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Politics & Government - 23 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I've read websites that says he did, but I have not found the original quote cited and dated. Anybody know when and where he said this? I don't want to be like cons and attribute a FAKE quote to somebody just because they founded on quoted.com (without a source and date).


"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."
- Dwight D. Eisenhower, Chance for Peace, April 1953

2007-04-23 18:45:14 · 1 answers · asked by trovalta_stinks_2 3 in Politics

Today, long after the second world war, many contempary Germans would not like what the Nazis had done. Many of them felt ashamed to be living with this history. Many Germans also feel insulted if anyone tries associate Nazism with them. Many noble Germans have also publicly denounced Nazism.

However, it seems the same cannot be said of the Japanese. It seems many Japanese today have not come to terms with what the Japanese military did in the second world war. The Japanese government has yet to issue a sincere apology to the countries they invaded. Neither have they paid compensation to their victims. The remains of some convicted war criminals were even enshrined in the Yasukuni war shine which led to the international furore currently in place.

Why is it the Japanese did not come to terms with the past misdeeds their forefathers had committed? Why is it most of them even deny holocasts such as the Rape of Nanjing existed? What caused them to take such an attitude?

Some even felt they were victimised!

2007-04-23 18:41:44 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

can anyone explain what habeas corpus is?

2007-04-23 18:40:53 · 7 answers · asked by Tom 2 in Law & Ethics

Who would you like to plan to vote for Democratic presidential '08?

Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
John Edwards
Al Gore

I like John Edwards, I am planning to vote for him next year. I will not change my mind.

2007-04-23 18:37:32 · 6 answers · asked by bripurplefd 1 in Elections

that if we don't stop driving autos today or stop fueling up we are all dead.

2007-04-23 18:27:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I was reading today about Boris Yeltsin's death and how he was able to help stop a coup against Mikhail Gorbachev in 1991 when a bunch of high-ranking military officers took control of government buildings in Moscow, at which point Yeltsin jumped up on one of the tanks to stop them, effectively halting their actions because he was a high-ranking government official.

We don't have a government and/or parliamentary structure like various governments that have been overthrown in a coup, but it got me to thinking, is it theoretically possible to stage a coup and overthrow the government? Would it take a bunch of military officers taking control of buildings in D.C.? Or would it be more complicated than that? I know for instance that by law Congress can only meet at the U.S. Capitol except under extraordinary circumstances, but if, for example, Flight 93 had hit the Capitol or White House on 9/11, what would this have done to government if, say, Congress had nowhere to meet?

2007-04-23 18:25:17 · 12 answers · asked by Michael S 2 in Politics

I was reading today about Boris Yeltsin's death and how he was able to help stop a coup against Mikhail Gorbachev in 1991 when a bunch of high-ranking military officers took control of government buildings in Moscow, at which point Yeltsin jumped up on one of the tanks to stop them, effectively halting their actions because he was a high-ranking government official.

We don't have a government and/or parliamentary structure like various governments that have been overthrown in a coup, but it got me to thinking, is it theoretically possible to stage a coup and overthrow the government? Would it take a bunch of military officers taking control of buildings in D.C.? Or would it be more complicated than that? I know for instance that by law Congress can only meet at the U.S. Capitol except under extraordinary circumstances, but if, for example, Flight 93 had hit the Capitol or White House on 9/11, what would this have done to government if, say, Congress had nowhere to meet?

2007-04-23 18:24:59 · 13 answers · asked by Michael S 2 in Military

2007-04-23 18:21:26 · 5 answers · asked by bernard m 1 in Elections

George Soros is their bank; he spends millions on Move On dot Org and filters money to Media Matters among various other left wing organizations - including the Center for Islamic American Relations. The left constantly decries the contributions of the wealthy - why the hypocrocy?

2007-04-23 18:19:50 · 9 answers · asked by netjr 6 in Politics

Just curious as to what you think about this and why. I was reading Dr. Laura's blog about this in light of the tragic events at Virginia Tech and this is what she had to say:
I believe every household should have at least one person trained and certified to shoot a gun. I believe every young person between 18 and 20 years of age should be required to receive compulsory military training. Over 70 nations in the world require some level of compulsory military service on the part of their young citizens including countries such as Austria, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. Why shouldn’t the United States be as prepared as these countries? I believe we as Americans should be equipped mentally and physically to protect ourselves, our family, and our Country

What do you think?

