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1) Mexico has suffered an extremely bad redistribution of money for many decades. Some cities like the metropolitan area of Monterrey (northeast Mexico) have a quality of life/infraestructure similar to the USA (they have a very low emmigraton rate) and some cities in Southern Mexico have a quality of life/infraestructure similar to some poor African countries (Which have a very high emmigration rate).

2) The current president isn't the main guilty of the current situation. Congress blocked many economic, energetic and some other important reforms proposed by him.

2006-07-15 05:32:16 · 11 answers · asked by jcarrera_9936 1 in Politics & Government Immigration

3) There's a very big number of people that evade taxes. If the mexican government did something about this, we could use that extra tax money in fighting poverty (which is present in 40% of the population, being 15% in extreme poverty). The large medium-class in Mexico is the one who gets taxed the most. Mexicans should fight for transparency of their tax money, we should fight for the right application of government programs, we should fight for a quality education (therefor, the creation of well-payed jobs). Education is the only effective way to get out of the underdevelopment.

2006-07-15 05:32:44 · update #1

4) Sorry if this is a little bit harsh, but most of the Mexicans that go to the USA, want it the "easy way", hey they could pay
$2000+ dollars to a "pollero"... they know they can get a bad job in the USA but they can get more money than here in Mexico. Those people aren't fighting here in Mexico for a better country. I know they send money for their families, but the bad thing is that those families don't use the money in an effective way.
USA should be more strict in employers who hire illegal immigrants. Our number of people in extreme poverty has gone down because those are the ones that emmigrate to the USA, not because the government is doing a good job. The only thing that encourages them to go is that they know they will find a job. No one is forcing them to leave.

2006-07-15 05:33:02 · update #2

5) Many mexicans like me are fighting to get rid of he "third world" status we have now . Although we are a rich country (both in natural resources and in the total GDP - more than 1 trillion dollars -in fact one of the richest "third world" countries), we have a low GDP per capita ($9,000 dollars). Mexicans need to develop and make use of their creativity, strenght, talents if they want to be a first world country with a good quality of life. Lets say that we need to stop blaming others for our problems, we need to stop thinking only on ourselves and in our own benefits and to stop mediocrity. We need a good long-range plan, we need to start thiking of the future and not only in the present. We need drastic changes

2006-07-15 05:33:12 · update #3

11 answers

There are no "handouts" here. The Mexicans that come to the US work and work hard for every penny and most of that money they send back to their families. The product of their labor is big bucks for their US employers. Poverty is something we will always have in human society to balance out the break down of our population. But disproportianate poverty is a tool that the system uses to keep people oppressed and keep the rich making the big bucks.

People all over the world, including Mexico, fight back, but many of these citizens from other countries have alot more to loose when it comes to protesting and fighting than Americans. Most countries around the world have death squads sanctioned by the governement (many times trained by the US) to squelch any uprise from the poorest in their society. It may seem like the immigrants are taking an easy way out by coming to the US, but it really isnt an easy way out at all, its just the lesser of two evils to come in to the US.

Option 1: stay at home, work 80plus hours get paid not even close to a livable wages if anything at all, no health care, and when they get sick their families have no resources. Or no job at all.

Option 2: The US option is, buy their freedom to the US through a life threatening way in which they may die enroute. Work off the money they owe (amassing in the thousands) to their transporter. Leave their family behind and be lonely and depressed not knowing whats happening to their family at home (the security is not all that great and there are no real rights). Get paid very little for long hours of work in the US but still more than they would have ever gotten in their own coutnry. And send all that money back. With no health insurance or nothing in the case they get sick, in which case their family will have no other option yet again. Also, many Mexican people and other immigrants are very nationalistic. It will hurt them to the heart to leave their motherland.

