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Immigration - July 2006

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Mexicans are mooching off of Americans becuase they are too lazy to take care of business at home. It is easier to jump the boarder to let me support them to work hard to improve their own country. What if we were to send 1 guard unit to mexico and take all their beach resort for the US as payment for all th BS we put up with over their fence jumpers. All the poor working stiffs who cant get a raise because there are a million mexicans who will do his job for less can get vouchers for free vacations...are you with me? every fence an Arizona farmer has to mend because an Illegal cut it to get in will earn them 1 day at an all inclusive. This could work!!

2006-07-15 08:32:16 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

READ BEFORE YOU ANSWER and it will make sense.
Why do pro illegals and their supporters have no problem with the IMPOSTERS on here who slander people and talk about disgusting sexual acts with animals and feces...and YET they report the anti criminal advocates who want ALL LAWS enforced WHENEVER we ask a question or try to defend ourselves against verbal attacks?

Got it this time? Ok, these questions that the imposters come up with stay on here for days and days. Every time I make my stance known or try to defend myself against a verbal attack, I get these b.s. notices in my mail. For the pro criminals, report me every second of every day. I will be back. This is STILL America. I will say whatever I wish to say. BRING IT ON.

2006-07-15 08:20:37 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Considering they are very vocal about NOT assimilating into American Culture.

They cost US--the US Taxpayer $69B annually.

2006-07-15 08:08:03 · 30 answers · asked by Captain Tomak 6

Canadian officials that the Nation's liberal immigration polices have made them valuable. Canada has taken pride in its tolerant of immigrants. But Canada has now seen a different light to the subject.
On April 17-the "Nation Post"-reported as many as 3000 people were order deported for human right abuse-terrorism ties-war crimes-gangsterism links to criminal convictions. Twenty-seven thousand other foreigners also ordered deported are living underground (hiding)
It seems they were more concerned about "the rights of the newcomer" than the "obligation to Canada"
And guess what? They want to start taking stronger stands on immigration-legal and illegal. Are they a Town without Pity?

2006-07-15 07:58:27 · 8 answers · asked by *** The Earth has Hadenough*** 7

If I understand it correctly, when the Super Highway is built, there will BE no more illegal immigration ... it will all be legal ... just read an article by Prof. Corsi, where he says, among other things:

I continue to argue that a "follow the money" strategy must be utilized to understand why President Bush has refused to close our border with Mexico, pushing instead for "comprehensive immigration reform" legislation that would allow the vast majority of illegal immigrants now in the U.S. to remain under a "guest worker" or "pathway to citizenship" provision. The underlying agenda of the Bush administration seems to be to create a NAFTA-plus environment in which workers, trade and capital will be allowed to flow unimpeded within the trilateral North American community consisting of the United States, Canada and Mexico.

This is scary stuff ... you can find the whole article here:


Scary stuff .. :(

2006-07-15 07:45:21 · 11 answers · asked by Sashie 6

Is this what minutemen/anti-immigrants represent? Violence, hatred, inequality? How embarrrassing!

2006-07-15 07:09:08 · 22 answers · asked by thearizmendis 1

What do you think about those signs that La Raza members hold up that say this is their continent? I thought their ancestors were in latin america NOT north america. The north american natives lived on these lands.

2006-07-15 07:03:49 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

whithin the Immigration forum, should the "report abuse" link be renamed the "Shutup! Racist!" link? Please be honest.

2006-07-15 06:53:31 · 22 answers · asked by renegadesho_ban 3

If we are a nation of laws-shouldn't they be enforced?

2006-07-15 06:49:25 · 12 answers · asked by *** The Earth has Hadenough*** 7

to "fix"their problems? I.E after we have gone over to fight to show them how to do things?Just a question if you feel the need to insult me go ahead I have thick skin.

2006-07-15 06:46:54 · 9 answers · asked by gidget lil bit 4

Our US Constitution guarantees our soverignty and citizen's rights. Without another constitutional amendment, when Bush in 2010 gives up our soveregnty to the North America Free Trade Union's SPP, Nasco giving Mexico 400,000 sq acres in Kansas City, and having our supreme court silenced by having a higher international court decide America's cases and all of this that goes with it;

and given the fact there is no part of the Constitution that says if one part of this contract is found to be null and void without an amemdment that the rest of the Constitution would still be valid;

Wouldn't that break the contract of the Constitution, of which all other laws are validated through, and be broken between the people and the government?

I say what Bush wants to do with Mexico, USA, and Canada is unconstitutional, and to do so would 1) break the contract of the constitution between the people and the government or 2) nullify the constitution because it's been replace.

What say you

2006-07-15 06:43:13 · 11 answers · asked by yars232c 6

Has anyone noticed that the vast majority of immigrants who are here (in the U.S.) are from Mexico? Why don't we have an immigration problem with illegals from Russia or South America or Canada? Well, obviously Canada is cool, but why is the problem mainly with Mexicans? Is it because we're so close to Mexico and it's easier to get here than it would be from Africa or Cuba, etc., or is the another underlying reason?

2006-07-15 06:39:54 · 13 answers · asked by brevejunkie 7


Looks like we'll have to do it ourselves through donations,.. surprise, surprise.. Write to your senators..let them know how appalled you are at their lack of support for this very important HOMELAND Security necessity!!

