Since some are to poor to buy the cd or have cable I will try to explain .
Its world in which you are watched 24 hours a day . Your phones tapped and a police state in charge of every thing .
No more crime or terrorism and also all freedom gone . You wake to work and serve the Police state .
Books , paintings ,music, is censored and banned by the authorities for your own good .
Many people are very happy with this and many are not .
I see this as our future . Cameras on all corners , phones tapped , and television spitting out propaganda like fox news already does all day .
A police state and more prisons , a bigger military and more spending on it . Heavy taxes to pay for all this protection and control to prevent a bomb from killing a few thousand people while enslaving everyone .
I see conservatives leading us down this path .
They always say if you have nothing to hide, are not breaking the law, then why worry about your phones or records being reviewed . This scares me .
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