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Politics & Government - 10 July 2007

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I'm a white male. I'm wondering if I could keep the law at bay by hanging out in a church.

2007-07-10 05:10:15 · 22 answers · asked by RP McMurphy 4 in Immigration

Seems that here is an abundance of libs who are self appointed legal experts, calling for the impeachment of President Bush. Do any of them have a clue what they are talking about? Isn't the proof "in the pudding"? IF there had indeed been an impeachable offense, wouldn't the Dem. politicians be all over it like flies on a rib roast?

2007-07-10 05:09:17 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Sets the Price and Not the president of the USA

2007-07-10 05:04:09 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-07-10 05:00:47 · 11 answers · asked by Csbbot 1 in Politics

I know alot of people join when they are 17....18.........

im about to turn 24........if i join, would i be an outkast because of my age? or not really.


2007-07-10 04:59:17 · 21 answers · asked by Moore55 4 in Military

This is simply a general question. Why is it that Wills and Trusts are often disputed yet when a Gym, Tanning Salon and other known entities that straight up lie to get people to sign their life away seem to get away with it? It does not seem like it should be legal to lie to someone fraudulently manipulate them and hear "Well you should have just read the small well written print."

2007-07-10 04:58:08 · 13 answers · asked by Torn 1 in Law & Ethics

By elevated greenhouse gas emission? I'm talking published scientists working in the field, not TV meteorologists, not joe blow blog writer but published scientists working in the field.

I'm asking because I see all these answers saying there's disagreement about this issue in the scientific community but that's not what I hear/ read.

Thumbs up if you supply a link. And if you don't know, don't bother answering...

2007-07-10 04:54:06 · 10 answers · asked by Dastardly 6 in Politics

2007-07-10 04:53:40 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

A customer my co-worker was dealing with over a long course of time, mostly over e-mail, just got penalized financially for not taking care of a customer's needs. The customer says she tried and tried to get certain features added on to her account and e-mailed these e-mail conversations as "proof" to my co-worker's manager.

The problem is, is that the original e-mails sent to her from my co-worker were modified to change what my co-worker stated as well as the reply for personal gain, and was sent as "proof" to the manager. Unfortunately for the customer, the original unmodified e-mails were kept untouched on the server.

Case in Point:

(X is Company; C is Customer)

Original E-Mail:

C: I want Feature A on Acct A
X: Feature B is better
C: No, feature A plz


C: I want Feat B on Acct A
X: OK, Sure!
C: OK, Great! Thanks!

I kid you not, it was that blatent.

So, my question to all of you, is this illegal - and if so, what crime does it fall under?

2007-07-10 04:51:13 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

So I heard that Nancy Pelosi was trying to impeach Bush on the news. Thats crap, i agree Bush isn't the best presedent, but he hasn't done anything to get impeached. Not like cheat on his wife, or something like the watergate. I REALLYdon't like her, and cant wait untill shes out of office.

What do you think?

2007-07-10 04:49:24 · 37 answers · asked by Alayna 3 in Politics

Does an individual really need 10 billion dollars?

How about a 1 billion dollar cap?

500 million?

20 billion?

100 billion?

Any excess money the individual recieves from going over the cap goes to fund something good(education, health, parks, whatever).

2007-07-10 04:47:01 · 12 answers · asked by chevydan6 2 in Government

"24% of Americans approve and 71% disapprove of the way the DEMOCRAT controlled Congress is handling its job. Congressional approval is down five points since last month and more than 10 points from the higher support levels in January and February following the Democratic takeover."


Who are the last hold outs? Ho do you live with yourselves?

2007-07-10 04:43:04 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

would like to know in south carolina, can a i take a warent out for a servicwe man bracking up a home, wife left for a military man,
and left child, cold turkey. need to know if i can get him for anything, thanks

2007-07-10 04:41:19 · 2 answers · asked by LISA M 1 in Law & Ethics

Do you think the term has a positive or negative effect on your party?

2007-07-10 04:38:34 · 14 answers · asked by CHARITY G 7 in Elections

Instead of 83 she made me 1982. I am being sued b/c I cancelled membership but they don't have any documentation. they have sent the rest of the contract to creditors and they are trying to collect the rest since at the time it was considered a "loan" I was taking out to pay monthly dues. Are there any lawyers in nyc to do this for free, or lawyers at all? do I have a valid case? What can i do about it?

2007-07-10 04:38:02 · 4 answers · asked by Mishio 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-07-10 04:33:41 · 5 answers · asked by Erica J 1 in Government

Hamas is listed by the U.S. as a terrorist organization. Palestinians voted for Hamas to lead them. The United States spends millions of dollars a year supporting Palestinians (via our funding of UNRWA) to the tune of about $300 million dollars...yet Palestinians hate us. Why do we continue to fund them?

for funding of UNRWA.

See http://pewresearch.org/ for surveys on attitueds toward America

2007-07-10 04:29:17 · 5 answers · asked by Brand X 6 in Politics

where is the outrage on the left?

2007-07-10 04:28:30 · 10 answers · asked by NAMELESS ID 1 in Politics

No one seems to be talking about our sinking economy, but terrorism is the talk of the town again just because some cars were set on fire in the UK.

2007-07-10 04:27:19 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Like music? I like music. Jazz, especially. I spend some of my income on jazz CDs, have a lot of Miles, some Getz... The government could, if it wanted to, take $10 from each of us and provide each of us with the same CD that I might pay $15 for now, generating efficiency through scale.

And if I were in charge of rating countries' standards of living, I'd include access to jazz as a measure of standard of living and that might score the US some points.

Except that NOT EVERYONE LIKES JAZZ. Thus, if you don't like jazz, you're NOT better off, your standard of living is not better, it's worse because you're out the $10.

Not everyone likes parks as much as the next person, not everyone gets sick often enough for socialized medicine to make sense for them, etc......

There is no "government funding" - it's the government forcing the citizens to buy something that not all the citizens would buy on their own. It's more efficient but only if you were going to buy it.

2007-07-10 04:26:40 · 18 answers · asked by truthisback 3 in Politics

They told me to be happy George Bush is president. You know who's next in line, Dick Cheney. Would you rather him president? Just imagine how many people we will be fighting then. I told him he made a great point. Do you agree?

2007-07-10 04:24:31 · 5 answers · asked by hotboy 225 1 in Government

2007-07-10 04:22:45 · 11 answers · asked by Austin W 3 in Military

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