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Politics & Government - 23 December 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Some believe the Bush Admin emphasis on "abstinence only" sex education is a factor. True or False? What other factors are at play?

2007-12-23 15:40:14 · 19 answers · asked by golfer7 5 in Politics

2007-12-23 15:38:35 · 8 answers · asked by !!BamBam's Mom!! 3 in Elections

yesterday it was announced that the nhs has lost patiant details last week it was driving liecence applications the week before it was family allowance what the heck is going on do you think that all details that the government hold on us have been lost and they are giving it to us in bite sized chunks whats the next anouncement lost passport details ?

2007-12-23 15:35:35 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

My husband will be leaving Patrol to join the Crime Scene Unit in his department. I know it isn't like on TV, but I just keep thinking about all of the horrible things that these investigators see on a daily basis. At least with Patrol, there were good days or good scenarios that occurred - like saving someone's life or helping someone. I'm worried about how to offer support to my husband if all he ever sees is the "bad stuff" as a crime scene investigator. Any suggestions?

2007-12-23 15:35:34 · 6 answers · asked by BPD Wife 6 in Law Enforcement & Police

i think it's horrible to be 22 and not married.

2007-12-23 15:33:35 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

After dropping very substantially during the Clinton administration, the crime rate has again begun to rise dramatically. Is it because Bush trashed Clinton's Crime Bill, which proved so effective in reducing crime?

2007-12-23 15:33:09 · 26 answers · asked by golfer7 5 in Politics

After 8 years of unprecedented economic growth under Clinton, Bush caused a mild recession (started in March of 2001) by bad mouthing the economy during the campaign. Yet he inherited what was basically a solid economic situation. Yet he had zero job growth during his first 4 years. And although unemployment is currently pretty low, around 4.5% he has never achieved the 3.9% achieved under Clinton.

2007-12-23 15:30:48 · 20 answers · asked by golfer7 5 in Politics

I see a lot of sub-human similarities.

2007-12-23 15:24:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

This person wrote me a check for a thousand dollars. Well when I took it to the bank it bounced. So I approached the person about his check. He said that he would give me fifty dollars now and give me the rest later. Just hold on to the check. Well I never saw him again. So I went to talk to the D. A. and he said he couldn't prosecute the person for writing a bad check because he gave me fifty dollar and I excepted. This broke the original contract. So by excepting the 50 dollars I broke the original contract. What other action can I take.

2007-12-23 15:23:51 · 7 answers · asked by Robertus911 3 in Law & Ethics

2007-12-23 15:20:42 · 3 answers · asked by Scott 1 in Politics

I am an international student who live in California. I have a boyfriend who is not an American citizen but has a green card. I know since I am an international student, I cannot get married with him until he gets an American citizenship.
However, we are going to Las Vegas on new year. I heard any people can get married there easily.
So, I am wondering if I can get married with him in Vegas and apply a green card after we back to California.
If anybody knows about my question, please help me.
And, thank you for reading my poor english :p

2007-12-23 15:20:34 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

....claim that ALL the Democrat candidates are actually Christians even though they support NON-Christian actions such as abortion?

2007-12-23 15:17:34 · 18 answers · asked by plezurgui 6 in Politics

I just got laid off. I have 6 months until I'm 18. I am looking for work, but can't seem to find any other than fast food. Can I get unemployment in Tennessee?

2007-12-23 15:14:36 · 6 answers · asked by coolchicka4u 2 in Law & Ethics

I am thinking that I would like to apply to one or more police services upon my graduation from school in the spring. I was wondering for those who may know better, on the whole, just how competitive is it to obtain a career as a police officer these days?

I'm graduating from university with an honours bachelor of arts with a major in English, I served as a reservist in the military for about four years up until the beginning of this school year. I tend to hear conflicting reports with some of the big city police departments being simply flooded with applicants while the provincial or RCMP are falling short of recruiting goals.

Generally speaking, if it is a goal to which I was committed, is actually obtaining a position somethign that could be very difficult ultimately, or are there good opportunities these days and with my level of education or experience will I stand up competitively?

Thank you,

2007-12-23 15:11:29 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I apologize my grammar..

but would JESUS disapprove Huckabee's, Obama's, Clinton's, Edwards' CHRISTMAS ADVERTISEMENT???