2007-04-23 18:18:24 · 14 answers · asked by schneeballe 2 in Military

Hi everyone. I need some help. I am working on a group paper for a managment class and was assigned the topic on hair folicle drug tests used in the military and their impact on the work force. I've done some research, but have not found quite enough info. Anyway, do they give hair folicle tests or urinealysis tests to those go to boot camp or officer canidate school? Do they give them to servicepeople throughout their careers? and whats the penalties if they get caught? by the way, if anyone has any links, that would be awsome. Thank you everyone.

2007-04-23 18:16:48 · 5 answers · asked by Sarah b 1 in Military

give me some link in support of the question.........

2007-04-23 18:16:28 · 5 answers · asked by sahana 2 in Military

I give them -50 and a slap on their face.

2007-04-23 18:14:44 · 8 answers · asked by Lancaid 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Or would they crucify him again?

2007-04-23 18:12:52 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


2007-04-23 18:09:39 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Were tombstones of Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe or Nazi Party members who died during Hitler's reign engraved with swaztikas or other Nazi insignia?

If so, what happened post-WWII when the period of denazification took place and Nazi-related symbols were outlawed?

2007-04-23 18:09:12 · 3 answers · asked by Mr. Hands 1 in Military

I just heard the mayor of my city saying that on TV, but I'm not certain....please enlighthen me !

2007-04-23 18:08:37 · 9 answers · asked by jimbobeavis16 1 in Government

She is over 18 but left school half way through year 11.

2007-04-23 18:07:32 · 6 answers · asked by Louise B 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-04-23 18:06:05 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

"This president may occupy the White House, but for the last six years the position of leader of the free world has remained open. And it is time to fill that role once more."

Do You know who said this today? Do you agree?

2007-04-23 18:04:54 · 13 answers · asked by DEMMY 3 in Politics

How did military horses help during the Civil War? Like be specific please! ^^;

2007-04-23 18:03:12 · 4 answers · asked by Totodile 3 in Military

2007-04-23 18:01:58 · 6 answers · asked by cthulhu will raise 5 in Military

(This is easy to ask because I'm a non-affiliated moderate)

Doesn't all the hate-talk get old after a while?

Could cooperation produce faster results?

Why should it take a major conflagration like 9/11 to get us to bury the hatchet?

OK, that was 4 questions, but I'm on a roll!

2007-04-23 18:01:11 · 14 answers · asked by James 4 in Politics

a mother of 3 boyz 6/9/12....wanting to marry or live with an offender of more than 10 yrs involving a 15yr old when he was 26. it was consentual but parents pressed charges, no further charges or problems have come about since...including his current situation now.

2007-04-23 17:58:26 · 15 answers · asked by confused 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

read the whole question before answering please.

Whenever Liberals cant argue on their position they will SOMETIMES say the opposition is injecting their religion. Whats wrong with that? freedome of religion is the foundation of this country. Also, If laws cant be faith based then are you saying a person who has faith cant hold public office. Then it only reasons, that people of faith shouldnt be allowed to vote either. All 3 are linked, so stop with this stupid arguement

2007-04-23 17:57:00 · 10 answers · asked by wisemancumth 5 in Law & Ethics

do some of you "pro-choice" people realize how unbelievably ridiculus it sounds to contend that the pro life people all have a massive agenda to take away women's rights and force a theocratic agenda onto strangers i they dotn even know???

what may of you are saying is this is the goal of a typical person who labels themself pro- life.....

2007-04-23 17:55:51 · 11 answers · asked by ya ok....sure 2 in Politics

We have homeless people living less than a mile away from the White House. But yet we want to go and save all the other countries people. Wouldn't it be better to use our resources to help our own, then try to help everyone else? How can I help someone in need when I am in need as well?

2007-04-23 17:54:13 · 8 answers · asked by merlinsmagik78 1 in Other - Politics & Government

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