our us debt is almost 9 TRILLION dollars! thats approximately 29,000 dollars a citizen. you got this? i dont. and how are we to pay this? look how much our government, who has only our best interest at heart...(sarcasm) saves by stiffing us.
how can we keep our officials from doing this to us? apperently voting wont help. they just lie to get into office and then do as they please with impudence! look at bush's record.
how many times has the congress put a bill to stop our deficit from getting higher only to make one to get more money?
i say screw the terrorists and close our borders and focus on our own problems. thats why the terrorists are here now, cause we stick our nose in too many peoples business.
america, lets fix our own problems! FIRST! who can argue with this sense?
4 answers
asked by
joe citizen