I'm not against criticizing military practices or failures, but criticizing the premise of the military as a whole is idiotic.
Neo-hippies love to criticize the military and fantasize getting rid of it, but they should pragmatically think of what would happen to our country without a strong military in our history. During the War of 1812 we would have been taken over by the British, and lived in a monarchy.
In 1946 we would have been taken over by the Fascists and become slaves to their economies.
From 1950-2000, Russia would have taken us over and we would have become the slaves to their Communist economy.
Today, if we all of a sudden lost our military we wouldn't have our sovereignty. We would be fodder to the interests of military and economic powers like Russia, China, and others.
The military protects our sovereignty, which protects our freedoms and liberty. Ironically, these neo-hippies greatly cherish freedom of expression. They can't see the bigger picture.
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