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Politics & Government - 20 November 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

...was a globalised socialist anti-religious dictatorship lead by me where racists and bigots would be persecuted whilst intellectuals and generous people would be celebrated.

2007-11-20 10:54:36 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

hello, my friend, who is 17, got a theft violation ticket in texas. in texas, she is counted as an adult as she is 17. She has to make arrangements to go to court, but we are trying to figure out what we can do to to get it off the record? It was under 50 dollars for what she stole, and she returned it. Is there a way she can get this off her record? (It was at walmart). We are trying to look this up online, but cannot find it. We dont really have time for people to make comments about how stupid she was. so please consider that. we just want to know the consequences. thanks in advance.

2007-11-20 10:54:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Anyone who follows the media has probably heard many times that the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, and incomes of the population in general are stagnating. Moreover, those who say such things can produce many statistics, including data from the Census Bureau, which seem to indicate that.

On the other hand, income-tax data recently released by the Internal Revenue Service seem to show the exact opposite: People in the bottom fifth of income-tax filers in 1996 had their incomes increase by 91 percent by 2005.

The top one percent — “the rich” who are supposed to be monopolizing the money, according to the left — saw their incomes decline by a whopping 26 percent.

Meanwhile, the average taxpayers’ real income increased by 24 percent between 1996 and 2005.

How can all this be? How can official statistics from different agencies of the same government — the Census Bureau and the IRS — lead to such radically different conclusions?

There are wild cards in such data that need to be kept in mind when you hear income statistics thrown around — especially when they are thrown around by people who are trying to prove something for political purposes.

One of these wild cards is that most Americans do not stay in the same income brackets throughout their lives. Millions of people move from one bracket to another in just a few years.

What that means statistically is that comparing the top income bracket with the bottom income bracket over a period of years tells you nothing about what is happening to the actual flesh-and-blood human beings who are moving between brackets during those years.

That is why the IRS data, which are for people 25 years old and older, and which follow the same individuals over time, find those in the bottom 20 percent of income-tax filers almost doubling their income in a decade. That is why they are no longer in the same bracket.

That is also why the share of income going to the bottom 20 percent bracket can be going down, as the Census Bureau data show, while the income going to the people who began the decade in that bracket is going up by large amounts.
Unfortunately, most income statistics, including those from the Census Bureau, do not follow individuals over time. The Internal Revenue Service does that and so does a study at the University of Michigan, but they are the exceptions rather than the rule.

Following trends among income brackets over the years creates the illusion of following people over time. But the only way to follow people is to follow people.

Another wild card in income statistics is that many such statistics are about households or families — whose sizes vary over time, vary between one racial or ethnic group and another, and vary between one income bracket and another.

That is why household or family income can remain virtually unchanged for decades while per capita income is going up by very large amounts. The number of people per household and per family is declining.

Differences in the number of people per household from one ethnic group to another is why Hispanics have higher household incomes than blacks, while blacks have higher individual incomes than Hispanics.

Considering the millions of dollars being paid to each of the anchors who broadcast network news, surely these networks can afford to hire a few statisticians to check the statistics being thrown around, before these numbers are broadcast across the land as facts on which we are supposed to base policies and elect presidents.

Now that the Internal Revenue data show the opposite of what the media and the politicians have been saying for years, should we expect either to change? Not bloody likely.

The University of Michigan study, which has been going on for decades, shows patterns very similar to those of the IRS data. Those patterns have been ignored for decades.

Too many in the media and in politics choose whatever statistics fit their preconceptions.

2007-11-20 10:53:59 · 17 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2 in Politics

2007-11-20 10:53:23 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

It really isn't fair. We have other candidates, you know, and they are justifiably feeling left out. Conservatives really need to spread the smear around a little more.

2007-11-20 10:53:10 · 12 answers · asked by ArRo 6 in Other - Politics & Government

And now they want it back?
They were in control back then, why didn't they just stay there and continued to rule the arabs?
Was it too tough for them?

2007-11-20 10:50:01 · 3 answers · asked by im@home 3 in Government

This was sent to me by Cpl. Angelo Miller, USMC

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. "

2007-11-20 10:49:56 · 10 answers · asked by djm749 6 in Military

Like a store?
A public street?
A bathroom?

Please list other places that it's illegal. I live in WI.

2007-11-20 10:44:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

In a recent question, I mentioned that "real employee compensation" has gone up. In other questions I've talked about "Real Income" going up. In every question, I define these Real gains as after inflation.

Yet in every one of these questions, I get idiotic responses from libs saying, yeah those may be up, but gas and health care are up even more. Or the dollar is worth less.

They just can't understand that those things are inflation. Inflation is not something else plus those things.

Gross Income Gain - Inflation = Real Income Gain

It's just that simple folks.

I'd appreciate any help on how to explain these things. Maybe if I can dumb it down to a 5 year old's level, the libs might be able to understand it.

2007-11-20 10:42:45 · 26 answers · asked by Uncle Pennybags 7 in Politics

If you're white, black, brown, yellow, pink or orange and English, German, Polish, Greek, Asian, African or from the planet Pluto, it doesn't bother me.

But when I'm out and about shopping, I like to have a chat with the cashier when buying my goods. So I tend to choose a till with a white English speaking person because I can't understand what some others say.

