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Politics & Government - 6 September 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

what is the beginning of that means?

2007-09-06 15:14:20 · 4 answers · asked by sug 1 in Law & Ethics

I am going to be taking a cross country trip and writing my adventures, talking to people along the way and taking photos. I am hoping to get it published eventually. If I use a story with someone's name or want to quote someone what type of permission do I need to get legally. How about for photos?

2007-09-06 15:08:59 · 3 answers · asked by Megan M 1 in Law & Ethics

If you are for mass aresting and deporting of the illegals in the US than can you explain just how you think you will do it? I mean like a plan?

2007-09-06 15:06:02 · 33 answers · asked by ♥ ~Sigy the Arctic Kitty~♥ 7 in Immigration

My friend and I got into an argument with her roommates, a man and women. The man starts yelling at me, kicks me out, but I won't leave because he's verbally abusing my friend. He then starts telling me "**** you," and "go **** yourself"
Can the California laws protect me? Any suggestions for legal matters?
Thank you

2007-09-06 15:03:39 · 7 answers · asked by Azucena V 1 in Law & Ethics

I found this by accident. They are quite clear what they intend to do. This looks like a U.S. website too.


With great aplomb they will refer to the Qur’anic verses (such as 2:30, 6:165, 7:129, 27:62) which firmly declare that only the Muslims are the rightful inheritors of earth. Allah has assured the victory of Islam by expropriating and usurping the land of the infidels and hand them over to the Muslims (verses 13:41, 21:44, 28:58). The Islamic world is patiently waiting for this ultimate victory of Islam—no infidel should bear any doubt on this mindset of great majority of Islamic diehards.

There are thousands of Islamic organizations in the West whose job is to keep pushing their Islamic agenda to reshape the West. The message is loud and clear: conform to Islam or else face jihad, that is, Islamist terrorism.

2007-09-06 15:02:27 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

i got my registration form for Selective Service, what are the chances of me or anybody getting drafted into the military?

2007-09-06 15:00:25 · 22 answers · asked by Kyle W 1 in Military

2007-09-06 15:00:02 · 0 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-09-06 14:59:21 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I have a friend i went to school with who works in a hotel. They had a guest who left without paying (credit card declined) and the manager took it out of the employee's pay. Is that even legal?

2007-09-06 14:58:07 · 9 answers · asked by sprydle 5 in Law & Ethics

At first I thought it was part of the "War on Terror"... then it was to "Get Saddam".... and now I've lost track... so what are the official reasons we're fighting Iraq? Why are we still there? What about Osama Bin Laden?

2007-09-06 14:57:04 · 16 answers · asked by Kat Strat 2 in Military

2007-09-06 14:55:26 · 12 answers · asked by Rodman 2 in Law & Ethics

Planes fly overhead looking for speeders. Radar detectors are illegal. Why is this apparently more important here than in any other state in the union?

2007-09-06 14:51:18 · 4 answers · asked by attitude29018 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

It has ben said"absolute power corupts absolutely" Do you think authority is eventualy abused to it's fullest extent in every case?

2007-09-06 14:50:08 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Just became one nation we would still be the USA just with mexican states joining the union and having them change all their things to our things would it not be much better, mexican pesos could be changed into american dollars, their goverment would be changed to ours, spanish could be accepted while they learned english or both could work out, i would not need a pass port to go fishing in baja, they would get better wages, and rights some of theif laws could stay in effect in their states while influence would get there by that i mean since thewy would be getting paid by our laws the corruption would go down and so forth it would work right?

or could i be wrong

2007-09-06 14:48:44 · 12 answers · asked by slayerofthedarkforest 2 in Other - Politics & Government

if someone is in the back seat of a car that has been pulled over and a gun is found in the car, is it legal for them to be charged with it? also, they are on felony probation. i need cases out there that would give me info on this subject.

2007-09-06 14:41:49 · 6 answers · asked by iampeaer 2 in Law & Ethics

I am married to a man who goes to court on Sept 10 for a child molestitation case against his sister. We are already married with 5 children this happened suppousdely happened 7 years ago. If convicted, can he come home and live with us as a family unit? There is no physical evidence against my husband and it is her word against his. All she is saying he did was touch her. No sexual intercourse, no penetration of any kind.... just fondling. He is a stay at home daddy for 4 years now and if I ever thought that he was a sex offender I would not allow him around the children. Only one of them are biologically his. Please dont judge me and please give me advice. He has been offered a plea bargin of 4 years suspended 10 years probation and register as a sex offender and never be able to come home to his family. Please give me some helpful input on what to think and do. If this was true, why would his sister come to our wedding and have pics taken with her brother? Please help me.

2007-09-06 14:41:30 · 4 answers · asked by Lisa P 1 in Law & Ethics

Just throwing soldiers into a cross fire so you can make money on military hardware and oil kickbacks AIN'T supporting the troops.



That's Osama Bin Laden's half brother GB is kissing here.



2007-09-06 14:41:24 · 6 answers · asked by easy_game_101 2 in Politics

arrested in a Federal investigation into bribery and corruption probes?

2007-09-06 14:41:06 · 11 answers · asked by Professor Farnsworth 6 in Politics

I think it's great that the US military fight for it's great ally Israel (Israel's military couldn't even beat lowly Hezbollah) in the Mideast but shouldn't they at least pay for it?

2007-09-06 14:41:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Some of you may have seen in the news about the woman who left her 2 year old child in the car for 8 hours and the girl died. And how the woman was not charged with murder because the prosecutor decided that it was an accident, however the woman went to the car several times and could have seen the girl, and it was not the first time that both parents left the little girl in the car. What I want to know is, is negligence not a crime? How can you forget that your child is in the car? How can someone forget the child in the car more than once? Isn't negligence defined as neglecting a person/child to the point where it brings harm to said person/child? As I understand it is a crime, am I wrong?

2007-09-06 14:38:39 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

i'm being charged with forgery! all i did was endorse a check that was for someone else. i had no knowledge of the check being forged(it wasn't wrote out to me).how would you react? and what would you do?

2007-09-06 14:38:34 · 4 answers · asked by scott 2 in Law & Ethics

illegal mexican do not realize its the anglo that has made America successful and not necessarily just the land. Mexico is very rich in natural resouces but mexican have made a junkyard of it.

2007-09-06 14:38:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

is there articles support that? i couldn't find any online, all i found was the opposite, "USA is losing justice" stuff like that. and i don't have newspapers at home. can someone tell me some articles that support "freedom, justice, equality" ?

2007-09-06 14:34:59 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Goal #2 of the United Nations millennium development goals states: "Achieve Universal Education".

Any thoughts on whether this is a realistic goal? Progress has been made toward this goal, but do you believe enough can be made over the remaining few years to ensure primary education is available for all children of the world?

How can it be made possible? What can we do to help?

Any thoughts on this subject are appreciated!

Thanks so much.


2007-09-06 14:34:39 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

fedest.com, questions and answers