holidays on campus, if we cannot use the Nativity on Government properties, how can the Mexicans have a celebration to worship their pagan gods on a California, Federally funded and state funded university campus!

Read this and call a lawyer!


2006-07-10 06:55:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is a number supposedly issued to individuals who for whatever reason are not eligible for or do not want citizenship. This number has been given as "proof" that illegal immigrants are being "bilked" out of benefits. Anyone have the "LEGAL" parameters of this number?

2006-07-10 06:33:44 · 5 answers · asked by trackinginfoillegalimmigrants 1

I know this article is a little long but please take the time to read it. I would like to know what people think about this piece and US history and expansionism. I have thought about these things as well, but have never been able to word them correctly and therefore have never really voiced my opinion on this matter. People are too quick to forget the history they defend.


2006-07-10 06:32:13 · 11 answers · asked by maria 4

I am a lawful permanent resident (“green card” holder) of the United States but I am curently in Europe on vaction. The issue is as follows: I lost my green card, but I still have my state ID and my non US passport. My flight back to the states is in less than a month. What should I do ? If I contact the local US embassy, would they be able to give me a new one ? Or would my family back in the states be able to go to INS and get me another Green Card? Keep in mind that I'm working within a time frame of about 28 days.

2006-07-10 06:31:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Growing up i had many friends, middle school was the best because my friends were of very different backgrounds and races. Two were from Russia, one was japanese, one was chinese, one was african american, a caucasian and a bunch of mexicans. I don't feel i'm racist or prejudice, we all hanged out all the time, are people racist because of the way they grew up? You think i would be less race tolerable if i had not had these friends?

2006-07-10 06:23:16 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

when you go for a spousal sponsorship interview, do the spouses get interviewed together or separately?

2006-07-10 06:14:21 · 5 answers · asked by Aishaa 1

A police officer called into a radio station, and said in Ocean side, calif, they cannot arrest or book an illegal for misdemener batterie all they can do is give them a ticket and let them go, then they never show up for court, if they have no drivers licensen or Ins, and illegal they are not arrested and car not impounded, they are let go, Why can't we break the law and get away with it. They say they have no room to put them in jail, then why do they have room for us. And if they have no room that means their are thousands commiting these crimes, that showes you they have no respect for our laws and for other people they might injure.

2006-07-10 06:10:24 · 15 answers · asked by hexa 6

Don't you IDIOTS have anything ELSE to do??? Just because you can NOT win an argument,you start the same old CRAP, impersonation!!!

2006-07-10 06:09:41 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have heard on the immigration forum that white is not a race, hispanic is not a race....what ARE the races? In a sociology class that I took they said that there was caucasoid, mongoloid, and *******. Does anyone disagree that Caucasoid= white people. Mongoloid= Asian and Native Americans including hispanics. and *******= black people ?

Also, before you ask, no, race is not very important. I just want to know what you consider the races to be.

2006-07-10 06:08:30 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

It upsets me greatly, but when I look at Mr. Bush's history of breaking American laws, I am not surprised. Our president condoning 20 million law breakers is sending a bad message to the American ppl, and Americans are getting the message loud and clear. If our government won't secure our borders the American ppl will. Which until a few months ago our president refused to do, now there is no choice. It is my feeling that our president is pushing for a revolution in America, and history shows that revolutions against a corrupt government, which they are not hoping for, never go well for the government. The revolution I speak of is to keep the American ppl unaware of what our government is really doing, but with an estimated 280 Million Americans observing they are only drawing more attention to the criminals acts of our government against the American ppl. This will bring about an economic war in America, and leave our government struggling to find funds to support itself.

2006-07-10 05:59:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-10 05:42:09 · 12 answers · asked by Bonster miss Bozo 1

Last time i heard of immigrants being accused of a country's financial and government state, millions of jews died, so what's the deal with America?

