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Government - April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Government

"The five boy justices on the Supreme Court who voted to take away our reproductive freedom last week were treating us like silly girls who can’t be trusted to make our own decisions..."


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2007-04-23 12:42:16 · 5 answers · asked by Sangria 4

2007-04-23 12:38:51 · 12 answers · asked by kriffe123 1

I mean why wouldn't the countries with heaps of money give a little more than what they are giving now that way poor developing countries would be able to focus on spending their money on things that they need

2007-04-23 12:35:06 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who's fur impeaching the President and Vice President? And why?

2007-04-23 12:29:26 · 22 answers · asked by ♥ Myfaeia Arae Colath ♥ 2

i heard that bush day and longer days i think its like 4 more hours is in pending legislation

2007-04-23 11:52:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Even at the start of the 20th century, American democracy was still incredibly corrupt with all the political bosses and bribery. We didn't get it right for a while.

2007-04-23 10:18:15 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

what is the current federal minimum wage

2007-04-23 09:45:09 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is hypothetical because it hasn't happened yet.I'm just wondering how many people think it's OK.Try to be wise not a wise guy.I'm serious about this question.

2007-04-23 09:10:07 · 14 answers · asked by captainimij 3

I'm just wondering how much longer people are going to put up with this president of ours and what will happen to him if an when we get to the point where everyone has had enough.

2007-04-23 08:59:48 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

and countries who side with them become targets?

2007-04-23 08:50:22 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

In this tiresome, politically correct world, what do you think they will want us to start calling a blind date? Any thoughts?

2007-04-23 08:48:03 · 13 answers · asked by Mary 3

They say yes he's lied and is making a big mess but they end w/ "But he is the President and I support him as President, regardless. It's like saying the "shooter" killed so many. I feel that's a horrible thing but he did write some good literature and he was shy, poor thing." When will Americans stand up for what is right not a name tag?

2007-04-23 08:35:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

web sites, information anything is helpful, i've tried researching this and i'm having trouble finding a clear answer.

2007-04-23 08:13:16 · 10 answers · asked by lpguitarpl4yer 1

Why aren't more people on board with this idea. I think it is a good one. I think that if we impeach Bush it will take a long time but I think it will throw a message out there to the elected officials that we the people are serious. We are the ones who may have put them in office and we can take them out just the same when they take advantage of us.

What do you think?

2007-04-23 08:04:47 · 11 answers · asked by Brandi H 2

I read candidates going on and on about many topics that may or may not be important. To me, and many families in the United States, the ever increasing price of gas at the pump may be the most important issue in the upcoming election next the war in iraq. I worked in Chicago for three years doing a number of biotechnology jobs that paid in the range of 25k to 35k a year. however, for many of these jobs i had to drive round trip about 100miles a day with no assistance from the job for driving costs, and public transportation to these jobs either did not exist or required multiple transfers that would have taken hours to complete. now with the price of gas being what it is, i have no idea how some people are surviving and have enough for family recreation. I went back to school to try and earn a higher degree and my stipend pays me more than enough to survive, but every month i read articles saying families must cut recreation out of their lives, what are you going to do to help us?

2007-04-23 07:32:47 · 4 answers · asked by thrawn_12 1

2007-04-23 07:29:47 · 5 answers · asked by donthitmeah 2

I'm planning on writing a letter to the President to the U.S.A ( George Bush ) what exactly should I do to see that it gets to the whitehouse ? Please write what I should adress the letter as and exactly what I should write on the front and back of the envelope adress and all please help thanks !!

2007-04-23 07:05:43 · 5 answers · asked by Mike C 1

I need to know the contact email address of the Philippine foreign minister, and also the email to contact the president, through whatever office that this is available. Hope someone can help me. Thanks.

2007-04-23 06:55:04 · 3 answers · asked by zsar20032003 2

demand that USA dismantle and disarm their nuclear programme?
Based on the fact that the USA have been the invaders on too many ocassions in the last half century and that they impose a threat to world peace?

2007-04-23 06:26:00 · 16 answers · asked by Monan 2

The first: Those who try to get their hands on all the information from all sources i.e. realising that not all American Media (in fact very little) is un-baised. Those who don´t enjoy being steered into decisions and relish hearing both sides of a story.
Those who have a respect, concern and understanding of other cultures around the world, and therefore a common realisation that people are inherently the same wherever you travel with the same basic needs, namely food, shelter and love.
and then the second type: right wingers?

2007-04-23 06:11:48 · 16 answers · asked by Monan 2

2007-04-23 06:10:56 · 5 answers · asked by edd 3

Is democracy is the best one?

2007-04-23 05:48:09 · 7 answers · asked by rustico l 1

i have being waiting 22 months for an answer to my claim with social security i had surgery on my brain and 2 bones removed in my neck i have an attorney i receive a letter 3months ago telling me i was denied [the second time] i have been in reconsideration for 8 months how much longer do you think it will be?

2007-04-23 05:41:21 · 2 answers · asked by mishoney 4

2007-04-23 05:28:51 · 19 answers · asked by workinman 3

Drug Manufacturers
Insurance Companies.

And were you aware the USA has national healthcare already.
Medical care is available to EVERYONE in the country, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, regardless of ability to pay, heck even if you are not a citizen of this country. Go to any ER in any city and you will be taken care of.

Insurers have the lowest expense and the greatest margin of profit in the healthcare business, they own congress with campaign donations so they get to write their own rules. They tell the doctors what they will be paid, the doctors do not tell the insurance companies what they will charge, they wait six to nine months to pay. The insurance companies state what drugs you can use and what they will pay for them. Litigation in lawsuits for the most part are won by the insurance companies, ie they do not pay settlements.

SO when you want to rant about healthcare, look at the insurers and which politicians in Congress they control.

2007-04-23 03:47:02 · 10 answers · asked by rmagedon 6

Just wanna know.

2007-04-23 03:32:43 · 18 answers · asked by Still Standing 4

Assuming democracy is representative government, how can a system where all persons eligible to vote, but do not register and vote, call itself a true democracy?

2007-04-23 00:41:19 · 12 answers · asked by ycoidi 1