I'm not avoiding other people because of colour or race, just because of trying to communicate with them.

Is that racist? I hope not.

2007-11-20 10:41:50 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Would I get into legal trouble if I used a clip from a Simpsons episode in my Genetics project?

Thanks in advance.

2007-11-20 10:40:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

A Marine almost had half his head blown off and have brain damage and you know them cowards at VA just gave him 10% disability. It took some politician to get involved to get him 100%.

2007-11-20 10:40:25 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

am on supervised probation for five yrs and paying$300.00 a month towards restitution,I know a fact I can never finish paying $200,000 in my life time since am asked to pay $300.00 month. Can I ever be put on unsupervised probation.I only report once every three months.

2007-11-20 10:39:44 · 6 answers · asked by sam 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I am curious what others think. I think the economy is bad because of all the spending on the war. I have been known to be wrong a few times in my life, I was just wanting other peoples input....Thank You!!

2007-11-20 10:37:40 · 9 answers · asked by Miss Behavin 6 in Government

Will they mail it or try to call me?

2007-11-20 10:35:50 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

When stamps went up from 39 cents to 41 cents, the post office wouldn't buy back my partial books of stamps. Why not? I had two books of the same and I could have combined them to make over a complete book. I should have just filled in the blanks and they wouldn't have noticed. Anyone do that too?

2007-11-20 10:35:13 · 5 answers · asked by lmnchcgfl2000 3 in Government

So the guy who covered up for bush over the Scooter Libby thing, is now admitting that Bush and Cheney were behind the whole thing, and that Bush and Cheney both have lied to the american people I love our republican, christian president.

2007-11-20 10:33:11 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Not really a lot of choice but to change the way americans have voted in the past.

2007-11-20 10:32:54 · 12 answers · asked by Wonderingplz 3 in Elections

The reason for all the immigration is quite simple ,it took a while for the penny to drop .He is not getting back at the English for Culloden .In immigrant areas up north they tend to vote labour ,and Conservative in the south .Now ask your self where are all the new immigrants heading ? London and the southeast and who are they going to be grateful to once they get citizenship after only 5 years ? Cetainly not the tories with their hatred of anyone who has not got a public education or a plum in their mouths .Gordon"evil genius Brown Is building a power base for the future .He has seen it work well in America with GWBushs` rich power base ,now he wants his own .Unfortunately ,this power will come back to haunt him when a Sharia base Government takes over because of the Generous child allowance ,muslims will take this and breed the next power base for themselves .As Gordie can only breed rejects his descendants will not be affected .

2007-11-20 10:32:45 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

what licenses are required for radio broadcasting, how can i obtain them, and what are the penalties for broadcasting a local radio station

2007-11-20 10:32:42 · 1 answers · asked by i am me 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-11-20 10:31:34 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The Federal Government will prosecute you if you break laws selling stocks. Oh, by the way, stocks are known as "securities." THIS man is the chairman of the FEDERAL agency that will put you in jail if you break the law in selling securities.

Who is the man??

2007-11-20 10:31:10 · 6 answers · asked by ~Rav(: 2 in Law & Ethics

If you are ultra conservative, you know who I mean!

2007-11-20 10:29:30 · 13 answers · asked by waynesworldstage 2 in Elections

Ok so basically what happened is I was a live-in nanny for a few wks ( left because of sexual harassment) I was living in a gated condo community. I ended up leaving and moving to Cali. Before I left I called the front of the condo assoc. and asked if my car could be parked there for the month it would take me to get it and they said that was fine since it wasn't disrupting traffic. So anyways It got towed!!! I live in Los Angeles now so this was very bad for me as I have a full time position there. Well they broke the statute by towing it too far away. They towed it 13 miles instead of the 10 and there were many inside the 10 mile radius. They have been very rude and their lawyer replied to me with. " The Association does not agree with your recitation of the facts or
interpretation of the law. It will not reimburse you for the costs you
incur to release your vehicle." Please help!!!! I need to leave for Cali tomorrow!!!! Thank you all.

2007-11-20 10:29:20 · 3 answers · asked by ? 2 in Law & Ethics

The amount of the deficit is making the dollar a worthless piece of paper. We cannot afford another year of George W. Bush's mismanagement.

2007-11-20 10:29:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The other day she was asked if she remembered that Ross Perot had told us that the trade agreements would cost us a bunch of jobs and all the other stuff that has happened and she said "I just remember a bunch of charts" Now come on, everybody remembers what Perot said, it was all over the tv for months, heck it was what his campaign was about. I think she is just another lieing politician. She takes us for dumb.

2007-11-20 10:24:42 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

My son just graduated from Navy Boot camp. He is not being shipped out because he tried to commit suicide a few years back The recruiter said don't volunteer anything and signed him up for 8 years. my son told of this at boot camp and is now being held back from Nuclear School. Understandable. But is he now obligated to serve 8 years with no school if that is what the navy offers? It seems to me the recruiter just wanted to sign him up for as many years as possible? My son wants to be in the Navy but he also wants some kind of school. Does the navy have to abide to their side of the contract?

2007-11-20 10:23:38 · 7 answers · asked by wondering 1 in Military

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