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Politics & Government - 10 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

My best friend, a wonderful girl, but a flake, says she is having a clandestine affair with a Marine. She lives in the South, where we are from. She wants to use my family's vacation home down there for a "tryst". I think from what she is saying that he is going to "sneak away" from his service a weekend. She says he is married but in the process of divorce and doesn't want to give his wife any more ammunition or embarrass her. I don't believe that a Marine is having an affair but she is given to problematic/complicated relationships (she dated a Black guy in high school kept a secret from her parents; married a man who used someone else's identity; went to Saudi Arabia and got stuck there and guy was turned down to live in the US) and she has never lied to me before. So what I am asking is, is this possible, and should I let her use my family's vacation home? Should I alert the Marines if he comes there? I wouldn't even consider doing this but she has done so much for me.

2007-04-10 11:17:15 · 10 answers · asked by sunflowersunshine s 2 in Military

Mother passed away a she had a house that she was still making mortgage payments on.
There are 2 silbings left. Mother didn't get a chance to add our names. What do we do with the house? Can we sell it. The payments
are still being made.

2007-04-10 11:16:11 · 3 answers · asked by Gerri B 1 in Law & Ethics

They are enriching uranium and announcing it to the world. We don't talk to Iran, so no diplomatic end will be sought.

Welcome to World War III

I can see what's coming a mile away. Iran is a moron and Bush believes in Armageddon. You do the math.

We are all so stupid...

2007-04-10 11:13:43 · 16 answers · asked by ScooterLibby 3 in Politics

They all sound the same every four years, when an election comes up. Promising you everything under the sun. They are more like good salesmen, trying to get you to buy into what they are selling. So why do we keep falling for the same old crap,especially the ones that are so old that they can't even stay awake doing their job.(The ones you see at some of the speeches in the background nodding off). Out of the fraction of Americans that do actually vote,only a fraction of them know exactly what they are voting in.

2007-04-10 11:13:14 · 7 answers · asked by ? 2 in Politics

My friends put peanut butter on the back of some kids jacket when on the bus. When he found out his mom called me and said she wanted money for the bookback that was ruined we gave her 30 but she wanted 40 or she told us she would tell the school is this legal?

2007-04-10 11:12:20 · 10 answers · asked by soccer349 1 in Law & Ethics

invaded Tomarrow and called on an all out Jihad on our land.. And they wanted to fight us in a combat style battle, car bombs and all. How would you defend yourselves? Would you all gather and protest them in the streets or would you attack them with your enlightened words? I know what me and my family would do, We are prepared to exercise our 2nd amendment right!!!

2007-04-10 11:11:15 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

My mom needs to kick my 24 yr old brother out and don't know how to go about doing it because she verbally tells him to leave and he tells her he dont have to so how could she get him out legally and its in grove city ohio she has tried calling the local police there but they are no help either

2007-04-10 11:05:24 · 7 answers · asked by isthisthingon79 3 in Law & Ethics

well the speed limit was 45, and i was going 75...yeah i know how stupid of me, but any advice on how i can get my ticket reduced ? it's $224. does it matter if the officer doesnt show up or not ? please helpp!

2007-04-10 11:05:17 · 7 answers · asked by ali_ed2001 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

Please give a link to the information if there is one.

2007-04-10 10:58:57 · 1 answers · asked by Kenster102.5 6 in Government

Nothing can put the big hurt on Oil companies more than global warming.

Since Big Oil contributes 95% to Republicans and averages only about 5% to 8% to democrats, could this be an attempt to take away some of the power that the Republicans hold so dear?

If you think about it, it makes sense! A rapid push to change enviromental awarness will hurt Big Oil and will hurt the GOP!

But how bad will it hurt us at the pump. I don't think anyone want to step on the toes of big oil, so Global Warming is the next best thing - an indirect attack.




Is that why Republicans have been crying foul and claiming Global Warming isn't real?

2007-04-10 10:57:09 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

And how come major issues such as the economy, health and education get so little attention in comparison? I'm not saying that abortion and gay marriage should not be discussed in elections. They are not insignificant, but in comparison to the above, they are very MINOR issues that just seem to be fashionable at the moment. They don't even affect 95% of the population, and the 5% that they DO apply to, have much bigger worries anyhow, such as how to make ends meets etc. Why do people worry so much about these issues and ignore the big issues that their very survival depends upon?

2007-04-10 10:54:32 · 13 answers · asked by musutut 1 in Elections

I was hoping for more out of them when they took over congress. Why not fight to fix social security, medicare or the alt min tax? I am disillusioned and wonder if either party is worth their weight in manure.

2007-04-10 10:54:00 · 12 answers · asked by cheatsheet101 1 in Other - Politics & Government

father who took them to football games? Or, is it possibly that their mothers required them to help scrub floors on their hands and knees as a child? Alternatively, is it a hormonal issue involving an unusual level of estrogen in the blood? Finally, is it just that their family members have never had anything other than government jobs and do not have aspirations?

2007-04-10 10:53:09 · 33 answers · asked by Kim 1 in Politics

The US is still the greatest country in the world, but we are quickly slipping. There will always be some things Democrats and Republicans fight about, but here is a list I think we can ALL agree upon:

Iraq War: OK, our intelligence was wrong. There were no WMD's. But, if we leave now, the country will fall apart and they will hate us even more. So let's get the job finished QUICKLY so we can get our boys back home.