The difference in the two options is that in America, they can work their fingers off and eventually if they work hard enough they can make something of themselves. In developing countries its difficult to even unionize and many of that difficulty has been aided through the US and corporations deriving from the US helping corrupt governments in those countries.( Look up School of the Americas and cocola's union killing practices if you want to know more about that.) So basically, yeah it would be great if immigrants didnt have to come to the US. But the solution they have is not so clear cut. And they are not stupid or illiterate for choosing the American option. They simply want to fight to insure that their families have food. If they were able to unionize and fight for a better living at home, they would have remained in that path and would have won better conditions long ago. But the hurdles are too great.

Also, lets not forget, the reason that in America we even have the rights and freedoms we have is because a diverse group of Americans: a mix of blacks from all over the world, Mexicans, Indians, Indonesians, Italians, English, etc. have banned together and worked towards unionizing and rights and jobs for the American worker. In fact, many of the unions use the teachings of Cesar Chavez and Martin Luther King to continue the struggle for fair labor. One race and country can hardly do it alone, they need a group effort and they cant have other super powers aiding their corrupt governments.

2006-07-15 06:19:51 · answer #1 · answered by honiebee 3 · 3 0

My thoughts and then some! Mexico is a beautiful country. The Mexicans I live amongst certainly seems to be proud to be from there. It's too bad many of it's most hardworking and intelligent citizens are leaving it instead of staying and making it a better place. But I'm sure if Americans could make big money by working in Mexico without having to give up their American citizenship they would be going down there and bringing their American pride with them, too.

2006-07-15 05:56:31 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you've given some very enlightening information. everybody wants a better life, and what better place to start..... in one's own backyard.

i agree that it should be illegal for companies (major corporations and small alike) to hire illegal immigrants regardless of where they're from. economic security can be assisted but should never be counted on from other countries. mexico's president (fox) wanted illegal mexican immigrants to be granted an immunity in the united states. i'm glad our president squashed that. its one thing to seek a better life and lifestyle, but there are proper channels to follow regardless of the timeliness.

i agree with you that education is a sure fire way to get things turned around, although in the beginning it will take much work to get people to see that a "handout" is not a hand-up, and that education WILL have long lasting positive effects if everyone does their part and sees the value in it. education and prevention work hand in hand for the betterment of not just the people of mexico, but worldwide. its said that if you want to help a society, educate its women.

i like your forward thinking.....you're seeing what needs to be done and i hope you put your effort behind your words.

2006-07-15 05:48:07 · answer #3 · answered by loving 40+ 4 · 0 0

Wow! You sure sound like one very smart person, to me! I wish all Mexicans thought like you because your country would be so great then. I hope you are doing lots to spread your way of thinking around your country and try to help the people make positive changes so they stop feeling that they have to go to the USA or any other country in order to provide a good life for themselves and their families. Thank you very much for sharing your insight on this forum!

2006-07-15 05:42:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

wow - a well thought out message, and one that many in the States try to use when talking about illegal immigration. With Mexico encouraging her poorest to go to the USA, they can get rid of them as a social problem, get money in return from them, and not have to do anything at all to make Mexico the properous country it could be.

Fight on.

2006-07-15 05:37:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Have you been asleep for the last week?? The U.S. is being strict on illegal aliens. New laws were passed just yesterday..As for the rest of your "plan"... Sounds good.., Now, Who will put it into action?? Good luck. Peace!

2006-07-15 05:40:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You have really done your research on this subject. There were some new laws passed recently concerning illegal immigration.

2006-07-15 06:34:43 · answer #7 · answered by RainCloud 6 · 0 0

We all need drastic changes....or America will become the next 3rd world country.....both bankrupt and taxed to death.

2006-07-15 05:56:45 · answer #8 · answered by Just a guy 6 · 0 0

It's a stopping point on the way here.

2006-07-15 05:49:51 · answer #9 · answered by yars232c 6 · 0 0

Fuc k Dawn M

2006-07-15 08:52:42 · answer #10 · answered by Insub H 1 · 0 0

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