2006-07-15 06:39:40 · 6 answers · asked by vacant 3

round up and return 50 thousand per month and sending them 500 miles into the interior of mexico . We had 1 tenth the amount of persons to do this so why do you think we need a whole army of border patrol and troops available who cannot do anything close to this .

2006-07-15 06:37:29 · 3 answers · asked by john f 2

ok, this is for the pro-illegals, how would you feel if I walked into your house, helped myself to the fridge, took a nap in your bed, took a dump on the living room floor, asked whats for dinner, then bitched about being the one that supports the house hold.

This is a verry close analogy to what Americans think of illegals.

2006-07-15 06:30:31 · 27 answers · asked by gwarr129 2

1) Mexico has suffered an extremely bad redistribution of money for many decades. Some cities like the metropolitan area of Monterrey (northeast Mexico) have a quality of life/infraestructure similar to the USA (they have a very low emmigraton rate) and some cities in Southern Mexico have a quality of life/infraestructure similar to some poor African countries (Which have a very high emmigration rate).

2) The current president isn't the main guilty of the current situation. Congress blocked many economic, energetic and some other important reforms proposed by him.

2006-07-15 05:32:16 · 11 answers · asked by jcarrera_9936 1

I know a lady that was here in the US illegally. She and her husband decided that they didnt want to get pregnant right now since they were both working 2 jobs each to save up to make their house in Mexico. So the lady went to a hispanic clinic (she couldnt go to a normal doctor, since she didnt have insurance. She didnt have insurance, because even if she wanted to, because of her lack of a SSN she would not qualify for insurance.) The clinic was all the way downtown. When she got there she went and asked to see the doctor about birth control. They told her she would have to have papers to see the doctor. She didnt. So she left. So my question is this, if our government is so worried about anchor babies, then why wont they let illegals have birth control?

2006-07-15 05:09:29 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think the problem in America will be the same with or without "illegals" Americans have been trashing America for a long time. I'm not saying the "illegals" haven't They are following our example. Why are we not concerned by what we have done? The rape of the nation was started by us,to confuse that because we have somebody else to blame is wrong.

2006-07-15 04:53:18 · 10 answers · asked by gidget lil bit 4

Since all the protests about Immigration from the "Illegal" side are mainly from the "Hispanic" community, doesnt it make sense that a great part of the problem is coming from the "Hispanic" Nations to Americas South.
Maybe its a case of "The squeeky wheel gets the grease." But it seems that the wagonmaster has decided the wheel is too far gone to repair, so the squeeky one will be tossed aside and replaced with a new wheel.
America is tired of the whiners and criminals.This is being demonstrated by states & cities all across this great land. What are your opinions on this grassroots state by state, city by city, defense of the nation.?

2006-07-15 04:32:46 · 24 answers · asked by renegadesho_ban 3

2006-07-15 04:05:54 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-15 04:01:22 · 3 answers · asked by moghdszadeh 1

Without having people jump on the 'you racist' band wagon, isn't it about time something was done about immigration, legal and illegal. This country I would say is heading for disaster, where are we going to put everybody, you cannot over populate an island. Our green and pleasant land is rapidly disappearing, our beautiful countryside will be gobbled by more housing estates to accomodate more outsiders, just look at our rapidly disappearing school sports fields, what next, green belt areas? inner city parks? National Parks even. The south east of England can't supply water for an expanding population. More Welsh valleys, even Scottish glens, maybe even parts of the lake district will have to be flooded for water supply. It's time to say enough is enough. Let's preserve our beautiful country and heritage, as they say,'once it's gone, it's gone'

2006-07-15 03:59:43 · 45 answers · asked by button mushroom 3

2006-07-15 03:54:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-15 03:46:28 · 6 answers · asked by Officer 1

HHHHMMMMMMM.........have we seen illegals on that TV show doing the worst jobs in America..I think not!

2006-07-15 03:13:30 · 16 answers · asked by tripledigit67 3

If you are a illegal do you pay taxes for 7 years is that true. The people that oppose illegal immigration is it just on mexicans or on all illegals russians , germans, italians, french canadian african

2006-07-15 03:05:31 · 14 answers · asked by raradaone 2

The law says that if you vehicles to transport, aid, or hide illegals that those said vehicles are subject to seizeure. What about those Mexican busses bringing them in by the bus load to my town. What a racket, I have video tape. I'm sending it to FOX news! Even in the movies they check passports on train and planes...what the hell?!

2006-07-15 02:57:49 · 3 answers · asked by tripledigit67 3

Being here on business from the Midwest we have signs on the road to caution of deer crossing the roads......was shocked to see San Diego actually has signs showing caution to illegals running across the road......more - we almost hit one going thru the mountains to Tecate (setting up a plant for a fortune 500 company)....soooo I reported it to a border patrol cop.....he said this is an ongoing occurance. I saw quite a few being busted in the mountains on my way to Tecate. My hat is off to the Border Patrol guys and gals.....BUT....they claim they come here for jobs????....I think thats bull...there are available jobs paying good wages in tecate....I know that for fact.....Our company is actually paying for bus rides to find folks to work at the plant OUTSIDE of Tecate because there isnt enough folks there to work all the jobs.....

2006-07-15 02:55:10 · 14 answers · asked by Just a guy 6

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