Global Warming: Man made or not? Who cares? Quit with all the scare tactics. Our globe is a mess and we need to clean it up, but Al Gore's scare tactics are only causing bickering. So let's clean up our Earth, and get prepared for warmer climate (because even if it is man-made, we can't stop it)

Racism: OK, racism is over. Forget idiots like Michael Richards and Don Imus, it is just as easy for a qualified black man to get a job as a qualified white man. Let's drop the ethnic slurs, let's get rid of Affirmative Action and become a colorblind society. Sorry Jesse and Al, you'll be out of a job.

Any sex offender or murderer goes to prison for life. Why bother rehabilitating them? Anyone who rapes or kills another person or has sex with someone under the age of consent goes to jail. For life. How will this hurt our society?

And last, this is a minor one but it really bothers me. Can’t we get an unbiased news network? CNN and MSNBC lean to the left, and Fox News leans to the right. Can’t we get a news network that just airs ALL the news (not just news they deem worthy –CNN-), and doesn’t tell us how to think about it -Fox News-?

2007-04-10 10:49:06 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Hi Everyone!

What if I were to tell you that the results of the next local, state, or even Presidential election could be controlled by a handfull of people with just a very basic understanding of computers?

In his new book, "Brave New Ballot", Dr. Aviel Rubin points out the blatant security flaws inherent in the new generation of electronic DRE voting machines.

According to Dr. Rubin:

"The electronic voting machines being used in 37 states are vulnerable to tampering, and because the manufaturers are not required to reveal -- even to the government -- how they operate, voters will never know if their votes are recorded accurately."

"All votes are recorded on a single removable card similar to the one in a digtal camera. There is no way to determine if the card or the code that operates the machine have been tampered with."

"It's very easy to change votes, There's no way to determine if that has happened."

Now is our chance to fight back! There is currently l

2007-04-10 10:45:23 · 17 answers · asked by trickledown 1 in Other - Politics & Government

How can sane human beings believe it is okay to destroy one of the earliest stages of human life in order to MAYBE help people who have experienced life already?

America should most certainly be above this.
We are founded on morals that this idea just mangles.

2007-04-10 10:43:01 · 18 answers · asked by Tom C 3 in Politics


WHY does everyone think it is OK to bash President Bush?? He is the leader of the free world. He's not a bad guy. I agree, he is not the most eloquent guy in the world, but who is? I can't think of any other president in history that has garnered more criticism, but many have done worse things. Why? And not just because he's a republican, that's not an answer.

2007-04-10 10:42:46 · 47 answers · asked by sippigrrrl 4 in Politics

in the world set us to a war based on lies and refuses to do what most Americans want and goes about his way as though his way is the only way? Just to real to be funny,don't you think?

2007-04-10 10:42:10 · 9 answers · asked by Dennis M 1 in Government

2007-04-10 10:34:01 · 2 answers · asked by flandargo 5 in Other - Politics & Government

My friend made it through basic and AIT but then before he was transferred to his unit he went to his commanding officers and told them about his gambling problems and how he needed to get help right away.. They didnt do anything at first so his family contacted red cross and the red cross contacted the military and he got a 10 day leave before going to his unit... He never made it back to the army. He was been gone for two years and he went to GA for his gambling help and he searched for god and found help there... It has been 2 years AWOL and he has gotten pulled over by the cops once for a speeding ticket and went to court... He has a good job where they run a background check on him... Hes bought a house and a new car... All of this while he was AWOL... And now that hes gotten the help he has saved up money for his family while hes gone he wants to know what happens now with the AWOL and why they havent hunted him down or arrested him when he was pulled over or bought a house????

2007-04-10 10:32:48 · 7 answers · asked by frank g 1 in Law & Ethics

It's almost an exact likeness. Should I try selling it on eBay?

2007-04-10 10:32:19 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Maryland is poised to become the first state to approve giving its electoral votes for president to the winner of the national popular vote, rather than to the candidate chosen by state voters.
The plan, passed Monday by the state House, would take effect only if states representing a majority of the nation's 538 electoral votes adopted the same change.

Some states are considering the move as a way to avoid a scenario in which a candidate wins the national popular vote but loses in the Electoral College, as Democrat Al Gore lost to George W. Bush in 2000.


2007-04-10 10:29:42 · 11 answers · asked by Myles D 6 in Elections

even at the local scale, do they not realize this? that wont ever happen

2007-04-10 10:16:07 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-04-10 10:13:54 · 13 answers · asked by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 in Politics

2007-04-10 10:10:21 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I choose to look at both sides of each argument from liberals and conservatives then contrast each against reality so I can appreciate EDUCATED points on both sides. Looking back at Bush's presidency and Clinton's, we can conclude that both of these men lied. The question is which lie was more damaging, cheating on your wife or not finding weapons of mass destruction. Since both sides insist that the other party does damage to American progression, I try to look at which administration caused the most damage objectively. Which President, Bush or Clinton, caused the most strife and suffering? Which president has helped progress the country? Again I didn't like Clinton and I'm certainly not fond of Bush, just looking for opinions. Thanks.

2007-04-10 10:09:25 · 11 answers · asked by Gabriel Anton 2 in Politics

What would happen if one country decided to claim the moon as its territory? There's no legal precedent over this, I don't think. This could start an international incident.

2007-04-10 10:08:28 · 8 answers · asked by trer 3 in Other - Politics & Government

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