Your nuts right?They already take 25% of my paycheck and at tax time want another $600.00.What they need to do is stop wasting the tax $ they are already getting.Have you never heard of government OVERspending,why don't you look into that.
2007-03-14 07:29:49
answer #1
answered by ? 6
What you need is a larger tax on the highest earners, 60% - 70% maybe more on the top 10% of earners and in a country as strong as the US this will generate most of your governments tax revenue. Taking more money from the people who don't need it as much will allow the people with lower incomes to keep more of their pay and also receive more help from the government and this is help that some people desperately need. There is a huge problem of poverty in the US, about 13 % of US citizens live below the poverty line, and for a country as affluent as the States this should, and could, be avoided.
A system of progressive taxation to redistribute income is what is needed, flat rate taxation as was suggested by someone before will only make matters worse. Tax the highest earners more and give the lowest earners tax breaks and benefits to help eradicate poverty in the US.
2007-03-15 00:13:14
answer #2
answered by rob_bert_22 1
Personally, I believe that instead of raising taxes, they should go to the flat rate tax system. In other words, everyone pays the same rate, lets say 20%. this would be deducted from your monthly pay. No paying that much back at the end of the year in one shot. Example: A person making $20K a year pays a flat rate of $4K for the year, whereas someone making $100K would end up paying about $20K. The only drawback to this is that obviously the rich will pay more because they make more money. But, then again, thats only fair.
Ever notice that all the loopholes that lower your taxes generally apply to those that have the money to make that happen? Whats a low income person supposed to do?
Everyone needs to remember that taxes are not there to provide us with a tidy return at the beginning of the year, its what we pay to keep our country strong. but no one seems to be using the funds in ways to better much of anything: aka, education, space exploration, finding cures for illness, etc.
The biggest problem we have is that the rich make all the rules, and those rules generally aide the rich, and seldomly benefit the the poor.
If I sound bitter, its probably because I am. I don't make a lot of money, but I bet I generally pay more in taxes than most rich people will. I have nothing against the rich, they earned that status. I'm just looking for a little fairness that applys to everyone, not just a specific catagory. Cheers!
2007-03-14 07:50:39
answer #3
answered by krodgibami 5
In the US, taxes are already pretty high on most ordinary people, especially bearing in mind you don't even get a national health service out of it.
Compared to other first-world nations, the US citizen pays a lot of tax if he or she has a low to medium income, a standard rate at a high income, and an incredibly low rate at a super-high income.
If you want to raise taxes, why not start charging the Bush family, Bill Gates and Paris Hilton more? They pay pretty much nothing at the moment while ordinary people work dawn till dusk.
2007-03-14 07:37:52
answer #4
answered by Saint Bee 4
Higher taxes only serves to hurt the economy. Right now the top 2% in the US pay about 95% of the taxes collected. Right now the bottom 25% of wage earners pay little if any taxes. I am sure they would really respond favorably to having 60% of their income taxed instead.
If you really want to help everyone, work to enact The Fair Tax as espoused by Neil Boortz and Congressman John Linder.
Instead of beefing up government programs many of them should be done away with, such as the Department of Education, BATFE, Bilingual Education, ESL. The federal government should get out of "programs" that are relegated to the states by the consitution.
2007-03-14 07:34:13
answer #5
answered by Wiz 7
I don't think that the people who currently pay all of the taxes (and get fewer services than ever) should pay more, but the people who have all the money and hardly pay any taxes should pay more.
And we should stop giving them all the money we do.
Given that they are the same people who own most of the politicians, I don't expect this to happen any time soon.
BTW, people who say democrats want to raise taxes on the middle and lower classes either don't know what they're talking about or are lying. That's not what dems say.
That's what lying morons say ABOUT dems, and what people who don't know any better hear and believe.
2007-03-14 14:08:11
answer #6
answered by tehabwa 7
Sure. They don't produce much with the money they take from us now so maybe giving them the rest of what we have will make them produce even more nothing! Cool idea.
Or (I know this is wild), they could cut spending? Maybe beginning with their own fat, padded pockets? Maybe they could pay some Social Security taxes, cut their healthy pensions to resemble ours, and a few other tiny changes. Ya think they might go for that?
2007-03-14 07:36:14
answer #7
answered by Batty 6
I agree. When you send 1 dollar to the Fed 25cents comes back so we need to up this a lot maybe even as high as 90%. Yup. I would vote for the guy that campaigned on TAX TAX TAX!
2007-03-14 07:28:45
answer #8
answered by kent j 3
We need the Gold Standard back, and we need to be in control of the gold NOT THE BANKS. Those who hold the gold are more powerful than standing armies some have said. No taxation without representation. We are getting taxed, but the money isn't going to the US citizens. It is going to the Banks that we are indebted to, thanks to President Eisenhower.
2007-03-14 07:29:56
answer #9
answered by JanaJana 1
No candidate is running on that platform and I can't understand why???? Maybe we should go for 100% taxation. This would be the utopia we have all been waiting on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you run for President!
2007-03-14 07:29:36
answer #10
answered by JHE123 2