2006-07-10 05:36:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Since Mexicans want to come to US for a better life because Mexico is in such bad economic state and has so much corruption, do you think they would vote to become part of the US like Puerto Rico? It is a double edge sword, but it would: 1) diminish the length of our southern border, 2) cause Mexico to call under US laws, and 3) provide US access to Mexican resorces. What do you think?

2006-07-10 05:33:50 · 20 answers · asked by hndrsn12b 1

I think this title fits perfectly! It was referred to this by someone on Y!A that I admire-Renegade!

2006-07-10 05:33:36 · 19 answers · asked by vacant 3

she has a j-1 visa

2006-07-10 05:24:53 · 12 answers · asked by argenis t 1

It's only for decoration. Its got the Woo woo?

2006-07-10 05:23:03 · 3 answers · asked by obiwander101 2

injured the police officer,as she was trying to STOP the COUNTER protesters??? The Minutemen and some other groups, many carrying American flags, had a permit,which allowed them to have a peaceful ANTI-immigration march. But,the IDIOT illegals supporters,were HIDING their COWARDLY faces behind bandanas,and started calling them "racists" (of course!!) Then a melee ensued,and several were arrested!!!!

2006-07-10 05:11:14 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Our own laws decided that illegals in our country were not immigrants, and declared them illegal aliens. Immigrants are hard working, good ppl, that should not be associated to those who think breaking the law is good. Immigrants abide by the law, and illegal aliens believe that they should not have to be bound by law. I have family waiting to migrate here legally from Mexico, and because of the swarm of illegals that disregard our laws immigrants are being given a bad name. If an illegal is willing to risk life and limb to get across our border, then why not just do it the right way. If an estimated 20 million illegals are given amnesty after recieving amnesty twice before, and wiith our president breaking our laws, Americans might just decide that the laws should no longer apply to them as well. Then where will that leave America?

2006-07-10 04:53:23 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Read this :

Say It Ain’t So, Mike
The Pence immigration plan has let conservatives down.

By Congressman Steve King

Shoeless Joe Jackson was a phenomenal baseball player caught up in the Black Sox Scandal in which some team members conspired to throw the 1919 World Series. A young fan watched his hero Shoeless Joe leave the courthouse and gave us the immortal line “Say it ain’t so, Joe.” I had much the same feeling when conservative and principled Congressman Mike Pence emerged from the Heritage Foundation after his speech outlining his “rational middle ground” immigration proposal. “Say it ain’t so, Mike.” Say it ain’t so that you have played into the hands of the Bush-Kennedy-McCain amnesty coalition.


2006-07-10 04:40:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was reading a question on this and if you people think that the immigrants are not collectios ss you may be surprised. Some of the Asian people in the US are in fact collection SS. when they came to America they got a $10,000 grant to get started, put on SS, and collect welfare.

maybe you need to check out your info before just let stupidity fall out of your mouth.

2006-07-10 04:27:46 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hope the question comes across clearly, if not. Last night on channel 34Fox News I watched a segment where the head of legal immigration made an announcement of the return of Measles, Mumps, and TB, in America. The rise in the numbers of these diseases is directly attributed to the illegal population in America. They reported that the mumps disease has already spread beyond five states, and the vaccine that we have doesn't work on it. Measles has reared it's ugly head in schools from elementary to college. In America both of these diseases were almost wiped out, but now we are seeing a rapid return. The two cases of TB were discovered in CA. and is also expected to spread like the other two diseases. Did anyone else hear about this, and if so what do you think about it?

2006-07-10 04:20:15 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am now living in the U.S.

2006-07-10 03:16:30 · 4 answers · asked by Canajun 1

Clinton Endorses it !!!

"I'm proud of him for doing it and I thanked him for doing it," Clinton, said of Bush during a "Cafe con Clinton" breakfast speech to the annual conference of the National Council of La Raza, the nation's largest Hispanic civil rights advocacy group.

Why won't elected officials execute the Will of the people i.e. The House Bill held up in the Senate ???

2006-07-10 02:31:05 · 7 answers · asked by richardsalvatore 2

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