Hillary has some considerable negatives against her from the start. She's a woman, and a lot of people will just never vote for a woman--ANY woman. She's also a smart, college-educated, successful woman, which allows her enemies to portray her as a calculating b-tch.
The Republicans run campaigns these days by smearing their opponents, telling lies about them over and over, which are repeated by a stenographic media until people think there must be something to them. With Hillary's husband this became a fine art. There were many lies told about Hillary too, and more that they will come up with.
The Repubs see Hillary as a very easy candidate to run against. I believe they are funneling money into her primary campaign because they WANT to run against her. They are treating her like the 'presumptive' candidate, hoping the media will parrot them, and then she will -become- the presumptive candidate.
The Repubs call her a 'liberal' but she isn't really at all. Hillary and her husband are just what Republicans were before the party went off the deep end. What Republicans were when they were still rational.
In 'Sicko' Michael Moore shows how Hillary abandoned her advocacy for universal health care, and after that she got lots of money from the health care and drug companies. Moore used to support her but no longer does.
That being said, Hillary is certainly no more corrupt than anyone on the Republican side. She is not my ideal idea of a presidential candidate, but she is no worse than the rest and definitely better than some. She at least knows how to run a country. She is pragmatic and practical and would not do anything so stupid as to get us into a war that we couldn't win. She and her hubby at least were able to recognize when they'd made a mistake, and to back off and try something else.
So while she might not be the IDEAL president, she'd be a MUCH better president than we have now!
2007-07-24 09:19:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
That's your opinion, everyone is entitled to their own! A lot of the far right would never vote for her, a lot of men (I know it's sexist, but unfortunately true) have a problem voting for a women, plus a lot of people remember the scandals during her husbands presidency. A lot of people look at her as a new way to get Bill back in office...
There are hundreds of reasons I hear all the time, but most of it comes down to personal preferance. Just like you think she "seems to be the most sensible and intelligent" - a lot of people might think so about other candidates!
BTW - to the guy that said McCain was just like Bush... Didn't you hear McCain's speach today? "President bush is by far the worst president we've ever had" Now, how's he like Bush?
OMG I just answered a polical Questionion I promised I'd never do that... ahhh LOL atleast it wasn't biased.
This is gonna get ugly - I'd just close the question!!
2007-07-24 09:10:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous 2
If you have been following Hillary's career over years, you will see some problems.
The biggest career flop might be from the Whitewater Investigation.A guy named Vincent Foster was to be questioned in the investigation. He committed suicide when the investigation was going on. The information that he could have provided was in a briefcase found on Hillary's White House bed.
The second flop could be from her tendency to cut and run. Any opponent is able to wear her down no matter how "strongly" she feels about an issue. It worked with her healthcare project when she was First Lady and worked when she voted for the second war in Iraq. In the end she will stand for nothing, because every lobbiest has her "number/buttons."
2007-07-24 09:32:09
answer #3
answered by gregory_dittman 7
Hillary is packaging and marketing herself to be the perfect candidate that everyone supposedly wants. The problem is she's a master deceiver. Look closely and you'll see that she has no real interest in the American people. Her motivation is POWER, plain and simple. She is an extreme liberal whose ultimate aim is a socialist state where all the people rely 100% on the government (READ: She believes people like you and me are too stupid to make decisions for ourselves or make it through life on our own), so her solution is a throwback to the former Soviet Union where the state is God and she is the supreme authority. She only knows how to work the system to forward her own selfish agenda. No wonder over half the registered female Democrat voters said in a recent USA Today poll that they wouldn't vote for her.
2007-07-24 09:13:04
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Oh, she knows how to work the system alright.
She turned a $5,000 investment in Cattle Futures into $100,000 in a single year, without being able to explain what they are when asked.
I'm just curious, which Hillary are you so impressed with, the one that voted for the Iraq war, or the one that never supported it? The one that says we'll have troops there for a decade or more, or the one that says we need to pull out now?
How about the one that says as Americans we have the right to debate and disagree, or maybe the one that wants the field of candidates cut to two as soon as possible.
2007-07-24 09:10:13
answer #5
answered by open4one 7
I agree 100% with you. I have not heard one fact about why I should not vote for her. It's usually an opinion of her-saying that she's going to be like her husband. Who I might say, isn't blood related, and has different opinions than his wife. I mean I understand the concept of "like mother like daughter", but Hillary through out her years has spent alone without Bill, so she doesn't have as much influence from Bill. We really can't judge Hillary becuase of Bill, an when people do, it just shows you how ignorant we can be. I've seen Hillary travel the world-helping, woman, men, and children of all kinds dealing with their issues, and she has been succesful. I believe she has been one of the most active first lady's -and I believe that she will bring this ambition to the White House. Not to mention that a woman's mind is far different from a man's, so change for America right now could be the best thing.
2007-07-24 09:15:56
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The sad answer is she's a woman, which unfortunately is the only reason a lot of people hate her...
Another reason is that she's pro universal health care and other liberal ideas.
She's also smart. She went to Yale after all (Not easy). And although that's a good thing, people hate her for it. As depressing as it is, people who go to Princeton, Harvard, and other good schools have to hide it. You don't hear Conan announcing his graduation from Harvard and the majority of the people you meet have no idea that he did. So jealousy, that's another reason. Luckily she's leading in the polls. Personally i think people are going to see how weak Obama is and i just can't even consider the possibility of a republican getting in office again. So that's my 2 cents.
2007-07-24 09:11:50
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
gotta question someone who was rooting for bush Jr...McCain.
But if you really listen, I think Bill Richardson is the most capable of actually making a difference in politics.
The only thing I dont like about hilary is that she plays position too much, whereas someone like Richardson sets his mind on the goal and goes after it.
Thats what we need!!!!
More than someone whos mastered the political game
Hilary says she has the scars from her universal healthcare attempt, and wears those with pride.
But she never had any reulsts to show for it.
Look at Richardsons Resume -- you will see nothing BUT results
2007-07-24 09:05:00
answer #8
answered by writersbIock2006 5
She just bashed Oboma for his strategy for dealing with unfriendly countries. The funny thing is that she was all about said strategy in April. She flips and flops more than a fish out of water. She is also a socialist to the extreme.
2007-07-24 09:05:08
answer #9
answered by JAY O 5
This person says what you want to hear, and if she were speaking to me she'd say what I want to hear. The left is enamored with her and they forgive \ forget her constant change on issues, political rhetoric and she even looks like a clown promising lolipops if you ask me.
2007-07-24 09:04:00
answer #10
answered by netjr 6