Would JESUS tell them to use the money to help the homeless people and others.... especially the people in
New Orleans?
Instead of spending the money on commercial ad...

Do you think Jesus feels he is being USED???

2007-12-23 15:09:58 · 5 answers · asked by Jagger Otto 7 in Politics

2007-12-23 15:06:24 · 4 answers · asked by 101redleg 1 in Military


2007-12-23 15:05:26 · 4 answers · asked by peacemunga 3 in Other - Politics & Government

I'm not interested in hearing why you aren't supporting another candidate or reasons only based on race, gender or religion.

Please provide links to show they actually support those views because many times opinion is distributed as fact with nothing to base it upon.

2007-12-23 15:04:46 · 15 answers · asked by mickbw 5 in Elections

can someone explain to me why english is not the official language of the US? i mean in 5 years we are going to have everything translated into 200 languages including the click ones in africa.

2007-12-23 14:58:32 · 24 answers · asked by blktan24 3 in Immigration

I'm thinking a degree in Physics with a minor in Astronomy. Is there a better degree for this particular job? Also, if you know of anything that improves my chances of getting this job, I would love to hear it!

2007-12-23 14:56:50 · 8 answers · asked by LipSmear 2 in Military

She did the porn, and now he's avoiding her calls, won't make any contact with her after saying the stuff is up on the site and the money should be transferred to her account.

Is there any legal recourse to get this guy?

2007-12-23 14:54:16 · 8 answers · asked by K A 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I'm a senior and my high school gpa has only been around 2.0 to 2.5. Do you need straight A's in high school to become a fighter pilot?

2007-12-23 14:53:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

someone told me their son's school was no tolerance i was happy for him then i was told that there is no tolerance for the truth or fighting not no tolerance for the racist blacks, crazy islamo facists or the communist. seriously what is going on in this world when kids cant fight in school yet learn how ot pray to mecca?

2007-12-23 14:53:49 · 6 answers · asked by blktan24 3 in Law & Ethics

I just want to learn about things and all of the smart people I know say Mr. Bush is an awful President who probably should be in jail. I ask questions about that on YA and the YA people say mean things and call me names when I just want to learn. Honestly, sometimes I could just cry. Is there some other forum I could go to for information where people are not so nasty and won't call me names?

2007-12-23 14:47:27 · 24 answers · asked by golfer7 5 in Politics

2007-12-23 14:46:03 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military


The GOP stirs them up about abortion = murder, but never about Insurance Corp fraud = murder.

If they are truly religious then they would be as equally outraged about Insurance Corp fraud = murder as they are about abortion = murder.

Or did God say Insurance corp fraud is an OK kind of murder?

2007-12-23 14:42:38 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I was wondering about the argument where terrorists will follow Americans back home if they withdraw their troops from the Middle East.

If they'll be able to enter the and attack the United States if they withdraw, what's stopping them from attacking now?

The only benefit I see in attacking only after the U.S. withdraws its troops from the Middle East would be to widen the gap between the Democrats and Republicans by letting the latter say, "I told you so," further widening the gap between the Republican and Democratic parties. Otherwise, what's keeping them from attacking right now? How does the fact that our troops are there keep them from making attacks on U.S. soil now?

2007-12-23 14:41:29 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

The National Emergencies Act is a U.S. federal law passed in 1976, which gives Congress oversight over presidential emergency powers during such emergencies. The National Emergencies Act is not mentioned in the text of the National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive.

"DeFazio chases secret terror-crisis plan"


Why won't the administration let congress read the confidential details of the National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive?

It isn't legal for the administration to withhold the confidential information, so is it possible that the only reason they are withholding it is because its already in affect?

2007-12-23 14:41:07 · 2 answers · asked by Arcanum Noctis 5 in Other - Politics & Government

When realistically the worst terrorist attack happened on their watch?
They failed to investigate the attack in a timely manner...and seemed to do as much as possible to undermine it! By giving it the least amount of money and limited time!

2007-12-23 14:40:44 · 6 answers · asked by honestamerican 7 in Politics


Within 18 seconds of this video she admits it was her husband's tenancy (the past decade) that "the intelligence" was built. This after Bill downsized the C.I.A. and the military in order to "balance the budget".

And now look at her POLITICAL statements. She is in it for her own political gain ..... not the TRUE interets of the country.

2007-12-23 14:32:50 · 6 answers · asked by George 3 in Politics